Bourbon Tuscan Reserve v3 

Gravatar - by Kinnikinnick, May 9. 2015, 00:51


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Cut cheesecake (not available) and added custard. Trying to find what gives this such a nice throat hit???

#1 by Jose, Oct 24. 2015, 23:19
I must say this is my favourite version. I guess I'm not that big on cheesecake. I don't hate it but.....
#2 by Kinnikinnick, Oct 24. 2015, 23:26
My daughter is nuts about this juice! She makes sure I always have a batch steeping for when she runs out! Just mixed a 100 ml batch of another version with INW cocopilada for a bit more coconut punch; she loves coconut!

Thx for the comment! And glad you like the mix!
#3 by Jose, Oct 25. 2015, 01:01
Is that a public version? I love coconut too, I could use the INW coconut cookie. Tell your daughter she has excellent taste ;-)
I might have to mix 100 ml myself. I'm finally making a dent in my liquid arsenal, like full cupboard, with the TFV4.
#4 by Kinnikinnick, Oct 25. 2015, 01:16
Just got a TFV4 mini and using the TF-RCA deck; depending on my wicking skills, perhaps I can slow down the guzzler that is the TFV4!

I'll PM you the version VII recipe; and you can replace he cheesecake with whatever you want! Hehe
#5 by Jose, Oct 25. 2015, 12:51
Thanks, just got 100 ml of custard V1. I just love them warning triangles. I put the quadruple coil in the TFV4 to get some empty bottles ;-)
#6 by the_alchemist, Nov 7. 2016, 19:06
One of my favourits but I changed Tobacco DNB (INAWERA) with Perique Black (FA).
#7 by Kinnikinnick, Nov 7. 2016, 22:20
Glad you like it. ; ) It's really a shame that the FA Perique is nothing like a NET version of Perique. But, I guess the FA Perique has a place in the DIY mixing world for those who do not wish to produce a NET of Perique themselves. The FA Perique is certainly is a synthetic tobacco flavor unto itself. If you are a tobacco fan in the least and haven't produced a NET concentrate yourself.....give it a try just once, to experience the true flavor of tobacco in vape form. When done properly, it will astound you.
#8 by Elites, May 28. 2018, 10:06
Thanks a lot for sharing. Which cheesecake you are talking about TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust or Vanilla Custard is fine here? Thanks in advance for your advice and time.
#9 by Kinnikinnick, May 28. 2018, 20:03
Yeah, the TFA/TPA was what I used in previous recipes. It’s all about changing things up a bit on occasion and seeing if another flavor lends a hand in making the mix more/less enjoyable. ; )
#10 by Elites, May 28. 2018, 23:15
Thanks for the reply. Will try.

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