Tribeca Clone 26 

Gravatar - by Juicer679, Nov 30. 2013, 07:17


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Not my recipe ... it's from this thread:

Some are reporting better results with half of the Virginia (I made my 1st batch at .5 and my wife likes it better than the real thing)

#1 by apollo, Aug 3. 2014, 01:28
tried this without virginia, it comes out still good after a week, i can taste a graham cracker although didnt place any graham to it.
#2 by, Sep 25. 2014, 03:16
((Removed non-relevant comment from company seeking employees))
#3 by torontomixer, Oct 31. 2015, 05:03
Fantastic clone. I used Virginia by FW instead of FA as I couldn't get my hands on it... Right upon mixing it smelled *exactly* like Tribeca and with steeping I couldn't be happier!
#4 by Konstantinos., Mar 21. 2016, 23:58
I calculate that for 30 ml total , the quantities tripled ??? I'm right ???
#5 by SCABHUNTER, Jun 1. 2016, 18:18
@Konstantinos, if the Flavor has a total: (15.6%) it's right no matter the quantity. 5-10-15-30-35-50ml's. The percentages are the same in all.
#6 by Jc, May 21. 2017, 14:36
Close to original,missing a bit of sweetness, still steeping anyway,1 week so far, cant wait but even now it is a winner!!!!!

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