wild cherry limeade 

Gravatar - by TulsaHud, Sep 12. 2017, 13:06


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by TulsaHud, Sep 14. 2017, 08:03
This is really really awesome vape. I mixed a 6 ML sampling the other day. Really tasty right out the gate, but 2 days steep OMG. I mixed 30 ML this evening upped the nic to 4.....Intense!!!! I can't put this down. Please try and comment.
#2 by EastBayVaper, Mar 4. 2018, 04:25
i wanna try this do you think the cold pressed can be subbed for the regular lime tahity?
#3 by TulsaHud, Mar 5. 2018, 06:36
Not for sure. I've not used regular lime. The cold pressed has that good lime zest that adds to this recipe. I'd mix a small batch, try it, if good then make it extra large. Excellent ADV!!

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