Peanut Butter Custard 

Gravatar - by FILL-UP, Apr 6. 2018, 01:33

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This recipe was adapted from:

Percentages dropped a bit from adapted recipe, and some flavors substituted.
I hate to sub flavors, especially since CMC makes some tasty recipes, but you gotta use what you have, and I LOVE peanut butter AND custard.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by FILL-UP, Apr 7. 2018, 22:08
1st test:
Tasty, not much peanut butter yet (which is odd, since it's usually right up front, but it may be overwhelmed) - The cheesecake is already tasting prominent, but time will tell - And so far, good mouth feel. There are LOTS of flavors in there competing, so we'll see how they mingle. I'll give it a week, and then I'll try it again.

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