Papa Smurf Hint of Vanilla Adaptation 

Gravatar - by littlefyre, Feb 9. 2014, 22:20


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by littlefyre, Feb 9. 2014, 20:59
My adaptation of this recipe
#2 by Dszubi, Jun 30. 2014, 04:51
#3 by WTFMF, Aug 17. 2014, 04:46
Anyone made this?
#4 by shawn, Dec 13. 2014, 15:15
This is very close to how I make it and vanilla only makes things better
#5 by WhiteClouds, Jul 22. 2015, 07:26
Damn good! Had to use blueberry wild TPA. I'll update after steeping
#6 by LarsA, Jul 29. 2015, 07:29
so how was it whi Blueberry Wild? @WhiteClouds
#7 by WhiteClouds, Jul 30. 2015, 14:29
LarsA its better than the original with blueberry wild. Gives it a shaper blueberry flavor in my opinion.
#8 by bald steve, Jul 30. 2015, 14:49
WhiteClouds, same percentage?
#9 by bald steve, Jul 30. 2015, 14:54
Also, 4% EM?
#10 by WhiteClouds, Jul 30. 2015, 15:24
Yes same %
#11 by WhiteClouds, Jul 31. 2015, 12:09
Tried mixing a 30ml with BlackBerry tpa at 5% ran out of blue berry. Damn good after a shake time for a bath and warm steep.
#12 by briannchristine, Nov 20. 2015, 13:10
lovee this i made as fallows and wow! i vape this stuff like its water
#13 by zigz, Dec 13. 2015, 04:28
This seemed like an awful lot of EM, so I played with the percents a bit. Also substituted Blueberry Wild and FA Vienna Cream because we go to mix with the flavors we have, not the flavors we want. :/

Still tweaking the percents, but I think it's pretty good:
#14 by littlefyre, Jan 11. 2016, 18:31
Howd it come out for you zigz? I know all about the "mix with what w HAVE not what we want" lol. Ive not tried it with Vienna Cream so i was curious?
#15 by zigz, Jan 11. 2016, 20:47
Went thru several rounds of tweaks and got pretty far from the original, the blueberry is still too mild (I think it needs a small amount of candy-like blueberry to compliment the BBW), but I'm pretty happy with where it ended up:

9% Blueberry Wild (TPA)
1% Marshmallow (FW)
6% Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA)
2% Vanilla Swirl (TPA)
1% Vienna Cream (FA)
#16 by cloudwatcher81, May 4. 2016, 03:13
I ended up using the deluxe version of sweet cream, and the xtra version of tfa didnt turn out too shabby...I want to try it with the original concentrates, I will add those to my order list. Thanks for sharing
#17 by yiana, May 13. 2016, 04:07
I really liked this. Thanks!
#18 by havok, May 20. 2016, 22:30
First off, I never leave comments, but I LOVE this juice! I had to use wild blueberry and a vanilla custurd instead of swirl. I made this about a week before I had a chance to try, but this is an ADC for sure.
#19 by Knerps, Jul 25. 2016, 08:44
After a 2 month steep this is an excellent blueberry creamy adv. I used TFA as per recipe.
#20 by HoneyGram57, Sep 13. 2016, 04:41
I bought some Bilberry cause it was suppose to have a stronger than Blueberry, Blueberry flavor, What do you think, would it work here?
#21 by Bitchin' Liquids, Sep 30. 2016, 20:36
Should I use blueberry or blueberry wild?

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