NannerBerry MilkShake ala Smooth 

Gravatar - by HarrySmooth, Aug 24. 2015, 01:57


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Totally Re-Vamped this one, just wasn't happy with it...gonna see if this works a lil better....

#1 by DarthVapor, Aug 26. 2015, 02:47
I haven't used TPA's Graham but the ones I do have (FW & MBV) would be INSANELY strong at 5%! I'm thinking maybe that's where you are getting the chemical/perfume-ness from.
Typically I keep my graham around 1-2% otherwise it takes over and mutes the other flavors with its creamy likeness and a little goes a long way...but again I haven't used tpa graham so maybe it's weaker? IDK
But I'm willing to bet if you pulled it back to 2-3% all your other flavors will pop through, giving you a better idea of where you want to go from there.
Also what company is the malted milk? That seems extremely high as well (typically a malted milk is used anywhere from 2-4% on average from say tfa)
Some flavors have this weird phenomenon were if you go to high with them they actually "disappear" sometimes with no taste sometimes with that perfumeness
What types of chocolates do you have?
This is what I would do, keep in mind I don't have a couple of those flavors exactly but with what you have there;

2% GC
2.5% MM
4% RB (I still feel that's high, that stuff is potent)
2.5% VS
#2 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 11:02
Hey Darth,
Thank you for your input!!! I KNEW you would fix this!! I really value your opinion and feel you have a LOT you can teach me! I hope you don't mind "Coaching" me from time to time...I promise not to bug ya lol!
My Malted Milk is from (ooo) and (TFA) but I can get it from anywhere you suggest!
The only choc I have is (ooo) but again, I can get whatever you suggest.
I will adjust my profile according to your suggestions, I think you are 100% Spot On with your analysis! I'll adjust the formula, remake the recipe and let ya know how it turns out. It's 4:50am, and I'm fixing to head to the shop for the day ...I'll "cook up a batch" as soon as I get my delivery from TFA...I'm completely out of VG.......should be here by Thursday I'm thinking,
Thanks for you help Darth! I REALLY appreciate your Expertise and would LOVE to "Pick your Brain" on a few other Recipes if you don't mind.....
If ya want we can communicate via email....if you, just so we re not clogging up the threads here ya know...drop me a line man!
Your pal Harry
#3 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 11:14
Hey Darth, BTW, I forgot to ask ya,...have you seen or tried the new SMOK XCUBE II 160W Bluetooth Box Mod yet?? I just got em in a couple of weeks ago, and I've been using the BT 50W and the Xcube II 160W....and gotta tell ya man they are INSANE! I'm running a SMOK TFV4 Quad Coil ( Ni200) Subohm Tank on the 160W as it is TC ( Temp Contolled) and the SMOK GCT Gimlet Tank on the BT 50W....and WOW, the Flavors just SCREAM, and the Cloud Production is INSANE man!!! If ya haven't tried one I wholeheartedly suggest you try the XCube 160W !!!!!! You can check em out on my site, I have all the specs and data on em there.....
Have a great day bro!
#4 by DarthVapor, Aug 26. 2015, 11:43
No prob HS and yeah I have the xcube2, you asked me the last time when it was super early but you must of been too sleepy ;-) Mentioned you tried plugging it in to charge it when you first got yours..all good it was early when you asked.
I do want the TFV4 though! My best tank right now is the Crown by uWell
#5 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 11:52
Just ordered Malted Milk from TFA along with some more Ripe Banana, Graham Cracker and Vanilla Bean Ice em in the 32oz I use a lot of each, and I only had smaller bottles of each....I REALLY want this Nanner Milk Shake to turn out....I LOVE anything Banana, and I LOVE milk Shakes! Lol.....hopeful it will turn out good enough for my customers as well!
I'm sure it will now that I have the "JuiceMeister" Darth's help on this one!!!!!
Thanks again DV!!!!!!
#6 by DarthVapor, Aug 26. 2015, 11:58
Banana cream FA or Vienna cream and/or Catalan Cream (FA) would help too
#7 by DarthVapor, Aug 26. 2015, 12:00
And there's 1 more secret ingredient but you'll have to send me an TFV4 to get it out of me....
#8 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 12:00
Ohhhhhhh Yeah, damn! It WAS early! I'm sorry dude....they say the mind is the 1st thing that Goes! LOL......
Yeah the TFV4's have been SUPER hard to get, all my vendors have been "Out of Stock" fora couple of weeks now, but I FINALLY GOT EM, and they sold out FAST, but I have a new batch coming today or tomorrow, lemme know if you can't find em....hell, just get it from me Bro!!! As I said before I'll slash 25% off my ALREADY low prices for helping me out man! Just call the shop today or tomorrow and I'll let ya know if they're in and you can give me a CC# and shipping address over the phone and I'll ship it right out to ya! Also I just got in some BADASS Vaping Bags and Coil building Tool kits you might be interested in.....the Vape bags hold 2 Box Mods, 8 Sub ohm tanks, all your Coil building tools, batteries, bottles of juice, the whole 9 yards! Very cool! .....gimme a shout and I'll hook ya up!!! My shop number is on my site,
#9 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 12:02
Shoot, I was typing out # 8, before I saw # 6&7... Lol.....,you GOT a TFV4 if ya want man! Just gimme a call at the shop in about 45mins... I'll be leaving the house in a few mins.....!
#10 by DarthVapor, Aug 26. 2015, 12:07
Thanks I appreciate it, I was only teasing ya. We have one for $24.99 with coil kit I have just been holding off on vape purchases for a week or 2 until I start my flavor reviews
#11 by HarrySmooth, Aug 26. 2015, 12:57
Heyyyyy, Just got to work, (Im off Mon & Tues) and our new "Snow Wolf 200W came in yesterday....trying it out now, but not too impressed....its merely POWER in a Box! Not much to Brag about, kinda like the Sigelei 150....No Big Deal...a Bunch of Muscle and no Brains, lol.....
But yeah, $24.99 is a Great Price, Thats pretty close to what I get em Wholesale, LOL....You must be getting them Wholesale yourself! heh heh......Well Cool! But I'll still be happy to send ya one, if your Vendors are "Out of Stock" like most of em are right now!
Lemme know Bro!!!!

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