Unicorn Milk (clone) 

Gravatar - by Arkham, Mar 10. 2015, 17:16


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

It feels very similar to Unicorn Milk by Cuttwood, at least to me. It needs steeping though. I tried it 4 days after mixing, and it's good, but I think more steeping is required. I figure because of custard it needs 3-4 weeks. Will update on steeping.

Update: After a 8 days of steeping, the custard notes became much mellower. The juice is very smooth, but the strawberry also became mellower. I like it, but maybe needs more strawberry. Will see what happens after another week.

Update2: I tried it again recently, and basically EM is completely unnecessary. I think it mutes flavors. I will try it with no EM see what happens. It's good, but I like shisha strawberry better than Strawberry RF in this. (cut Cotton Candy from this)

Note: Atomizer is Aqua with dual coils @ 0.6 Ohms.

#1 by johnp, Mar 11. 2015, 00:59
let us know i tried another version but used cap v2 custard because of the tpa 1 i coudnt find any place that had it..i know the v2 over powers the sweet strawberry
#2 by Arkham, Mar 11. 2015, 01:09
TPA's custard doesn't overpower strawberry, but there is this edge that will go away after steeping that is still present. Other than that it has all the ingredients of UM. Maybe concentration needs a bit tweaking, but without side by side comparison they seem to contain the same flavors. It's definitely Strawberry RF that's in UM.
#3 by johnp, Mar 11. 2015, 01:38
Where can I get TPA custard Also what's the difference between the new rf sweet strawberry and the old sweet strawberry
#4 by BrownCoatMonty, Mar 11. 2015, 01:40
Have you tried WizardLabs? They generally have TPA flavors.
#5 by johnp, Mar 11. 2015, 01:45
No never heard of them. I'll have to check them out
#6 by Arkham, Mar 11. 2015, 01:49
I got it directly from TPA.

I think Strawberry RF is the new Sweet Strawberry. Never had an old one. I'm sort of curious now myself.
#7 by johnp, Mar 11. 2015, 01:52
Lol. Ya I've been using the old one. I'm going to have to try the new one to see the difference. Do I have to get that straight from Capella cause I get stuff from one stop shop and they don't have it.
#8 by johnp, Mar 11. 2015, 01:58
Here is a question. Doing a Version of cereal killa having a issue with getting the milky taste. I've tryed dairy,malted milk, about to try condensed milk. But any other I can try
#9 by Arkham, Mar 11. 2015, 04:02
I got my stuff directly from Capella. Flavor West has milk flavor, you can try that. FA has condensed milk. Then you can try Dulche de Leche instead of Bav cream and Sweet cream and sweetener or Malted milk. I've never had cereal killer (don't like cereal), so just looked at the recepie.

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