Whipped Bitch 

Gravatar - by jessecast, Dec 1. 2013, 11:45


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by Steelcitybrew, May 22. 2015, 02:07
Great recipe! Been looking for a nice creamy strawberry, a flavor that I wasnt able to achieve from sweet cream or bavarian. Great fresh as well, can't wait for it to steep
#2 by JMFI, Feb 11. 2016, 15:01
How long do you let it steep? I have let it sit for over a week and the flavor is very mild.
#3 by Fuat Abi, Dec 11. 2016, 00:33
Any news or variations for this?
#4 by jamesfo0, Feb 24. 2017, 23:10
Try more of single flavor %s and it should taste more golden
#5 by jamesfo0, Feb 24. 2017, 23:11
Try %10 Strawberry and 6% Cream
#6 by Amlugiel, Apr 6. 2017, 09:50
maybe try combining 2 strawberries. Let's say stawberry (TPA) and Sweet Strawberry(CAP)
#7 by JVapes, Nov 1. 2017, 11:58
Try this:

TFA - Whipped Cream 3%
TFA - Strawberry Ripe 2%
TFA - Dragonfruit 0.5% >>> or 1%
CAP - Sweet Strawberry 3%
FA - Meringue 1%

(Optional) - CAP - Sweet Cream 1%

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