Fine cigar this afternoon. It's been sitting for about a week now, as I actually forgot I had this and wanted to share it. If you notice how I "built" it up, The cured tobacco and commercial, give it a burning cigar taste, with the wrapper coming in light, to "wrap" or become a side flavor, while the nut, cream and bourbon become the body of the cigar, allowing you to become transported down south to the tropics.
Add ons:
3 drops .06 grams coconut< to make it become more fluid
Mixed fruit, use any between 2-4 drops .02 grams to .08 grams, as you do not want to overpower the full cigar.
Irish cream (3 drops .06) can be added in, making it become more smooth, with an alcohol "kick"
Nuts: you can use any sort of nut, but experiment before handing out your cigar. There are some people that are more sensitive to nuts than others, and you want to keep within the realism.
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Mixed this one up and let it set a bit for all the flavors to get to know one another. Since this is a cigar I vaped this in a tube mech so it would have the right feel. It fits right in sipping on some of Kentucky's finest bourbon. 5 stars, two thumbs, and gopher approved!
It is a rather smooth flavor.. one I like to toy with. I normally have a few different versions of one mix going at the same time. I like to see how deep into variety I can go, using the same flavors. This one just happened to spin right for me and so I shared it. Happy to hear you both are enjoying it. :) thank you
I take this with me to New Orleans for Wednesday night out in the French Quarter with my work team. They do real cigars and I do too with this in a tube mech. That's our "Cigars and Bars" night! :D
I have been looking for something new different. The Tobacco world is new to me, I never really liked tobacco flavors in general. Scrolling through smoky's recipe and ran across this. Knowing the fact that smoky is amazing at mixing and the cigar part of the title sold me giving this a shot. Oohh boy is it smooth