This is my version of SVRF “Balanced” ejuice. I think I did a pretty decent job let me know what you think. It’s a solid coconut cream that is really simple to make. I shake and vape it after running the finished bottle under hot water for 10 mins. It may need more or less coconut depending on how strong you like that flavor profile.
hey nick, about to mix this up! i am hesitant to use 7% sweet cream but liked your hype clone so will give it a shot.
i am smoking the original now, and am almost sure i taste pineapple, most likely CAP’s but cant be sure. can you please let me know if you taste that as well and possibly give me some pointers on what pineapple you think will fit the bill as ive never tried TPA’s and doubt they are using an INW ingredient but those are all ive had any experience with? thank you so much for posting this! i will report back onced steeped.
I taste zero pineapple in the original version but That could be the ingredient I am missing in a small amount. open to suggestions on how to make this better. Let me know how it tastes. I also think that FA coconut is great but after a week steep of this recipe it is not as potent as it was after making it. I also feel like the original recipe has whipped cream of some kind in it so you could cut the sweet cream down to 4 or 5% and add some Some type of whipped cream flavoring. I will update the recipe when I fool around with it some more. Thanks for the feedback!
Instead of using all FA Coconut, I split it with FLV Sweet Coconut. I did not have TFA Sweet Cream so I used FA Cream Fresh. I steeped for ten days. I have never had the original so cannot compare however do like your recipe so good job. BTW I did not add the EM as EM mutes flavors for me within a short period of time. Thanks for sharing.