Red, White & Blue...again 

Gravatar - by DarthVapor, Aug 1. 2015, 06:56


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

My personal preference and take on the original recipe that I liked but for me was a bit high on the %s
I have also made this without the EM and I love it as well, it's just what I used on my first go

I have to give credit where it is due for the inspiration came from AMY's recipe and after enjoying it and tweaking it this is my version

I didn't actually come back to taste this until 17 days later and on my crown it is outstanding
raised sour from .5->.8

All Flavorings @1 SG

#1 by DarthVapor, Aug 1. 2015, 09:50
I'm really curious on how this would be with a touch of coconut (extra?) Like .5-1%
I may give it a try and report back!
#2 by jimmee, Aug 30. 2015, 01:26
Good stuff J!!
#3 by spinner, Sep 11. 2015, 16:14
This is great! I made one by Amy that I loved too but the %s were a tad too high for me, she made another that's great too!
#4 by DarthVapor, Sep 11. 2015, 18:10
Thanks! Amy is a wonderful mixer herself, we have very similar tastes and styles.
#5 by Bandmn, Nov 25. 2015, 04:14
I seem to be having a problem finding blueberry wild any suggestions?
#6 by DarthVapor, Nov 25. 2015, 17:02
Really? That's odd? Everyone is out of stock? BCV, ECX and WL is where I go?
#7 by Bandmn, Nov 25. 2015, 19:42
I'll look around some more looks like I can get it from my freedom I was looking on ecx. I was hoping to only order from 1 place and NOTHING comes up on ecx when I search for it
#8 by DarthVapor, Nov 25. 2015, 20:43
TFA is under SIGNATURE flavors on ECX and not TFA. MFS is ridiculously over priced on a lot of things, I would use them as a last resort personally. Wizard labs has the best price or bullcity
#9 by Bandmn, Jan 26. 2016, 02:29
I have a question about subbing 2 of the flavors I have tpa sour and I have capella vanilla bean ice cream can these be used in place of the MBV items and if so what would your recommendation be for %'s. sorry but I am new at DIY and still learning.
#10 by DarthVapor, Jan 26. 2016, 07:35
I don't personally have cap's ice cream but I would start at 2% with it and see how that is. As far as the sour, you can keep it at the same .8%.
This is an older recipe and I haven't had it in a while but I have stopped using EM for a while now due to a few reasons, the biggest being it mutes flavors over time. If you had a marshmallow you could use that from 1-2% or a sweetener around 2 drops per 10ml or roughly .5%.
Good luck!
#11 by Wuollet, May 7. 2016, 12:50
Hello Darth!
Couple of things, first of. Thanks for your recipes man, I like your ideas overall, very well composed! Thank you!

I was wondering though, as I've recently started measuring by weight, and was wondering, if you are as well?
IF that is the case, in your recipes, are you using a standard Density for all your flavours? Or have you precisely looked each ingredient up for its true weight?
Only cuz I want to make the exact recipes as intended..

Thanks in advance dude!
#12 by DarthVapor, May 7. 2016, 13:25
Hey! Thanks a lot Wuollet, really appreciate it! I mix by weight. If you notice in my earlier recipes I have "All flavorings @ 1 SG" in the notes. I have since stopped doing that because of all the questions haha.
I personally use 100% VG (outside of flavorings) and I use an SG of 1.26 for my nic base. Then I just do an SG of 1 across the board for my flavorings.

I found that the majority of the flavorings only vary +/- .05 grams from 1 anyways and the ones that are a huge difference, like CAP's Yellow Peach, I just keep track of those and adjust in my recipe. The yellow peach if I remember is almost .50gm heavy, so I will either add more or use less %s in a recipe.

If I use PG, which I typically do not, I run 1.04 SG

Plus it is near impossible to find specific gravity info on every flavor out there. It also comes down to the fact I have almost 1000 flavors and no body has time for that! Haha

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