Smoky Blue's Melon Boba 

Gravatar - by SmokyBlue, Jul 19. 2018, 18:04

Strength: mg
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Now this is just a class act!

First, with Flavorah's Red tea, it's more of a melon type tea, blended with black, the tea does stand out! The Raspberry, it lends a pop, a break for the melon, but blends super sweet! The lychee helps to make the "pop" while the blossom flavors lend a tropical feel with hints of lemon grass. Hibiscus is always on the exotic feel, so I couldn't leave it out either.. Dragon Fruit always runs this one nice, and that was my "missing" flavor. Once I added this one in, the rest just fell into place. The Cream for milk base with honey bee sweetening things up even more.

Please, don't sub this out, it will not be the same without any of the ingredients! Best after 1 week!

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