Cherry Limeade 

Gravatar - by Gachatay, Apr 26. 2018, 02:52


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 2 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Here's another one I'm moving over from ATF to share with you fine people!

This is a simple profile that jumped out at me after testing TFA cherry extract. This flavor is definitely on the weaker side. I had to push it up to 5% just to get that light accent I was looking for. I could have gone higher, it didn't get weird or anything, but I didn't want it in the front. I wanted there to be a kiss of cherry sweetness, and with sharper citrus flavors I needed it at 5%. Once I started to play with different lime layers to hit the notes I was looking for, what I found was limes by themselves can be a bit thin and hard to use as a base. This is where the JF juicy lemon comes in. This gives that lime layers something to set on, and at the same time filling out the mix with a nice juicy vibe. This isn't a sharp lemon like you'd get from something like FA Sicily. It's a sweet, juicy lemon that as a stand alone has a nice mouth feel and solid body for a citrus. At 2% I can steal those characteristics without pushing too much lemon into the recipe. And why not, a little lemon plays perfect with a sharp lime.
Now the lime combo I settled on was from FLV, and while you can get away with subbing out the lime wedge for FA lime cold pressed at 1.5% and still being tasty, the FLV lime at 0.5% is needed. It has a candied lime note that pulls that sharp lime wedge back a little bit and rounds that layer out. At 0.75% that lime wedge is a boss and demands some attention. The sweetener helps push the profile and you'll need a little, but feel free to adjust. I like mine a little sweeter so I use 1% FW.
This is super simple, but it's well balanced and hits what I was looking for. So if you want a cherry kissed juicy lime with a full body...mix this up.
You can S&V this (I do) but it's best after 2 days. It gives the sharp lime time to fall in it's place and that lemon move further back.
I'm not crazy about coolants, but feel free to drop you're preferred additive in here to really hit that profile


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