FLV Red white and blue too 

Gravatar - by Amy***, Aug 29. 2015, 16:22


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Update: using Flavorah flavors in the mix ! just tried it right after mixing taste just like v1

So far the first 12 hours tasted spot on but I knew the blueberries were going to be the tricky part. BB by FLV is candy where the original is more realistic. On this version the BB is peaking thru a bit on the sweeter side only mildly at this point but I notice the difference.

made 8/17 trying again today 8/29 taste like RWB but w/ the addition of FLV flavors it's good and creamy but its a steeper compared to the original. That's ok w/ me !

#1 by DarthVapor, Sep 9. 2015, 01:23
I love the RW&B recipes! I have a few variations myself and eager to try the FLV vr, thanks for doing the leg work for me Amy ;) hehe
#2 by Amy***, Sep 9. 2015, 01:26
The original is the best. But I keep replicating it hoping to get it t a decent % level. Your welcome. I'm guna mix may as well share when I can !
#3 by DarthVapor, Sep 10. 2015, 04:54
The high % ones usually are! I have my toasty plum farts (ridiculous name I know) that has a whooping 34% and no matter how I cut it nothing beats it as is
#4 by spinner, Sep 12. 2015, 15:32
I LOVE these recipes!! I don't have the FLV but I made both yours Amy and Darthvapor's and both of them are great!! Thank you!
#5 by Amy***, Sep 12. 2015, 15:56
Thank you spinner glad you enjoyed them !
#6 by Amy***, Sep 12. 2015, 15:57
Spinner is your name in reference to DJ'n or fishing .... Maybe neither lol !
#7 by DarthVapor, Sep 12. 2015, 16:25
See my dirty mind went somewhere COMPLETELY different....but..um..yeah dj or fishing works? Lol
#8 by Amy***, Sep 12. 2015, 16:52
Lol I don't get it but that's OK .... smh DV
#9 by Amy***, Sep 12. 2015, 16:55
Darth vapor look at my blackberry lemon oatmeal I just put up. Omg it is so good !
#10 by DarthVapor, Sep 12. 2015, 17:09
Well do not google it then! Hahaha-
I will check it out and cross my fingers you didn't use tfa blackberry haha I have 4oz of the stuff thinking, nah there's no way its bad...I hate it but it works in 1 recipe I made..
#11 by Amy***, Sep 12. 2015, 17:14
No TFA blackberry it sucks......... I only made the mistake of buying 4mls lol sorry ;) Try the blackberry (TFA) w/ and elderberry and blend in a melon (prob at lower % say FLV wild melon and you can use your tfa and not hate on it so much ....just use it as a mixer )
#12 by john70, Feb 12. 2016, 07:56
Can sour tpa be used instead?
#13 by Amy***, Feb 12. 2016, 15:25
Sure John70

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