Sunrise & Cream 

Gravatar - by JoJo, Mar 16. 2015, 03:12


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

The TPA Strawberry's scent is really strong, but the flavor is just okay. When I get Cap's Sweet strawberry or a strawberries and cream I'm going to try adding that. I upped the orange, but I think it may need more.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by David28470, Mar 28. 2015, 13:43
I'm gonna try this with the Inawera Strawberry. It is really strong, tastes like fresh picked. I"ll let you know how it turns out.
#2 by Hundike, Apr 12. 2015, 20:09
I made this with Sweet Strawberry and a little less Bavarian Cream, smells good, I hope it will also taste the same! If it's too sweet I might try fresh cream instead.
#3 by JoJo, Apr 12. 2015, 21:19
Thanks! Let me know how it goes! :)
#4 by Joshuafeet, Jul 18. 2015, 10:58
I've heard good things about using TFA Strawberry Ripe and CAP Sweet Strawberry at a 1:1 ratio for a more full bodied strawberry flavor,
I'm gonna try that out with this recipe and will update with results :)
#5 by Joshuafeet, Jul 19. 2015, 10:24
Added CAP Sweet Strawberry and it turned out really good! I didn't get a chance to try out v2 yet but I'll make my way around to it :)
#6 by JoJo, Jul 19. 2015, 16:16
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know! :)
#7 by DarthVapor, Jul 22. 2015, 00:44
I just mixed this up Jo and I love it, bravo! I actually added 5% of organic straw to mine and the strawberry REALLY pops now!

The only thing is, I don't really pick up any of the orange which is very strange? I may raise it 1-2% after it steeps a week to be safe
#8 by JoJo, Jul 22. 2015, 00:58
Agreed, Darth. I think I upped it in v2. Cap's juicy orange is pretty weak and so-so if you ask me. I'm anxious to get another and try again.
#9 by DarthVapor, Jul 22. 2015, 02:14
Havent looked at your v2 yet, this is what I did and I LOVE it
Organic straw@5

Thank you! Props ;)
#10 by JoJo, Jul 22. 2015, 02:29
Thanks! Cheers! :)
#11 by Tony Dolan, Oct 6. 2015, 22:51
This is the nicest I've made so far. Thanks
#12 by john70, Nov 20. 2015, 04:11
If the juicy orange by cap is weak JoJo, what if I sub with FA Orange? Any recommendations?
#13 by john70, Nov 20. 2015, 04:12
How did your other versions of strawberry go? Trying to decide how I want to make this?
#14 by JoJo, Nov 20. 2015, 13:12
I don't have FA Orange, but I did a version with Flavorah Orange Citrus that was much closer to what I was going for (Strawberry orange Julius) with this. I imagine any other Orange flavor would work, especially FA. I'd start at 2%.
#15 by Tjroehr, Dec 5. 2015, 20:45
honestly, after a week of steeping its still really harsh and not that tasty
#16 by Snap, Jun 11. 2016, 22:09
What could u use instead of the orange
#17 by Moonpievapors, Oct 9. 2016, 04:11
The fundamentals of this recipe don't make any sense.
#18 by StiVi, Feb 21. 2018, 07:24
Ive mixed it, tried it and did not liked it!
Even after a steep of ~ 3 weeks did not helped it.
Something was really off to me in this recipe, strange flavor "no character", sorry hard for me to describe. But then again this is just me: Your experience may vary :)
Anyways thanks for sharing!
#19 by Andrew, Feb 3. 2019, 04:45
Very good at a 8 week steep!

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