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Recipes: 8698
Recipe Author Time Rating
HIC's Almond Roca Butter Cookies Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:30 (3)
HIC's Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:30 (0)
HIC's Swiss Bliss (premium chocolate bar!) Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:30 (2)
HIC's Toscanello Fondente (Chocolate Tuscano Cigar) Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:29 (1)
HIC's Cinna-Rum Mocha Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:27 (0)
HIC's Swiss Chocolate-Covered Brandied Cherries Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:25 (0)
HIC's Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshake Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:22 (1)
HIC's Chocolate Lava Cake Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:20 (1)
HIC's Irish Mocha Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:19 (1)
HIC's Bailey's Mint Chocolate Cream Liqueur Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:14 (0)
HIC's German-Chocolate Haze Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:14 (2)
HIC's Toblerone Chocolate Bar Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:13 (0)
HIC's Ferrero Rocher (Nutella truffles) Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:12 (3)
HIC's Creamy Strawberry Malt+ Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:12 (2)
HIC's Nutella Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:10 (1)
HIC's White Chocolate Coconut-Lime Truffles Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:09 (0)
HIC's Baileys Orange Truffle Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:08 (1)
HIC's White Chocolate Cappuccino Truffles Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:07 (0)
HIC's Cafe Mocha (clone) Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:07 (0)
HIC's White Irish Peach Gravatar Vurecipesforll Jan 8. 2015, 22:06 (1)
choc cherry cubano Gravatar aubim Jan 8. 2015, 21:44 (1)
Arnie's Chocolate Frosted Donut Gravatar Arnie Jan 8. 2015, 15:20 (0)
Hazelnut Chocolate Toffee Gravatar jez303 Jan 8. 2015, 13:09 (0)
Arnie's German Chocolate Cake Gravatar Arnie Jan 5. 2015, 04:51 (1)
Salient night Gravatar Mr Vape Dec 24. 2014, 15:43 (0)

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