Let's take a break for a moment to appreciate the name of this recipe which is a full anagram of Philosaphucker, our great cactus prophet. Thank you. Now, with the recipe.
3% INW Cactus + 3% TFA Apricot + 1% TFA Dragonfruit is our main profile: it does represent a liquified cactus fruit. Don't be afraid of using 3% apricot, it will not be recognizable, because cactus will eat it alive. Basically all the ingredients in this recipe are just thrown into a maw of our cactus god. Dragonfruit adds this little jelly jammy note and works great with the accents from second part.
0.5% INW Raspberry (Malina) — again, fear not, it won't overtake the mix, though 0.5% is a lot. Cactus will eat it allright. Mainly it will be present only as a light aftertaste and will take part in making complexity of fthe flavour. And, as I said already, it works great with TFA Dragonfruit in that jammy dimension.
1% FA Menthol + 1% FA Meringue are, like, filters here. Menthol makes the cactus god not to overwhelm you, and meringue keeps the jammy part intact by sweetening it and protecting it from menthol disruption.