Hobgoblin's custard 

Gravatar - by Nevans, Jun 30. 2018, 13:15


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by Rob vickaz, Jul 6. 2018, 16:43
Steep time
#2 by Nevans, Jul 6. 2018, 17:37
To be fair it's pretty good straight away... this is v2 and the only change i made from v1 is extra 0.75% salted caramel and 0.75% golden syrup and that was best after a couple weeks and gets better. Hobnob is present straight away.
#3 by Jimmynails, Jul 12. 2018, 20:40
Can I sub the vbic for a different branded one?
#4 by Nevans, Jul 14. 2018, 15:47
Yes mate, caps would be the best sub but any will do really, i used fw because it's more loose.
#5 by Jimmynails, Aug 4. 2018, 14:47
Just made 150ml of this and noticed it’s quite cloudy, is this normal?
#6 by Nevans, Aug 12. 2018, 18:34
Yes, it will settle down, after a week or 2 it will look more golden an then it will all good to go 😁
#7 by Jimmynails, Aug 23. 2018, 18:37
Just trying this after 20 day’s steep. Made at 80vg/20pg. It’s gone a lovely golden colour and tastes good. The hob nob flavour is there but I feel I get more of a golden syrup vape
#8 by Jimmynails, Oct 4. 2018, 19:46
Update after 30 days steep and it’s amazing! Made 150ml. Gonna make double next time. Thanks nick
#9 by Nevans, Oct 4. 2018, 23:07
Thank you jimmy!! Glad you like it, thanks for taking the time to leave feedback 😁
#10 by James Holden , May 18. 2020, 01:18
I’ve finally bought everything to make this one and mixed it up this evening,now the waiting game begins until it’s steeped to its full potential.
#11 by Nevans, May 18. 2020, 01:25
Nice one bud, let me know how you find it :D
#12 by James Holden , Jul 14. 2020, 18:42
This turned out to be yet another great recipe of yours and the longer I left it the better and richer it became. Definitely ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me,thanks again mate.👍
#13 by Nevans, Jul 15. 2020, 00:10
Thank you buddy! ❤️ Thanks for leaving feedback and mixing my recipes, highly appreciated 😊
#14 by James Holden , Jul 15. 2020, 11:53
No problems mate. Team Nevans wins any day in my book 😂
#15 by Jimmynails, Jul 15. 2020, 19:19
Gonna mix some more of this up but just realised I’m all out of cap v1. I’ve got loads of other custards but was thinking of using custard premium. How do you think it would work? Thanks
#16 by Nevans, Jul 15. 2020, 21:44
Thanks Lucas ❤️ Jimmy, yeh you can use premium no worries :)
#17 by Jimmynails, Jul 16. 2020, 09:39
At same %? I was thinking at 4%

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