Castro's and Custard's Field-day in Virginia 

Gravatar - by Jose, Sep 5. 2015, 16:09


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 30 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I like the mix but I will switch the FLV Virginia for FA. Flavorah has made some brilliant flavours but when it comes to tobacco they still have a long way to go.

#1 by Shaun, Dec 11. 2015, 21:55
This looks like a cloud chaser's dream. I gotta try it
#2 by Jose, Dec 12. 2015, 11:38
I hope you enjoy it :-)
#3 by Pieter, Sep 12. 2017, 14:11
Hi guys, what is the recommended steep tipe on this mix?
#4 by Jose, Sep 12. 2017, 17:29
At least a month for tobacco's and Custards, but you can try it every now and then to see how it develops and if you like the way it tastes it is good enough.
Unrelated question, are you Dutch?
#5 by Pieter, Sep 12. 2017, 23:23
Hi Jose, Thank You - I want to try the recipe as I am big lover of Tobacco's and even though I am supporting my local vendors, I thought its time to to try and find something that I can mixup in larger batches, instead of buying a new 60ml of my favorite every second day :)

Problem now is to get all the concentrates here by my. The suppliers only stock some of the concentrates. With about a 2 month waiting period to get the concentrates in hand. :(

Unrelated Anwser: Close enough to Dutch, I am South African. :)

I'm really keen on this recipe, looks like it will fill the need for my ADV :)

Thanks Jose :)

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