Zelda: SkyWhy4 (Cullin Kin) 

Gravatar - by AlexM, Jul 2. 2015, 03:23

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

By Cullin Kin on ECF.


Zelda: SkyWhy4
Caramel Original - TFA - 7%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream - TFA - 4%
Sweet Cream - Capella - 4% (adjusted: 3%)
Vanilla Custard V1 - Capella - 3%
Tobacco Absolute** - ECX - 1%
Ethyl Maltol - ECX - 3%
Sweetener - 2%
Vanillin 10% - TFA - 2%

#1 by AlexM, Jul 2. 2015, 03:23
Strong vanilla as shake-n-vape. Tapers off with ~ 2 weeks steep and a day or so of airing.
#2 by *DiamondLou, Dec 3. 2016, 20:35
this is really good! I subbed Caramel OG for equal CAP, I have Super Sweet (sucralose) CAP which is crazy sweet above 1% and used 0.75 and turned out awesome!

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