anti-lag replica 

Gravatar - by reluclara, Aug 9. 2015, 22:18

Strength: mg
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I found this recipe here thanks to tmckeithan I have tried to improve it . I feel it tastes better after adding sour and cream fresh.Enjoy it.

#1 by tmckeithan, Aug 28. 2015, 16:23
thanks for the mention, I will be trying yours today, I can not wait to try it
#2 by reluclara, Aug 29. 2015, 02:22
You are welcome. Original is darker color ,stronger sour smell. I think we should add blueberry wild TPA while it has a sour taste(sub the sour ) and it might improve taste imho
#3 by tmckeithan, Aug 29. 2015, 02:38
how long did you let this one steep? it smells amazing!
#4 by reluclara, Aug 29. 2015, 03:21
Almost two weeks, strawberry ripe takes time to fusion .It is good, but not quite there. Next batch I will add some blueberry wild TPA or Inawera. Also I dripp with 317 ss 0.4 ohm. a lot better than Atlantis or Subtank. Sour TPA it seems to mellow flavors with time, try to lower it or sub with another blueberry. I am new to DIY(1month), I hope I can help out. .Thanks for query
#5 by tmckeithan, Sep 3. 2015, 08:26
so I got impatient, and tried it after 4 days steeping, and it tastes great, and I am sure it is going to be amazing come 2 weeks
#6 by Miscman, Oct 15. 2015, 03:34
I would love an anti lag clone, it's in my top 3 ADV. It's a tough one. From what I see and what I've tried, it seems maybe there's too much cream? My attempts have come out too smoothed out by even 1% whipped cream TFA. I'm intrigued about sour. I don't know this flavor but my attempts were certainly lacking the sour element. Maybe I'll have to get some and give it a try.

#7 by Wpg_Vaper, Jan 10. 2016, 05:47
I use FW Yogurt to bring a little sour to my LA Cheesecake for a more authentic taste. Perhaps a yogurt is the missing piece?
#8 by Miscman, Feb 19. 2016, 04:16
Well I tried sour, that's not it. I'll try Cheesecake graham cracker crust since that's what I have. Perhaps at 1.5% and drop the gcc.
#9 by Wpg_Vaper, Feb 19. 2016, 05:51
Keep in mind that MTS Vape Wizard kills sour. Kinda pointless IMO to use them together
#10 by Miscman, Feb 29. 2016, 00:21
I have a batch going right now with my own blend of fruit but I'm happy to report that odd sour taste is actually Cheesecake Graham crust (TPA) for sure. 1.5%. Try it! It doesn't taste like cheesecake at all.
#11 by gambaholic, May 15. 2016, 09:07
Is anyone still working on this? I've been tried many variations to clone anti-lag and hopefully we can put our minds together and figure this out. One thing I know for sure is there is Cap harvest berry in it and also a small drop of cap sweet strawberry, i think their is also probably .5% of capella watermelon.smell the cap harvest berry and you will know instantly. I've heard it's all capella flavors in this. I've come close especially with the bright orange colour at 6mg, I've purchased this at 0mg and it's always a perfectly clear color that never changes. The nic makes it bright orange. This has been my adv for 3 years so I know what I'm talking about. I just spent 3 months cloning teleos crunch for my gf and 110 bottles later I've nailed 98% to the original, I want to do the same with anti-lag.
#12 by gambaholic, May 15. 2016, 09:17
I'm also fairly certain this is alot more of a simple juice than the one posted here but I do thank the poster for posting this, we do all want the same thing, to clone anti-lag. Does anyone have any capella creams they can smell to figure out what cream is in here? It definitely has cap harvest berry, cap watermelon, cap sweet strawberry and a ton of sweetner that I can smell, I'm not sure on what cream or creams are in it.
#13 by Miscman, May 15. 2016, 18:46
Well Beard 32 and anti lag are the only 2 vapes in the whole world that I love so I'll be picking up Harvest Berry and give it a shot. Thanks!
#14 by gambaholic, May 15. 2016, 18:55
@Miscman I'm going to try 5-6% Cap harvest berry, cap 1.5% sweet strawberry, 3% sweet cream, 1% Cap watermelon "need to order", and 2% sweetner, maybe a small percentage of fa fresh cream. I'm fairly certain there is no graham cracker clear in it. Let me know what variations you're thinking and we can tackle this twice as fast.
#15 by tmckeithan, May 15. 2016, 18:58
Hey guys, I would love to see what you come up with, after about 12 Versions of this recipe, I tapped out, but I would love to try what you guys are working up
#16 by gambaholic, May 15. 2016, 19:43
@tmckeithan sounds good, will keep posting on this page with results.. we will nail it done.
#17 by Miscman, May 17. 2016, 00:24
I have a dislike for fa fresh cream so I doubt it's in there. That sour element is another mystery although I tried 1.5% Cap NY cheesecake and it didn't seem wrong. It's not gummy candy or sour. Dare I say it's almost like redbull?
#18 by gambaholic, May 17. 2016, 05:14
Definitely try the harvest berry, it alone has an antilag smell to it. I'm wondering if it's just loaded with fruits and sweetner and has very little cream in it. I had it close before and lost my notes when my old computer crashed so I gave up and worked on teleos crunch, now that I have it perfect I want to try this again. I don't really taste a sour taste but cap creamy yogurt has a sour taste when added around 3%. I will let you know how mine comes out when I get some watermelon in
#19 by gambaholic, May 17. 2016, 05:17
Meringue at 2% will smooth out fruits nicely too.
#20 by Miscman, May 17. 2016, 19:24
I also dislike meringue so I doubt it's in there. There's some whipped cream in there for sure. No sweet cream, no Bavarian cream, and definitely no custard.
#21 by gambaholic, May 17. 2016, 21:29
I agree with the whipped cream, I had it in my original recipes, there's some cream in there too, not sure which one, I'm going to see what creams capella have and order a few.
#22 by gambaholic, May 18. 2016, 07:30
@Miscman. What do think about cap sweet strawberry and cap sweet watermelon?
#23 by Miscman, May 18. 2016, 18:08
I think cap sweet strawberry is a good bet. I've never tried cap watermelon but TFA watermelon is way too strong and ruined all my tests, even at 1%.

So cap harvest berry( need to order) whipped cream ( I have TFA but it can over power easily, never tried cap) and cap sweet strawberry are a good foundation. I too think it's a simple recipe and we're just missing the "secret suprise" in the flavor description.

Graham cracker clear and NY cheesecake in small % can definitely play games with your tongue. They don't taste like their name.
#24 by gambaholic, May 19. 2016, 04:26
I will let you know what I come up with when my order comes, I'm definitely trying the sweet watermelon,sweet strawberry, harvest berry, sweet cream and then try to find the missing ingredients if there are any.
#25 by Miscman, May 19. 2016, 17:27
Whipped cream is needed. Not sure about sweet cream. ;)
#26 by gambaholic, May 21. 2016, 21:45
@miscman, I thought I tasted a hint of peach in it as well, there is definitely a missing ingredient that mellows the fruit and blends the cream or creams together, maybe 0.5 % juicy peach.
#27 by tmckeithan, May 21. 2016, 21:46
It has been almost a year since I have tried it, I am going to pick up a 30ml bottle tomorrow and see if I can not help out
#28 by gambaholic, May 22. 2016, 06:59
Grab a bottle and let us know what you think. This is interesting, just read an article about a guy who did blind taste testing of a bunch of different watermelons at different %s and the cap double watermelon was excellent at 4% and he described it as tasting a bit raspberrish. I thought i tasted raspberry as well in antilag and I used double watermelon in my trails before but never at 4%. I've also figured out where the sour note is coming from, it's Malic acid at probably 2 drops per 10ml which is making the mixed berried pop. Can someone offer a suggestion for what percentage to start the marshmallow at? I think we're very close. I still think I smell sweet cream in it.
#29 by Miscman, May 23. 2016, 18:18
I detect Raspberry as well but that may come from the Harvest Berry. I don't detect peach. My Harvest Berry and sweet watermelon will arrive today. Gonna smell them, then make some mix using:

Harvest Berry (Cap)
Sweet Watermelon (Cap)
Sweet Strawbery (Cap)
Sweet Raspberry (Cap)
Whipped Cream (TPA)
Sweetener (probably 1.5%).

I don't have malic acid but I'm gonna ignore it for now. ;)

How much of each I'll have to guess as I've never had Harvest Berry or sweet watermelon. I'll post it and would love to see others' thoughts.
#30 by gambaholic, May 23. 2016, 19:00
Sounds like a good start. When I get my order I will try this
Cap harvest berry 5%
Cap double watermelon 4%
Cap sweet strawberry 1%
Cap marshmallow 2%
Malic acid 2 drops per 10ml
Sweetner 1%
I have a feeling from what I've been reading there might be strawberry ripe and not sweet strawberry but I think this is a good starting point.
#31 by Miscman, May 23. 2016, 20:59
Ok, my Harvest Berry and sweet watermelon arrived. I'm not feeling either one is present in Anti Lag so I posted my last version which tastes pretty right fruit wise. Just missing Malic acid?
#32 by tmckeithan, May 23. 2016, 22:16
Cool I am going to Bull City tomorrow, I will pick those up and give it a go, I am excited to try a new version!
#33 by gambaholic, May 23. 2016, 23:04
@miscman Did you put any watermelon? I can't imagine no watermelon.
#34 by tmckeithan, May 23. 2016, 23:38
I am going to pick up a couple different watermelons tomorrow just in case, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is Caps Sweet Watermellon
#35 by gambaholic, May 24. 2016, 00:09
I think it's double watermelon, that's what gives it the raspberrish taste. Watermelon is the most predominant flavour. I've tried lots of combinations similar to the recipe miscman just posted and after steeping it just turns out to be an overpowering berry flavor. I need to order some supplies, I will figure it out eventually, I was close before. I had a perfect antilag fresh out of the gate but after steeping it became overpowered with watermelon and berries
#36 by Miscman, May 24. 2016, 00:42
I know they say watermelon in the description but I don't taste a flavor like what TFA and CAP watermelon smell/taste like. What's missing from my clone is a taste that's almost like cherry. This could be the Malic acid in the real deal. (I have also added 2% FW Wild cherry to my posted recipe. It's serves the purpose of.. Malic acid maybe?)

Gambaholic, I'm gong to try a recipe using Harest Berry, for fun.

this is great guys. Group effort!
#37 by gambaholic, May 24. 2016, 05:28
Have you picked up the harvest berry yet? I swear when I smell it, it smells like antilag, it's been described as a fruit salad, so the mixed berry makes sense. My double watermelon is on the way, also ordered a cap blueberry and some sour just for kicks. I had the bright orange colour before and the smell of anti lag using double watermelon. Let me know if the wild cherry helps. Where do you live miscman? I'm in Toronto canada
#38 by gambaholic, May 24. 2016, 05:31
I can also try some versions close to what you posted with inw raspberry and the cap blueberry, lots of options. Original poster said his tasted better with sour and fresh cream in it.
#39 by Miscman, May 25. 2016, 00:05
I had tried sour in the recipe I posted, it just ruined it. Sour is not in the flavor profile of anti lag. There are only 2 things I'm very confident about what's in Anti-lag, TFA Whipped Cream @ 1.5% (it's smell and taste are very unique) and now... Sweet Cream (Cap). Yes, sweet cream. Not TFA sweet cream. Another poster mentioned sweet cream I I doubted it but I have a week-old empty bottle of anti lag, and when I smell it I get strong Sweet Cream. Probably around 2-3%.

Ever since I quit smoking almost a year ago there are certain dairy flavors that really offend me. Custards, milk, and fresh cream FA. So I can say for sure they are not in anti lag.
#40 by Miscman, May 25. 2016, 00:12
I hate to post recipes that are not proven (clogs up the quality control of the site) but for communication's sake here is the Harvert Berry mix I made yesterday. Right now the Harvest Berry is cutting through too much and doesn't seem right. We'll see in a week or so.

BTW my anti lag Miscman recipe I posted turns the right color yellow after 10 days. It's the nicotine as the the zero nic anti lag is clear.

Oh, And I'm in New York!
#41 by gambaholic, May 27. 2016, 22:48
@miscman I've been having the best results with 2% harvest berry 1% sour and 1% Cherry .
#42 by gambaholic, Jun 7. 2016, 21:57
Playing around with very small amounts of harvest berry ,sour, cherry ,blueberry extra, tap watermelon,Vienna cream and whipped cream. Tastes great right of the hop, needs to steep though.
#43 by gambaholic, Jul 18. 2016, 04:27
@miscman,tmckeithan,reluclara. Hey guys send me an email, i have something interesting to share, you will be shocked.
#44 by gambaholic, Jul 18. 2016, 04:28
i get lots of spam so put antilag in the subject line..
#45 by tmckeithan, Jul 18. 2016, 08:05
same here
#46 by Theonetheycall, Jul 28. 2016, 17:18
Antilag - 4 percent sweet cream is overkill. It mutes the flavors rendering your recipe moot. I'm gonna try 1.5-2%

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