Banana Moon Pie 

Gravatar - by Goathoof, May 2. 2017, 13:53


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
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I added .5g of tfa marshmallow and .25g Vienna to add mouth feel. If you want commercial sweet bring the sweetner up to 2.5%. All props go to cloudymotherchucker as his original moon pie was the inspiration and blueprint for this one.

#1 by Apathy, Jan 15. 2023, 20:15
I made this and cloudys about 6 months ago, just trying em today. I much prefer yours. His has tfa banana cream and yours has lorans. Both of my banana cream flavorings are 6yrs old. So maybe the tfa just doesn't hold up that long, but the lorans is so much more prominent, and just a much more flavorful vape overall. The vienna was a great addition, just barely there enuff to impart flavor but adds alot of fullness to the vape that's not in cloudys. Very well done. Just has that ever so slight spice note that really adds to the vape, and really helps thicken it up. I'll have to get a new bottle of tfas banana cream and try his again. Thanks for sharing.

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