god's own custard 

Gravatar - by fugggit, May 27. 2015, 21:56


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by fugggit, May 27. 2015, 21:52
The smell from this! dear god! just mixed this one (again with the frother) very strawberry nesquik type smell. Might take a week or two steeping before this one beds down. Was originally trying for a milkman type vape and this is way stronger.
#2 by fugggit, May 27. 2015, 21:55
This is totally off the top of my head this recipe. I called it "gods own custard" because god only knows how this is going to turn out! hopefully good!
#3 by willchwn , May 29. 2015, 02:03
Let me know I want a strong custard.
#4 by fugggit, May 29. 2015, 20:21
After a few days steeping the mixture is quite smooth and creamy. Might add one or two drops of sweetener to the mix.
#5 by fugggit, May 31. 2015, 18:41
After less than a week this is turning out very good. Nice light strawberry on the inhale and a creamy vanilla on the exhale with a slight graham cracker flavor. Be careful when adding sweetener as the mix turns out quite sweet once it steeps for a while. Might make up another bottle of this and i wont be buying that milkman shit ever again!
#6 by willchwn , Jun 1. 2015, 02:22
How long did you steep?
#7 by fugggit, Jun 1. 2015, 23:49
A week so far. To maximize the flavor I would say minimum 2 weeks.
#8 by Polo83, Jun 3. 2015, 23:56
After reading your recipe, I just had to make it. It smells delicious and I can not wait to vape this once the steeping process is complete. Thank you.
#9 by fugggit, Jun 4. 2015, 02:01
Thanks Polo83. Added about four drops of sweetener in total to this 30ml mix i think that's enough.
#10 by fugggit, Jun 7. 2015, 20:07
Worked really well for me. Going to work on a version 2 now!
#11 by Polo83, Jun 17. 2015, 20:42
Been vaping for a week now and this recipe is quite delicious. I didn't add any sweetener to the mix since to me it was already sweet enough.
#12 by fugggit, Jun 17. 2015, 22:40
Thanks polo83. Still quite new to the mixing game and had a feeling this one was going to be one of my better efforts!
#13 by sillyrabbit, Nov 2. 2015, 01:35
remove the marshmallow and add 0.3 of super sweet (cap). then i put mine in a ultrsonic cleaner for 2 hours, take out let sit over night. Then do that one more time.In 2 days you will have juice that is steepped as if it sat for 2 weeks.

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