Ultimate Cheesecake Ice-Cream 

Gravatar - by DIY Vapor, Mar 26. 2017, 21:00

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I've been working on this one for awhile now and I have it down perfect (for me anyway). Take a look at the video for further information and why I used the ingredients that I did.

#1 by crunchynut , Mar 27. 2017, 23:26
Thanks for putting this one out Chris, I'll be mixing this soon as. I think I said in your youtube comments on the video that I may add the strawberry after initial steep but looking at the high percentage it probably will hold. I'll let you know how I get on
#2 by Andrew, Mar 28. 2017, 20:09
Would Yogurt FW work instead of creamy yogurt and if so what percentage should I use?
Sorry for the newbie questions lol but really wanna try this one out.
#3 by Maisiebess, Apr 1. 2017, 04:31
The best iv made, thanks so much
#4 by Suomynona, Apr 15. 2017, 17:49
@Maisiebess This recipe has been posted on the 26th, it needs 21 days steeping but 5 days later you already come and say this is the best?
#5 by crunchynut , Apr 17. 2017, 14:44
@JANS it is odd when people post how good it is when it's not steeped but @Maisiebess has steeped it for 5 days so it might be right for them.
I got round to mixing it up today and will definitely be leaving it the recommended 21 days but will probably try it at 14 days
#6 by crunchynut , Apr 29. 2017, 10:25
Always try after a week coz I couldn't really wait, just what I expected it tastes great and can only get better so back to the steep cupboard it goes
#7 by BTCruiser, May 14. 2017, 04:39
Sorry Chris, this just is not working for me - must be my odd olfactory working as it has that play-doh thing going on, and the room note is like some kind of sun tan lotion. While that sounds bad it is smooth and very vapable, but just does not taste like a strawberry cheesecake Ice cream. I made this on April 20th and I'm vaping it on a Hadaly. I'm wondering if it is the yogurt and the strawberry that is giving me this odd experience.This is my first recipe using a yogurt flavor.
#8 by crunchynut , May 14. 2017, 10:23
@BTCruiser it's a shame Chris rearley replies to his comments on ELR and now YouTube. I mixed it and found it to be a nice cheesecake it's hard to workout which flavours are giving you a bad taste coz none I've found even when using all of these in other recipes give a taste you describe. Only time I've experienced a play-doh taste is when using CAP cake batter. He added the cap yoghurt to give a slight sour note and used CAP coz it's a lot creamier than a Greek yoghurt
#9 by Suomynona, May 14. 2017, 14:16
@BTCruiser & @crunchynut: Come on, you can hardly blame the guy for you not liking his recipe. His hobby is mixing liquids and he shares the recipes that he likes for others to try. If you don't like it, too bad for you. Taste is very subjective. You can't expect him to know what you like or not and what you have to change to make this recipe work for you. The guy has a life besides vaping as well and you can't expect him to give "support" to every single person who might have an issue with an ingredient of his recipe. Move on to a next recipe or try to substitute that flavor for something you do like. That is what all this DIY is about. give it a try and adjust to your own taste. There is no wrong or right in this game. You want to substitute or leave out a flavor, go ahead and if you feel like it, come back and report the results ... or not.
If Chris has to reply personally to every single thing that anyone in the vaping community has to say, he won't have time to work on other things that he can share with the community. You have to respect people's lives, their time, their efforts. Your expectations for something that has been given to you for free are way too high and unrealistic.
I don't like every single recipe from Chris, or every other mixer, and that's fine. People are different, have different taste, and that's great. If everybody was the same, we'd all have a dozen or 2 recipes that we'd have to vape until eternity.
Appreciate the ideas that people put forward and use them as inspiration for your own creations and adaptations. There are quite a few recipes that were average that I have turned into something really great for my taste buds, but I wouldn't have gotten there if it wasn't for the original ideas of these other people. Instead of complaining, show some gratitude or just shut up and make your own recipes from scratch.
#10 by BTCruiser, May 14. 2017, 21:38
Oh I'm not blaming Chris in the least. Been around the mixing scene long enough to know that these more complex recipes can taste good to some and not so good to others. I did not rate the recipe for that very fact cuz I knew it probably is my palette oddity and not the recipe. The recipe actually looks quite good and that is why I mixed it. I like the recipe enough to keep tinkering with it to identify what is causing the off note for me so that I can maybe identify it in the future. Who knows I might even have a off flavor I purchased. I bring this up because I mixed a strawberry doughnut recipe that had high ratings and I got a very similar flavor from it.
#11 by Suomynona, May 15. 2017, 00:20
If you want a quick check to see which flavor it is, take a little shot glass, fill with water and use a couple drops of your suspect flavor in it and have a sip.
Could even be the interaction of 2 or more flavors that have a weird effect, again, the trick with the shot glass of water can often reveal these things without have to mix, go through a steeping process and find out.
#12 by TheFlavorSeeker, May 22. 2017, 17:15
i came back to say this is wonderful - thank you for the efforts balancing this .. i did a slight tweak for my taste, but overall, it's a very well-balanced Cheesecake recipe and one of the best cheesecake mixes i tried so far. well done! cheers,
#13 by crunchynut , May 22. 2017, 21:59
@JANS I actually liked the recipe and I was pointing out if you want a reply off Chris you won't get one on here so try facebook. So your you comment was pointless, telling a experienced mixer what he already knows and telling me he cant reply personally to everyone which is obvious which is why I pointed who asked in the direction of facebook.
#14 by crunchynut , May 22. 2017, 22:08
@JANS I actually liked the recipe and I was pointing out if you want a reply off Chris you won't get one on here so try facebook. So your you comment was pointless, telling a experienced mixer what he already knows and telling me he cant reply personally to everyone which is obvious which is why I pointed who asked in the direction of facebook.
#15 by DIY Vapor, Jun 5. 2017, 14:56
Well Chris is here now lol. I don't expect everyone to like it, everyone's taste buds are different. I appreciate the feedback on this rather than the usual "this is shit" comment. I've heard about the play-doh taste before but can't remember what flavor caused it. This is one of my personal favorites and I always have some on hand. You can also put 1-2% sweetener with it depending on your tastes but I like that little sour note just like real cheesecake. Does it taste like real cheesecake? No not really if I was to be honest but it does taste like the cheesecake ice-cream from Dairy Queen, the one that makes me as fat as I am lol. It is the closest I could get to it.
#16 by Akse, Jun 8. 2017, 10:34
@DIY Vapor Hello, nice recipe. What I can substitute Creamy Yogurt (CAP) with? Any ideas?
#17 by DIY Vapor, Jun 16. 2017, 13:37
@ Akse. You would need something like creek yogurt by TFA. If not just add another 1% cheesecake and enjoy.
#18 by sed, Oct 24. 2019, 05:01
This one is really growing on me. Thanks for posting.
#19 by Meh, Oct 28. 2020, 06:16
this is a great recipe. 2nd mix i changed the strawberries to ones i could taste better, being sb blind and all. it was amazing without tasting the sb but now its just perfect. 5 stars
#20 by Franca, May 9. 2021, 16:21
I am making this for the first time and I'll substitute TFA Strawberry Ripe with CAP Ripe Strawberries! :)
#21 by BigFoot #1, Sep 21. 2021, 13:51
Been steeping for a month now. This my first taste test. I thought I wouldn't get any strawberry after a month steep. I think its strawberry and cream heavy then I get some graham cracker. But not so much that it makes it dry. At first vape the strawberry was way forward but the more I vape the more the strawberry falls in to the middle of the exhale. More I vape it the more I like it. It's blended very well. I would mix again.
#22 by Tony Trunks, Jan 14. 2023, 21:47
I made my own version ro this, with almost the same flavors. After 2 weeks its tasty, graham cracker with chesscake.... But its wierd that I cant taste any strawberry's ( put the same strawberrys with same percentage).
Maybe I need to wait 2 week more.

Thanks for te recipe.

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