Sweet Strawberries and Cream (Max VG) 

Gravatar - by freshepies, Apr 10. 2015, 06:09


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by freshepies, Apr 10. 2015, 06:20
About three days of steeping puts this one right in it's sweet spot!
#2 by Elites, Apr 14. 2015, 06:11
Addy I tried this recipe and I love this one. Thanks a lot for sharing with us.
#3 by freshepies, Apr 15. 2015, 09:08
No problem at all!
#4 by Mixmaster, Aug 5. 2015, 18:54
Fresh, found this one on You Tube ...love it thanks bro!
#5 by sillyrabbit, Nov 2. 2015, 01:47
im waitting for more flavors to come in this week and give this a try
#6 by Tony, Jun 26. 2016, 05:41
Fresh I have a strawberry n cream is vape now and
It's alot more tart than sweet....how can I get a strawberries
and cream to be really tart more so than sweet
#7 by Jimmy1life, Jan 3. 2017, 16:48
Caps strawberry and cream gives me hints of cinnamon anyone else notice this real bummer when i want strawberry and only taste cinnamon.
#8 by RedneckVapor304, Jan 5. 2017, 14:18
Hey fresh I don't have cap strawberry and cream I have tfa can I sub with that and would it taste the same
#9 by DiyMixingWithBryan, Feb 25. 2017, 04:53
Lol that's fresh not addy tuney
#10 by Jwoot, Apr 4. 2017, 13:59
Any ideas on how much to bump the flavor percentages to make a 50/50 or even 70/30.... would these percentages still work at 70/30 you think?
#11 by Josh, Apr 22. 2017, 18:45
I mixed mine at 70/30. I also added 2ml of sweetener & I think it made it better. I used vanilla swirl instead of custard.
#12 by Josh's2hi4U2C, Apr 25. 2017, 01:40
I dont have Red touch (Strawberry) From FA, so I Subbed in Capella's Sweet Strawberry instead, do you think it will still be a strong recipe with the Sweet Strawberry instead of Red Touch?
#13 by cincinnatiking, May 13. 2017, 03:22
I swear, I'm always missing ONE flavor!
#14 by Daytimefrank , Jul 21. 2017, 01:51
2 week steep and it's excellent. Lightly sweet and full of flavor.
#15 by JoeG, Sep 5. 2020, 02:08
This recipe is 5 years old, do you still suggest the same percentages?
#16 by freshepies, Sep 5. 2020, 04:36
Nah, you can use all of those flavors way lower.

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