scotts med tobbacco blend for adv 

Gravatar - by scottyp, Aug 21. 2015, 19:44


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by scottyp, Aug 21. 2015, 20:13
This should be good, will let you know in 8 days
#2 by scottyp, Sep 6. 2015, 16:26
smooth, not overpowering
#3 by Tara, Jul 31. 2018, 06:25
My sister wants a tobacco recipe with no bakery or dessert or fruit flavours would this be a good one to make for her
#4 by scottyp, Jul 31. 2018, 15:02
I would use my go to bacco recipe. Its perfect and it is my mainstay. You can use any peanut butter and cocoa and I recommend hangsen 5 for the main. good luck.
#5 by Tara, Jul 31. 2018, 19:51
What is hangsen 5? Where can I purchase that?
#6 by Tara, Jul 31. 2018, 19:56
Which is the main?
#7 by Tara, Jul 31. 2018, 19:59
I’m guessing the main is the American USA blend right?
#8 by Tara, Jul 31. 2018, 20:14
I think I’ve found the right one is it hangsen RY5 tobacco?

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