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Recipes: 8698
Recipe Author Time Rating
Dirty Monkey 10ml Gravatar Menace21 Aug 24. 2014, 23:12 (0)
Arnie's Mint Chocolate Chip Gravatar Arnie Aug 21. 2014, 19:22 (1)
Arnie's Rocky Road Gravatar Arnie Aug 21. 2014, 19:16 (1)
Ecto Chocolate Brownie Gravatar Zyklon-B Aug 21. 2014, 01:24 (1)
Caramelized chocobiscuit 0.6%! Gravatar Shuin Aug 19. 2014, 22:05 (0)
Choco-nilla cream 10 Gravatar Menace21 Aug 19. 2014, 20:16 (1)
Double Chocolate Gravatar HabuVapor Aug 18. 2014, 03:21 (0)
Chocolate Coconut Almond Gravatar HabuVapor Aug 18. 2014, 03:19 (0)
Chocolate Covered Cherrys Gravatar Steace Aug 16. 2014, 07:52 (0)
Banana & Mint Chocolate Chips Cookies Gravatar rob jr Aug 12. 2014, 01:21 (1)
Rasberry Cheesecake 30ml Gravatar BJM Aug 9. 2014, 22:46 (0)
DCR (Dark Chocolate Raspberry) Gravatar jgold Aug 5. 2014, 23:07 (0)
Peanut ChocOcup Gravatar iredmedia Aug 5. 2014, 06:15 (0)
Smores Night Gravatar iredmedia Aug 5. 2014, 06:14 (0)
Custardwear stains Gravatar iredmedia Aug 3. 2014, 21:14 (0)
Red Velvet Custard Gravatar Kerosive Jul 30. 2014, 22:17 (0)
Peach Waffle Vanilla Gravatar Dejay Jul 30. 2014, 07:55 (0)
The Pleasant Groin Kick (Blue Sperry V2.8) Gravatar jbushman26 Jul 29. 2014, 18:23 (0)
chocolate almond Gravatar GHOST Jul 28. 2014, 06:23 (0)
Heisen Choc-O-Berry Gravatar Heisenvapor Jul 23. 2014, 18:49 (1)
Double Thin Mints Gravatar hsrob1 Jul 23. 2014, 00:03 (0)
Fondu Faceplant Gravatar Jack Jul 21. 2014, 07:59 (0)
Tighty Whities Gravatar lcurtis1160 Jul 20. 2014, 03:59 (0)
Chocolate covered strawberry Gravatar Randy Jul 19. 2014, 18:59 (2)
Gosport waffles Gravatar Bigmac78 Jul 18. 2014, 19:35 (0)

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