Peach Raspberry Limeade 

Gravatar - by awesomesauce22, Jun 30. 2017, 17:35


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I wanted to make a raspberry limeade like Cobb Roller then I smelled juicy peach and knew I had to use it. This is the resulting concoction. I frankly love it and it's my ADV.

Hope you like it too!

#1 by DespicblMe, Jun 30. 2017, 17:47
I have lemon lime only think that would be ok? I have the sweet tea from RF but haven't found any info on it except they suggest 1-2.5 % usage.. maybe adding that to this would work too.. I'm new also so congrats! I need the same kind of pay off to get me back into the groove of reading, reading, and more reading to get me along..;)
Sorry, haaa! Like u care... my bad, I'll give u my feedback of your recipe w my lemonlime until I get key lime.
#2 by awesomesauce22, Jun 30. 2017, 18:02
I feel ya! Keep reading!!! Thanks, looking forward to your feedback.
#3 by DocShay, Jul 1. 2017, 10:30
27% FLAVOR TOTAL?!?!?!?! O_O
#4 by awesomesauce22, Jul 1. 2017, 17:25
@DocShay, is that a lot more than usual?
#5 by Alexk18, Sep 13. 2017, 07:44
That's got to be way overpowering. Especially lime you should only need like 1% that's what I use for a key lime recipe and it's strong

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