Gravatar - by cuttwoodspy, Sep 12. 2015, 16:03


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I was able to obtain the recipe they use from a verified source. Turns out they have a whole sale account with Capella so it makes it really easy to get all the flavors you need.

#1 by ThirdWorldOrder, Sep 12. 2015, 17:35
Recipe looks like it could work.. I have these flavors so I'll bite
#2 by rohin7, Sep 12. 2015, 18:27
The original is 70/30.. I don't think this is legit
#3 by matrix961, Sep 12. 2015, 20:37
Just made it with all CAP and its really good. I haven't had the original in so long but from what I remember, this is it. Particularly the strawberry on exhale. I always tried other recipes with both sweet & ripe strawberry together and they didn't seem right.
#4 by MeghaTESTER, Sep 12. 2015, 21:04
Butter Cream was released pretty recently.
#5 by OhMatt84, Sep 13. 2015, 03:21
very true butter cream was released recently
#6 by ENYAWREKLAW, Sep 13. 2015, 05:29
This tastes just like UM. If it's not a real leak it's a fucking SPOT ON clone. CUTTWOODSPY email me.
#7 by Djvapes, Sep 13. 2015, 05:48
If buttercream was released long after u.m.was conceived then hows this possible.?
#8 by EphramRafael, Sep 13. 2015, 07:26
What are the odds on Mega Melons. I've tried the clones on here and they're not far off, but seem too simple. Am I deluding myself on the straight 5%/5%/5% recipes?
#9 by kee, Sep 13. 2015, 12:39
Ephram: 6/6/5 + 2 marshmallow is what works for me :)
#10 by rohin7, Sep 13. 2015, 16:11
Could I sub graham cracker, sweet cream, and vanilla bean ice cream for the TFA variants and still get the same/extremely similar taste?
#11 by rohin7, Sep 13. 2015, 16:57
Okay, looks like I'll just have to order everything :P

Thanks mate.
#12 by ENYAWREKLAW, Sep 14. 2015, 18:50
I went to get UM just to see how close this was. It has steep a few days. This is THE RECIPE. If you want Unicorn Milk, this recipe is the one you want. I really want to know the story behind this.
#13 by Djvapes, Sep 14. 2015, 20:22
Enyawreklaw I sent you a dm on ig. I talked to cutwood and assumed that if it was fake they wouldn't reply or say anything. Pretty sure it is real because he replied instantly and denied it
#14 by Billy_Jean, Sep 15. 2015, 03:21
What flavor can be substitute with TFA?
#15 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 15. 2015, 05:33
I am ordering all of the ones I don't have right this second!!! This is truly amazing!!!! It is the HOLY GRAIL I have been waiting for!!! If this turns out to be the REAL DEAL, I think this might be the single greatest find I have found in vaping yet!!!! Thank You CuttwoodSpy!!! You are amazing!!!!!!
#16 by kronos, Sep 15. 2015, 06:15
This is 100% spot on. This was steeped and Vaped side by side with the retail version on a .3 clapton coil at 35 watts. I can confirm this is legit.
#17 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 15. 2015, 06:43
Thank You Kronos...This is what I love to hear!!! I just ordered everyone of the flavors...I am going to make a ton of this. LOL
#18 by John_C, Sep 15. 2015, 07:37
amazing..ordering the few flavors i dont already have
#19 by kronos, Sep 15. 2015, 09:19
Your welcome vape junkie. I was really surprised it sounded like a load of $hit until I tried it out with side by side comparison on same gear at same time alternating between the two (clone vs retail). As a shake and vape it had promise of being ridiculously close after steep it was the SAME juice as in the actual recipe that cutwood uses.
#20 by kee, Sep 15. 2015, 09:21
Anyone have a UK supplier for Butter Cream ?
#21 by mrgoat, Sep 15. 2015, 11:32
@kee not tried this, but

gonna order the ingredients and see!
#22 by anonn, Sep 15. 2015, 14:20
I can also confirm this, I know that he's had flavors before they come to market. And it's all CAP. BTW he doesn't add additives to this juice, it was his first.
#23 by sasaeel, Sep 15. 2015, 15:55
any1 know or tried this as a max VG without pg? still good ?
#24 by cclaws, Sep 15. 2015, 19:49
in this thread: peasants who can't afford to buy a $20 bottle of eliquid
#25 by mackditty, Sep 15. 2015, 20:00
Why would anyone want to pay $20 for a juice when they can make it for pennies?
#26 by Djvapes, Sep 15. 2015, 20:20
Cclaws= cutwood owner!
#27 by sasaeel, Sep 15. 2015, 21:11
@ThirdWorldOrder What is homogenize? like more steeping time ?
#28 by Djvapes, Sep 15. 2015, 22:01
I wonder if the leak is the reason c.w. changed some of their juices. People are saying u.m. has been re developed and mm and s.b. had name changes
#29 by John_C, Sep 15. 2015, 22:15
wouldnt matter if they changed it, to me. this version they have out is awesome. i do have trepidation on this leaking of intellectual property. but the vast majority of vapers do not DIY. And the vast majority of DIY wont even see this. So really it will be a tiny issue, to me.
#30 by Vapingrammy , Sep 15. 2015, 23:56
This DIYer saw it. Hehe
#31 by coralsands, Sep 16. 2015, 00:30
I read somewhere that the sugar bear name change was just because of some kind of copyright/trademark infringement type deal
#32 by stevejay1, Sep 16. 2015, 00:41
this would make a great milk base if i substitute the strawberry with a cereal flavor ?
#33 by kronos, Sep 16. 2015, 01:03
Sugar bear was changed to sugar drizzle because it infringes on sugar bear the cereal. The only change to unicorn milk was the color additives were taken out because it contained titanium dioxide. This did not impact taste because it was merely a additive used for color it is also found in sunscreen, however, the delivery of consumption was of concern due to the fact that the titanium dioxide was inhaled into the respiratory system. There was a controversy over it and cuttwood removed the additive.
#34 by SkiddlZ, Sep 16. 2015, 02:19
@sasaeel, homogenize means to become a clean solution. Oil and water do not homogenize, salt and water homogenize with each other.
#35 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 16. 2015, 07:16
All I got to say, is this is the All Day Vape I have been looking to clone since I started DIY'ing.... so this recipe was the greatest find ever for myself... $20-$24 a bottle is just crazy now days (especially when we are all starting to use these crazy sub-ohm tanks and drippers that have us use anywhere from 15-30ml of juice a day)....its just not affordable to buy a "premium" juice all the time... So, thank you to the person who posted this recipe. Do I feel bad for Cuttwood? No, because this will effect the company less than a percent I'm sure. As stated above, most vapers dont DIY, and very few will even see this, or even care its out. If cuttwood wants my money, they better invest in Capella's stock....cause Capella's will be getting all my money
#36 by Mordred, Sep 16. 2015, 07:45
Butter Cream and Vanilla bean are both NEW lol so ya this isn't what they use come on guys think lol...
#37 by rohin7, Sep 16. 2015, 08:19
@morded are you even reading the comments bro? These big name vendors apparently get their flavourings pre-release
#38 by Daniul, Sep 16. 2015, 10:16
can't wait untill this has steeped, im sitting with this clone, and the real unicorn milk, right now it dosent taste like the real deal right after mixing.. but let see where it goes :-)
#39 by rohin7, Sep 16. 2015, 10:40

I was making an order with BCV and all the ingredients I needed to make this have gone out of stock


But I still love you all
#40 by Djvapes, Sep 16. 2015, 11:06
Rohin7. The benefits of checking recipes daily :p
#41 by rohin7, Sep 16. 2015, 11:45
I had made the cart on the first day this was posted and was waiting for FA Raspberry to come back in stock, when that came back in stock FA Orange went out of stock. Then when I tried to push ahead without FA Orange ALL THE CAPELLAS WENT OUT OF STOCK :(
#42 by Kebabzi, Sep 16. 2015, 14:22
I just made this with CAP - Butter and TPA - VBIC at same percentages. I made a mistake of using TPA - VC instead of CAP - VC v1, but the results should be the same! Really looking forward to it steeping out :D Btw guys, what color is the finished liquid with the flavoring that the recipe calls for?
#43 by rohin7, Sep 16. 2015, 18:12
JOKES ON ALL OF YOU!!! I managed to get an order through with ECX for ALL the missing flavours ^_^

@Kebabzi Since this recipe is heavy on the creams + custard I would say it will take quite some time to finish steeping thoroughly (4 weeks +) and by that time it should go anywhere between amber brown to a reddish brown depending on the nic level
#44 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 16. 2015, 18:24
Hello everyone, it is me again the one and only Cutwoodspy. I wanted to thank all of who supported my decision to release this to the world, maybe company's that produce highly over inflated e juice will consider lowering the price. As you all know the profit margin can be up to a 10,000 percent mark up and is no way justified. I would personally like crafting my own juice but also like the idea of every once and a while being able to go pick some up from the store or online. Criticize all you would like, and in time I will release all of the Cutwood flavors to the public, but need to be careful.
#45 by OhMatt84, Sep 16. 2015, 19:23
wow!! awesome I love it!!! Like a DIY Robin Hood :) keep them coming cutwoodspy
#46 by ENYAWREKLAW, Sep 16. 2015, 20:07
I really want to talk to the Spy on my new podcast.
#47 by John_C, Sep 16. 2015, 22:36
anyone know where to get capella flavors aside from the big 3: bullcity, cigexpress and myfreedom?
#48 by stevejay1, Sep 16. 2015, 23:02
cutwoodspy you rock and have my support 100 %.
#49 by Djvapes, Sep 16. 2015, 23:05
1 week over/under this becomes #1 on e.l.r. ??
#50 by Djvapes, Sep 16. 2015, 23:06
@enyawreklaw. I have a voice changer
#51 by Vapingrammy , Sep 17. 2015, 00:46
Thank you cutwood spy. I can't pay 24 dollars for a little bottle of liquid. But I have these flavors and now I can finally try UM.
#52 by agentdark45, Sep 17. 2015, 14:16
Paging cutwoodspy to drop the recipe for other popular liquids like ANML Looper!
#53 by rohin7, Sep 17. 2015, 15:15
hopefully we'll see ANMLSPY here some day
#54 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 17. 2015, 17:19
I have to just say, "Thank You cutwoodspy"!!!!! I support you 100%!!! I think this reaction is amazing!!!! I hope more people weigh in on this and give input. I have ordered all flavors, and I'm waiting on them to arrive so that I can mix this EXACT recipe. I can tell everyone here, that I am a very experienced Unicorn Milk user, and will be updating right here my findings when I get the chance to try this. I have been trying to find the TRUE UM clone since I started DIY'n, and will be the first to give praise if this holds up to be true...Also, I love Sugar Bear (aka, Sugar Drizzle now)... So Cuttwoodspy, keep them comin man!!! LOL!!!!!!
#55 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 17. 2015, 18:24
The butter cream is killing my taste buds. Making it without is so much better imo.
#56 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 17. 2015, 18:27
I will release more in time, your support is appreciated. Keep on juicing!
#57 by Kebabzi, Sep 17. 2015, 18:39
Cutwoodspy you are the man!!! Please release more and I'll forever be in your debt.
#58 by Jason, Sep 17. 2015, 19:13
I wonder if this is the EXACT recipe? I'm pretty sure UM has been out for at least 1-2 years, and I believe CAP just released Butter Cream & VBIC within the past couple months..
#59 by Kebabzi, Sep 17. 2015, 19:33
Some say that this is the exact recipe, some say it isn't. Well, it does look delicious either way.

By the way, I used 2% CAP - Butter instead of CAP - Butter Cream, have I made a mistake?
#60 by John_C, Sep 17. 2015, 20:02
kebab, looks legit. you must use these exact brands and steep at least 3 days to fully compare. two people have now and said its exactly it. And big vendors get flavors early, its already been stated. So the argument that butter cream is new and therefore this isnt it, looks incorrect. Plus, user "cclaw" called us all peasants for using it...doesn't take a genius to tell that's a cuttwood rep (or owner) who's pissed at it being released. He's fine though. They will still sell tons of juice. He's got enough $$ to sponsor auto racing cars etc. He's fine.
#61 by Kebabzi, Sep 17. 2015, 20:20
Yea, I also used TPA - VBIC instead of CAP - VBIC, I hope that I get close to the flavor of the original bottle. As I said, either way, this looks amazing.
#62 by Djvapes, Sep 17. 2015, 21:35
Kebab- if you don't follow the recipe exactly then you're not making unicorn milk, you're making something else. It's like if I want to make bean soup but I substitute beans for rice, I'm no longer making bean soup am I?
#63 by Djvapes, Sep 17. 2015, 21:40
John_c if it is a cuttwood owner/rep, does it piss you off that he/she has the audacity to call us (loyal customers) peasants? I mean just because we made him millions he expects us to be able to afford 23.00 30mls? So if it is the owner, then God bless cuttwoodspy !!! I'll release the recipe on so many platforms it will make c.w.s head spin
#64 by John_C, Sep 17. 2015, 21:46
of course it pisses me off. then again I don't care what he thinks. I understand his frustration, but I obviously don't like the child-like response. I guess since we all can't afford to sponsor professional race cars, etc, we are peasants. Whatever.
#65 by Venterino, Sep 17. 2015, 21:47
Sugar bear
#66 by Kebabzi, Sep 17. 2015, 22:26
Djvapes - I didn't have the new capella flavors, but they are on order. I tried using similar tasting flavoring, therefore I should get close but not identical.
#67 by Jason, Sep 18. 2015, 02:49
John, I know all of the big vendors get to sample the new concentrates before being released, but I highly doubt Capella is going to have 2 great flavors sit on a shelf for 1-2 years for just 1 vendor. I am just trying to piece the puzzle together.
#68 by Chris, Sep 18. 2015, 04:39
It's funny I went to order butter cream and bull city and a few other places were sold out already lol
#69 by Djvapes, Sep 18. 2015, 04:42
Jason- I guess if this guy releases another cw recipe we'll know, right? Until then, I'll give him credit
#70 by sixxer1211, Sep 19. 2015, 00:51
All of these flavors are available from Wizard Labs at the moment in 8ml, better than nothin!
#71 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 19. 2015, 18:26
Hey every one glad you all are enjoying that unicorn milk I am almost done with sugarbest just need to work out some kinks and supply can get pricey. Your support is appreciated and if you would like to donate to my cause to release name brand flavor recipes you can donate or contribute via my pay pal also feel free to contact me and I will do my best to reapond. Cheers and keep blowing those clouds!
#72 by Djvapes, Sep 19. 2015, 21:32
@cutwoodspy if you have the recipes then what needs to be worked out?
#73 by KeggsNA, Sep 20. 2015, 00:20
@cutwoodspy What exactly needs to be worked out if you already have the recipe? Also, if the recipe is legit, taking money for stolen work is a big no-no. Shame.
#74 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 00:41
@KeggsNA - While I work on the recipe you should work on the way you evaluate shame. What exactly should I be feel shameful for? If any one should feel shame it is the company that mark up their E-juice at rates that IMO far exceed what should be considered a fair business practice. Lets all do some math. Lets say for example you were to purchase the flavors you need for this recipe in 4oz bottles at retail price of $20.00USD (which if you were smart and shopped around you could find them at around $7.00). I am going to exclude strawberry from the equation because it will nerf the end result and deviate away from the point I am trying to make. You would spend 140.00 (very high estimated projection in comparison to company that purchases their flavor in bulk). You would produce 666(there is your sign) 30ml bottles. If you were to sell those bottles for the same price as lets say CUTTWOOD, you would make $13,333.33. That is a %9,523.00 mark up. Lets be reasonable here we are dealing with food grade flavors and VG, this is not rocket science. I encourage every one to make their own flavors. Do not go out their and spend your hard earned money. I believe the reason why I put down my cigarettes and picked up a mod and juice was to save money. Do not let name brand propaganda sway you into being ripped off, fight for what you think is right. If you want to throw your money away so that some one else can get rich for your laziness than that choice is ultimately yours. If the prices were in a reasonable range, then this would all be a different story.
#75 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 00:45
@cutwood spy what needs to be worked out if you have the actual recipes?
#76 by KeggsNA, Sep 20. 2015, 00:52
@cutwoodspy I'm fully aware of the gross inflation behind these 'premium' ejuice companies. It's one of many reasons why I got into DIY'ing. I'm merely stating that I'd be more willing to donate you money if you posted unique recipes that you came up with yourself rather than possibly stolen work. Don't get me wrong, I have 4oz of each flavor on the way just so I can test this and if it's on point - I'll be stoked. I just don't know if asking for donations for stolen work is "ethical."
#77 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 01:09
@Djvapes, I just need to get a new spy suite and night vision goggles, mine broke last time I infiltrated the cuttwood HQ. They have upped their security because of the Unicorn Milk leak and now they have a much more sophisticated security system as well as a couple of big scary guard dogs.

@KeggsNA Do you smell what I am stepping in?

Also please note that I could care less about the donation. I work full time and have a baby on the way. I make $10.00 a hour, and purchasing flavor extracts and supplies is not my priority because I have other things to worry about like diapers and how I am going to support a family on a 19k a year income as well as pay my student loans back.
#78 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 01:17
Yea, this guy is fos. It's unfortunate.
#79 by Venterino, Sep 20. 2015, 01:23
This guy is a total fraud, if he had the recipes he could just release them and be done with it.
#80 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 01:26
@Djvapes & @Venterino I need to test what I produce and I have yet to do so. Do you guys happen to live close to the ocean? I am getting a strong salty flavor in my mouth.
#81 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 01:50
Here is something to think about those out there who believe I am this terrible person. Rather than criticizing me you should spend your time going after the people that duplicated all the name brand cereals flavors. It would be a travesty if Keebler Foods Company went out of business and I was not buy favorite cereal (Fruit loops, also please note that I really enjoy rainbow chips deluxe, if some one knows how to make that into juice please let me know!). Who ever copied that flavor should be tarred and feathered!
#82 by John_C, Sep 20. 2015, 02:56
cutwood, you can put to rest the naysayers (not the moral ones, forget that) by just explaining why you need to mix these and test them. A logical person would ask if you have the recipes, why do you need to mix them first, or check anything? Why not just paste what the recipe is? I am a fan of yours if these are actually from CW. So this is not negativity. But it is odd that you are mixing these first and not just presenting them, if they are legit copied recipes. Thanks for your contribution thus far.
#83 by core, Sep 20. 2015, 03:01
cuttwood has not 'stolen' nothing. A recipe is not a patent. Its not a physical object that he took from Cuttwood. It's a recipe. ffs. Get a grip. Trade secrets get out all the time - then they are no longer trade secrets. It's the way of the world.
#84 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 03:20
Thank you @Cor and @John_C. Most likely all the people that are bashing this are people that are mad are most likely in the industry. I will not release a flavor that I have not tested personally, steeped and made sure was legit. I just ordered some flavors and will be testing and working on some new releases. If you have a brand flavor you would like to replicate feel free to email and I will try my best to provide you with a solution.
#85 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 03:27
I've seen all these people in the diy subreddit and none of them are in the industry as you stated. If you want to keep any kind of clout then release another cuttwood recipe. Or don't and come off as a liar. Your unicorn milk recipe was pretty damn close and I give you props for that but your backstory sounds like a load of shit. That's what everyone is thinking whether they'll admit it or not. Again, I appreciate your cloned version of unicorn milk, should've just left it as that.
#86 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 03:33
@sixsixsixstring okay, my back story that was what? Because I really am curious? Sorry that I cannot just pull a recipe out of my ass for you. You do make a good point, I should just stop here and keep everything to myself, that way I do not have to receive negative criticism from people like you that want instantaneous gratification.
#87 by guitarofozz, Sep 20. 2015, 03:36
So I got all the stuff in yesterday minus the nicotine and decided today to make a little 10ml batch.

Reduced recipe with ejuicemeup and then heat steeped for a few minutes, shook vigorously for a few more then taste test.

Testing with: Authentic Jaybo Bambino with .5ohm dual microcoils in 26ga kanthal. Celluctotton for wick forgot what the vape term is. Vaping at 45w

Not good right out the bottle. Not bad. But not good.

All the vanilla flavors were really overpowering even though strawberry is the highest percentage flavoring.

Let sit for 5 min with cap off.

Wow. I wish I had a bottle of the real deal to compare. I do have a bottle of itcvapes spoonlicker v2 and TBD liquids capn custard which are both kind of clones of UM and this tops those.

Now you gotta consider there's no nicotine in here to do what it does during steeping. And it would definitely benefit from more steeping like any juice but I think the recipe is legit.

I haven't had UM in a while but I always remembered if was my first "premium" juice brand I bought and I'll never forget that taste. You can feel that taste potential in this juice if that makes sense.

Product without nicotine cones out mostly clear, maybe a slight slight yellow tint.

Any questions?
#88 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 03:36
I just want you all to know my real identify, that way there is not a single doubt of behind my elaborate back story. I would not want my credibility lost.
Here is a picture of me, I was a tad younger when this was taken but you may recognize me.
#89 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 03:36
Dude you don't have anything else. This I'm positive of. But thanks for your version of unicorn milk, was pretty dam close :)
#90 by matrix961, Sep 20. 2015, 03:37
Since he gets the recipes from sources wouldnt it make sense to test them first to make sure his source was reliable? It would be worse to release it then find out his source was full of it right?
#91 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 03:50
Someone is definitely full of it. If op wanted props then he should labeled this as what it actually is, a really good unicorn milk clone. Instead he made up some spy scandal trying to hype himself and soon after, asked for money.
#92 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 03:53
@sixsixsixstring you have uncovered my master plan! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!
#93 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 03:55
Ive uncovered a sad attempt to beg for attention and money.
#94 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 03:58
At least I can sleep at night now that the truth is out.
#95 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 04:04
You don't like criticism? Then don't make up gd spy stories. This community is amazing and welcoming but the second you try to lie and scam people, you get shut the fuck out. Your clone is good, no doubt about it. I give you props for that. Just don't like the whole spy angle you're going for. We all know it's bullshit. Again, your clone is very tasty.
#96 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 04:11
Bro why not just put out the recipe and say that you haven't tried it so you're not a hundred percent and let other mixers test it out. It would clear everything up if you just did that. If it turns out that it's true then you're a god and if you don't do it you're a phony plain and simple bottom line
#97 by core, Sep 20. 2015, 04:14
What Matrix961 said.

Cutwoodspy, we're not all hostile. Appreciate what you have brought the community for sure. Personally I don't care for Cuttwood products myself. But, I find it interesting to watch this unfold. As time goes by, this will become much more common place.

To the community - you are likely believing what you want to believe. Read what cuttwood wrote. He received the recipe's through someone else. He is checking them to make sure they are valid and without error. Then releasing them to you. For you. He is giving his time to you for your enjoyment. Why bash him?

He very well could have the 100% recipe straight from Cuttwood themselves. It may be cryptic. It may not have the pg or vg ratios exactly listed. It may be in some sort of fraction that's proprietary to cuttwood. There may be some flavorings that Capella doesn't sell to the public. The only person that knows what he is looking at or dealing with is Cuttwoodspy.

If his copy is as close as people say it is. He likely has exactly what he says he has. He has already provided the proof with the posted recipe.

DIY isn't cheap. Takes a lot of supplies to make these things. If Cuttwoodspy's 19, likely he doesn't have $1500 laying around to just throw out there, especially just to give a recipe to someone else.
#98 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 04:21
@sixsixsixstring I feel like at this point responding to anything you say would just be a waste of both our time. Feel free to voice your opinion all you would like, I encourage you to also fight in what you believe.

@Djvapes Replicating a complex flavor is not something that comes over night. It is not something as simple as copy and pasting a list. I appreciate your suggestions.

To every one else I want to clarify. "Your support is appreciated and if you would like to donate to my cause to release name brand flavor recipes you can donate or contribute via my pay pal also feel free to contact me and I will do my best to respond." Every single word in that statement is true, I do appreciate those who have not been toxic as well as all the positive feed back thus far. The donations something I did ask for because I really cannot afford to shell out money for vape supply's, and do not wish to continue any conversation about my credibility or intentions. I hope that you all enjoy this recipe and I thank you for your feedback!
#99 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 04:43
IF YOU HAVE THE RECIPES THEN WHAT NEEDS TO BE WORKED OUT!??! It's a very simple question, one that you have intentionally avoided again and again.
#100 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 04:44
If you are replicating then you are CLONING
#101 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 04:45
If anyone donates a dime to this dude before any validation then you're a fucking retard
#102 by John_C, Sep 20. 2015, 05:00
yeah that last statement from CWspy has me puzzled as well. It seems me and Djvapes are the only ones pressing this question -- if its a recipe, why is there anything that would take more than "over night?" It's either a recipe you got from someone who got it from CW or it's a clone, which would indeed require lots of testing and more time than "over night."

I'm still grateful for anyone, including CWspy, who contributes. It's just the conflicting statements that have every one up in arms.
#103 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 05:16
Listen, I lied. I am really not Bill Nye the Science guy. This is really Doctor Phil. I was able to cross examine your argument and have reached the following conclusion. You are all really in the industry and you are trying to destroy my credibility. Unlike your blasphemous statements the only thing that speaks for itself are the recipes. Also to help clarify, this video will provide you with a illustration.
#104 by John_C, Sep 20. 2015, 05:28
No prob, bro. Listen, I love your contribution. I'm going to try it when the flavors come in. I assume now it's just a good clone. All good. Take care.
#105 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 05:38
I too assume it's a clone
#106 by Cascadia Josh, Sep 20. 2015, 06:12
Everyone freaking out about the butter cream dilema, remember ALSO that UM did change (ever so slightly) a few months back... That would have been the cream. Doesn't mean this is a fake. Would it really matter even if it WASN'T the actual CW top secret recipe? Shit still tastes exactly like it. Thanks, cuttwoodspy!
#107 by HC2S, Sep 20. 2015, 07:52
Even with only a 24 hour steep, this is spot on. I'll let it sit till the color change occurs. Then its ON! Flavor base and Big bottle batches here we go. I really dig making BIG bottle batches LOL.
#108 by sixsixsixstring, Sep 20. 2015, 08:40
The only thing that speaks is your one single recipe. You've shared one clone, not an exact recipe that cuttwood uses. There's nothing wrong with that, just don't make it something it's not bro. I apologize for being a dick, just drop the bs story you're telling and please stop asking for money to get flavors to replicate other juices. We all spent our own money to get our setups, why should you be any different?
#109 by rohin7, Sep 20. 2015, 09:17
I personally believe he's feeling the truth. Even if you're not. Thanks for the contribution CWS
#110 by MixLyfe, Sep 20. 2015, 09:36
@cutwoodspy . Ok so lets clarify, you called capella, said you were from cuttwood, made up some bullshit reason why you needed records of previous orders/flavorings. Then you hung up, went on the computer, ordered those flavors, and sat in your room and mixed them together until you felt you got it right. Now you come on this forum like a fucking superstar, spewing your pathetic plea as to why people should give you free fucking handouts. If you have a baby and wife I suggest you either go back to school, or start working more instead of making eliquid and support you fucking family without the help of everyone on a fucking DIY forum. ANYONE CAN PICK UP A PHONE AND NOW THAT YOU'VE BEEN CALLED OUT BY ALMOST EVERYONE YOUR PATHETIC PLAN HAS FAILED
#111 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 09:54
#112 by Djvapes, Sep 20. 2015, 12:25
You can adapt this or any other box with a wrench. Just research bro
#113 by Kebabzi, Sep 20. 2015, 13:33
The only way for CWS to "clear his name" is to release another recipe within the day.
#114 by 6oLsh0i_6o0z3, Sep 20. 2015, 16:33
Why are you guys being so pushy and impatient? Let him release whatever recipe he wants at his own convenience. There is no need to ask him to release xxx recipe just so you think he's legit or not. "Oh he released UM recipe, he must have other CW's recipe, hey CWS please release BR/MM/SD/BB or you're just a bs". Check back his profile if he released another recipe once in awhile, until then get a grip and move on with your life. He did released UM right? Have you tried that yet? How close was it? Still not happy? I think the only reason he came up with that bs story was because you guys are being a dick in the first place.
#115 by Venterino, Sep 20. 2015, 17:27
@6oLsh0i_6o0z3 People are claiming it's not exact, it doesn't age right. Sure its still tasty, he doesn't have to lie about it being the real recipe pretending he stole it to stir shit up. A simple "Hey guys I cloned UM, it's really great and I feel like I got it spot on! Try it out will ya?" would be enough to get popular, look at fizzmustard, he cloned nana cream and it's pretty much spot on, he didn't lie about being a fucking spy and claim he leaked the real recipe. Everybody still knows him.
#116 by London_Fog, Sep 20. 2015, 19:32
I'm just reading in between the lines here but it appears that he may have had access to a legit ingredient list, maybe not the percentages,
hence the need to experiment a bit further.

as they say in Italy:
si non e vero e ben trovato

- If it is not true, it is well conceived
#117 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 20. 2015, 20:58
LOL, you guys are too much. You guys come up with some really entertaining theroys.
Once agian please refer to the above link for clarification.
#118 by core, Sep 20. 2015, 21:22

People's recipes being ever so slightly different after steeping is likely due to their choice of nicotine, their process of steeping, oxidization of nicotine, imprecise measurements, age of concentrates, etc etc. The list is endless.

Not enough time has passed since Capella released two of the concentrates to clone this recipe without inside info. A lucky guess would be 1 in a billion. I'd guess that the recipe was leaked from someone at Molecule Labs.
#119 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 21. 2015, 00:04
@core yes you correct! I actually had the assistance of Tom Clancy, with out him I would have been able to bypass their security team. Solid Snake was supposed to help but he has been really busy promoting his new metal gear game to help.
#120 by John_C, Sep 21. 2015, 00:26
Looking forward to those flavors getting here...they were sold out at several vendors, thanks to old spy here! From the reviews this clone should be pretty darn spot on.
#121 by Djvapes, Sep 21. 2015, 01:58
You guys don't get it. This is a joke!
#122 by John_C, Sep 21. 2015, 02:01
apparently it is a joke, Djvapes...but ive already ordered the flavors and a couple people said it was good. So, oh well. I'll just go ahead and make it when I get it.
#123 by Monk, Sep 21. 2015, 05:54
Good juice is good juice, and I like a cool story. @cutwoodspy bro idgaf about the wheres and how's, if you release one awesome recipe or ten, or if it's a clone, legit, or an alien. I just bought all the concentrates required to make this and if it's good, you've just saved me hundreds.
I appreciate that.
#124 by HC2S, Sep 21. 2015, 06:03
Yup, I have to agree with what Monk said. I already had the flavors, just had to weigh it out and spin/heat it. Not a big savings for me, I stopped buying juice when I started making it. I'd rather create my own from scratch, but a good recipe is a good recipe; clone or not. So far, this UM recipe is pretty spot on. So regardless of source, kudos to you CWS for sharing it here. :)
#125 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 21. 2015, 07:17
I have to agree with many here. I too ordered the flavors I didn't have to try this out (because of the few responses saying it was a very close, some even stated "spot on" recipe) my flavors will be here Monday morning, and I will be mixing up first thing- and, I will be posting my results here, as do I hope the rest of you that try this out. (Seeing how that is what this community is for I thought?)...with that being said, if this recipe is close, spot on, a hand written recipe on the back of a napkin from Mr. Cuttwood owner himself (lmao) or just somewhere in the realm of those, I will either be extremely pleased, or I will have just got in a few flavors that I was needing anyhow and no harm done.... I too could care less on what the real story to all of this is. Sure, does a good conspiracy grab attention, yes. So does a good recipe though. LOL. Anyhow, this has been at the very least, entertaining. One small bit of info I can throw out while I'm at this is: There is only one UM clone recipe video on youtube that I have found, and that I had been told was close. However, the maker (stratman1989) only used 2 flavors to make what he calls a pretty spot on clone (which I had hard time believing there could only be 2 flavors in a perfect clone?)....those 2 flavors...just so happened to be Capella's Sweet Strawberry, and Capella's Van Cust V1 (the 2 highest used % flavors in the recipe that CWS posted).... the second thing, is that Cuttwood advertises UM being made of strawberry and a blend of 4 unique creams....I think like all of us I sure have wondered just what 4 creams they are referring too? Again, at the end of the day...I'd say I've gained at the very least from all of "Information" for future mixing as a DIY'r.
PS. I am waiting until I have mixed this recipe to post my opinion on what I actually think "OF" the recipe. Until then, peace out... back to the regular scheduled drama.....
#126 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 07:29
It is real simple this shit is legit. I already had the flavorings and tested. However he got it doesn't matter. My theory if this is a leak he has to reverse engineer proprietary mix notes or at the very least wade thru order history or a combination of both until he gets it right. Also for cwspy he has every right to ask for a donation he put his own time and effort into this. Anyone who is mad remember you are mixing up unicorn milk and saving 20+ dollars a 30ml and demand more flavors from this guy for free that is the definition of pathetic. @ cwspy big thanks bro.
#127 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 21. 2015, 08:00
@kronos, can you give any info to the method of steeping you used, and to how long before you felt it is the spot on same? I appreciate you giving feedback, and using real testing methods to show how you compared the original to this recipe given by CWS. Honestly, its what really swayed me to go ahead and pull the trigger on this. However, I keep hearing there is alot of steep time involved because of all of the creams and custard flavors used? Can you add anything to this?
#128 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 08:48
@ vape junkie
As a shake and vape it had some promise of being an incredibly close clone. After a 3 day natural steep it tasted identical in flavor profile too UM. The steep process I used was on multiple bottles a different steep process.

Process 1
Ultrasonic steep

Standard Ultrasonic method using an ultrasonic parts cleaner with nothing added but water.

Process 2
Forced Hot Air

Custom made box With temperature controlled air duct mounted on a shake table bottles 4&6 were shaken in intervals where as bottles 5 was alternated and bottle 7 was exposed to hot air conditions but without use of shake table.

Process 3
Hot Water bath

1,2,3,and 4 hours rotation shaken every 30 minutes

Process 4
Control Bottle Left in airtight 30ml ultraviolet bottle with dripper For 3 days
#129 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 21. 2015, 08:58
Wow!!! @kronos, that is very intense, and more scientific than I'd say just about anyone on here I bet has done...that's amazing! Thank you for the incredible feedback, and I appreciate all of the info you have given.... Much appreciated, fellow vaper.
#130 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 09:03
Process 4 Tasted Identical to a bulk cuttwood delivered 500ml container where it was shaken and 30ml was collected and put in a 30ml container. Process 2 after a 48 hour rest resulted in an identical aged bottle of UM Not alot of people know this but cuttwood delivers 500ml to the store and labels. Then the store will re-bottle the 500ml down into 15ml and 30ml. Normally people put the extra profit into their pocket, where as some stores pass the savings onto the customer. The thing is though 500ml bulk which a majority of stores are doing are not pre-mixed they are mixed to order and typically when they arrive are typically under a week old. I also used a bottle which was not from a bulk batch and again this recipe from cwspy is a match to the point I would certify my reputation on it. So long as proper methods are followed when mixing for example accurate scales used when mixing by weight etc
#131 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 09:10
My pleasure Vape Junkie, I was a dual major in college chemistry and engineering, both of which can be well applied in the hobby of vaping.
#132 by core, Sep 21. 2015, 09:10
Thank you for the details Kronos! Can you provide information on which nicotine works best?
#133 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 09:19
I have also taken it beyond a hobby and I am involved with various different companies to develop lines of juice. Because of my signed NDA's and various other contractual agreements if I leaked any of those recipes it would result in serious legal and financial ramifications. That is what drew me into this thread and has me following it so closely. The fascination of a multi-million dollar recipe being leaked. I can tell you all in this industry the big vendors take many precautions such as flavoring having bar codes on it in unlabeled packaging when the 32 oz juice bottles are loaded they only have barcodes or some places utilize color codes and each load tray has color on it. We are not talking a 32 oz bottle of capella saying buttercream given to lab employees. However, there are plenty of places that contract out all production.
#134 by kronos, Sep 21. 2015, 09:25
@ core the nicotine needs to be pharma grade What I use for most all of my mixes is organic extract nicotine in 100%vg base
#135 by core, Sep 21. 2015, 09:38
Since your in the biz, you'll find this interesting:

Says they only use NicSelect nicotine.
#136 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 21. 2015, 09:40
Again, kronos...thank you for the vast amount of information. This has been a truly fascinating thread to watch unfold (lol). It's nice to see someone so respectful, and who has the knowledge, and willingness to share with everyone, for nothing but the simple kindness of it all. I wish nothing but the best to all. Peace, fellow vapers.
#137 by HC2S, Sep 21. 2015, 13:52
Thanks kronos, those are involved homogenization processes. My preferred method is low heat, less than 125 deg F when I can get my cheap heated mag stir plate to cooperate, and a slow spin for a couple of hours in a capped and gas checked Erlenmeyer flask , then let father time do the rest. It seems to cut steep time down quite a bit without altering the flavor profile through gaseous losses.
I would like to hear more on your processes and opinions of each process.
#138 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 21. 2015, 21:58
I am being interviewed by diyordie Thursday you all should chime in and hear what I have to say! All of your apprecitation has been more than appreciated and I hope you all are enjoying the recipe! Keep on making those clouds and stay tuned for more recipes in the future!
#139 by swissmilk, Sep 21. 2015, 22:02
CWS your the man! Thank you!
#140 by coralsands, Sep 21. 2015, 22:56
Damn it took quite a while for a few people to realize he was joking. The whole name thing is kinda douchey if he doesn't have an ingredient list or anything but at the same time if its really as spot on as people are saying it is then thats still pretty fucking awesome. I'm looking forward to more recipes from him either way
#141 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 22. 2015, 01:15
OK, first off...@cutwoodspy thank you, you're the man! I finally got the rest of flavors in this morning, and I mixed up a few batches already. I do not have a bottle of "original" UM to do a side by side taste test, however, I have vaped enough UM in my life to tell everyone this is as close as is it gets IMO. As @kronos stated in a previous comment, it is very close first mixed, after a few days of steeping "I will guarantee this is spot on! The smells alone can tell you that it is as close as it gets to an original bottle of UM. I can finally say now with out a doubt, this is seriously exciting shit for a real UM fan like myself. UM was my all day vape (when I could afford it, of course!) However, like most, I was sick of spending so much money on ejuice, so I started to DIY and make my own. Since I started, I have tried to replicate something as close to that original UM flavor as I could get. However, nothing ever seemed close. I came up with, and made many juices that were very good (some I even liked so much, I started to forget about ever getting a UM clone) However, now that I am able to make this wonderful flavor for myself and not be out $24 for a 30ml bottle, it is a great feeling.
PS, I look forward to seeing the interview with "DIYorDIE", I think alot of us will really like to hear more from the man himself about how this all came about. I personally think it is a great recipe, and I'm truly grateful for CWS for sharing it with the community. He could have kept it to himself, altered it ever so slightly, renamed it something completely different, and tried to market it as some new brand of ejuice, for the sole purpose of greed, and profit. Instead, he shared it with the masses. So thank you CWS, I personally have nothing bad to say about this.
PSS....I will check back in a few days after this first batch steeps to let everyone know if what I think will be true is? That this is a dead ringer for the original UM.
#142 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 22. 2015, 02:11
@kronos thank you for your support and review. Hope you enjoy

@vapejunkie_beau Thanks a lot for the support too. I hope you look forward to new leaks.

To everyone look out for my interview coming soon at DIY-OR-DIE.

Also I'm on twitter now. @Cuttwoodspy

Oh and this reddit too:
#143 by MeghaTESTER, Sep 22. 2015, 03:02
So I just kind of browsed through the comments, why are there so many people bashing? Even if it's not the actual Unicorn Milk, it's still a great recipe posted for anyone to mix up and vape. Whats the problem???
#144 by SkiddlZ, Sep 22. 2015, 03:12
It's an issue with ethics, some think it's shitty to leak the recipe of a juice and hurt people's profits.
#145 by Venterino, Sep 22. 2015, 04:07
Lol this wont hurt cutwood AT ALL
#146 by TrECeNTeRs, Sep 22. 2015, 04:44
Does Cap make more money selling thousands of 30ml bottles to DIY or do they make more selling gallons to Cutwood?

Just a thought.. Not going to insinuate. lol
#147 by mrclax1227, Sep 22. 2015, 04:52
DIY'ers. They lose more profit when selling in higher amounts of bulk.
#148 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 22. 2015, 04:58
@mrclax1227 Definitely agree here.

Bet they're really happy right now.
#149 by mrclax1227, Sep 22. 2015, 05:14
@cutwoodspy Wouldn't be surprised. You single handed-ly boosted their profit margins for a good few days most likely. They should be praising lord spy lol.
#150 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 22. 2015, 05:38

Nah definitely not single handedly. Cuttwood made the flavor, my leak sold their product though.
#151 by HarrySmooth, Sep 22. 2015, 13:19
I am SUPER Excited about this recipe! Unicorn Milk is my FAVORITE Juice and I have tried every single Clone out there, and some are so-so close, but I have YET to find one that is SPOT ON! I had everything to make this except the Butter Cream which I just Promptly ordered...I have a Wholesale acct with Cap so that makes it easier! Everyone is right about these companys making 1000% Profit on this shit....I KNOW how much it costs ME to make ONE 30ml Bottle and the Bottle itself is the most expensive item from .20-.60 cents a bottle......Cyclops vapor just sent the Juice world "Reeling" when they Dropped the cost of Their 35ml (yes, 35ml, not 30) Bottle to the SAME cost of their 15ml Bottle....$13.95 Retail for a 35ml Bottle! My Customers almost crapped themselves!!!! Cyclops has the right idea! And I hope many more will follow suit!!!!!
Many Thanks to Cutwoodspy for this Recipe!!!!!!
#152 by MrGrimReaper2U, Sep 22. 2015, 15:57
@cutwoodspy Please tell me you have the recipe for Bird Brains.
#153 by Vapetastic, Sep 22. 2015, 16:12
I second @MyGrimReaper2U. Also I just got into mixing and the reason I did was because I was tired of spending so much money on 30 mil juice and Cutwood was usually my go-to. So thanks @cutwoodspy for sharing this recipe. Taking a Piratebay angle here.. I wonder if CuttWood would have been more reasonable with their price, would you have still released this? Assuming it's the legit recipe.
#154 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 22. 2015, 22:24
@HarrySmooth Make it. Taste it. Believe it. Sell it. and then come back and tell me about it. Tell everyone about it.

@MrGrimReaper2u & @Vapetastic it's coming.

Keep listening.
#155 by Poring, Sep 22. 2015, 22:33
Can't seem to find Graham Cracker v1 on Capella's international site. Discontinued? Will this work with v2? How different would v2 be?
#156 by cuttwoodspy, Sep 22. 2015, 22:42
@Poring a lot of the flavors sold out after I posted this. Maybe they pulled it?
#157 by Poring, Sep 23. 2015, 00:24
Spoken to one of their guys. For some reason Graham Cracker original has been permanently pulled from the international site, still available in the USA site though. Balls.
#158 by mrclax1227, Sep 23. 2015, 08:31
I'm going to be making this recipe with CAP's Vanilla Custard V2. Interested to see how the version will affect the flavor.
#159 by Venterino, Sep 23. 2015, 08:49
@Poring It's not available for international shipping because of flash point, you won't find it in Europe either. V2 could work as the Graham cracker is mostly for mouth feel in this recipe.
#160 by Venterino, Sep 23. 2015, 08:53
And I've not tried the v2, you can use TFAs Graham cracker clear or cheesecake Graham crust as well if you have one of those.
#161 by VapeJunkie_Beau, Sep 23. 2015, 10:42
Just an update: My first batch of this recipe mixed up (as I stated before) smelled almost identical to the original, and tasted that way too...however, I wanted to let it steep to be sure...I have to admit, after only 48 hours of steeping...this is 100% SPOT ON! Anyone who is a fan of UM, this is EXACTLY what you've been waiting for. I have to say: CWS, thank you man...this has been the recipe I have waited for since I started vaping. Much appreciation!!!! To anyone thats still wondering if this is legit? Don't be fooled, this isn't "a really close clone" or "an almost exact replica"....this is, "I have a bottle of this mixed up and put in an original UM bottle, and if I put it next to an authentic original store bought bottle of UM" won't be able to tell a difference...I'm that's crazy really. LOL
#162 by SS, Sep 23. 2015, 20:27
Would this be too much for a newbie at DIY to undertake?
#163 by SS, Sep 23. 2015, 20:31 new to DIY, really new in fact but i think it is wonderful what you have done. These juice companies are an utter rip off and i hope more do the same within time.
#164 by UtahVapes, Sep 24. 2015, 04:02
Amazing! Can't get enough! Thanks @cutwoodspy! You're the man!
#165 by pfcdre, Sep 24. 2015, 04:57
Amazing! thanks for sharing, made up 60mls and im gonna have to make a load more, I cant get enough of this had to use flavour west butter cream but the outcome is superb, this recipe is spot on. Thanks again
#166 by Alisa, Sep 24. 2015, 14:23
Thank you for the recipe.
Boss Reserve next please and I'll donate. :)
#167 by mdrago, Sep 25. 2015, 21:58
@cutwoodspy from a legal standpoint, the recipe is not copyrighted, so no problem in sharing it.
From a moral standpoint, they r ripping us off, so also no problem there :)

1000% profit it's not even close... even if they wholesale at half the retail price, there margins are much more than that. I can make 1GAL of this ejuice at 12MG nic for exactly $63... They sell 30ml for $23... so 1GAL they sell for $2913... that's a 4624% margin... not even illegal drugs & prostitution combined have those margins.

Thanks for sharing this :)
#168 by deb , Sep 26. 2015, 00:19
Can't wait to give this a try!
#169 by 00SSnorcal, Sep 26. 2015, 02:12
I see no mention of EM or sweetener. UM has a ton of it.
#170 by Brandon706, Sep 26. 2015, 04:27
@RedhotCujo Are you concentrates old, are they new ? Did you follow recipe exact or do any substitutions ?
#171 by CAGE RATTLER, Sep 26. 2015, 10:12
@ShelaghDB, Im a new member here and just got finished making this recipe. It was my first attempt at DIY and was pretty easy to make. Just do some research on how to DIY e-juice and you'll be good to go. Plenty of good you-tubers out there sharing info.

Actually im REALLY new to all this stuff as I just started vaping 3 weeks ago after 3 surgeries in 4 weeks for clogged arteries and blood clots in my arm & leg. Been cig free ever since!!! And that's after smoking a pack a day for the last 42 years!!

I opted to start my DIY e-juice making with a digital scale & a DIY stir plate and a large order from Wizard Labs and my 1st batch I made just 30 minutes ago couldn't have been any easier. cant wait to give this a little steep time and see how it turns out. A couple hits off a dripper already shows promise and a 60ml batch only cost me $1.16

By the way..... HELLO EVERYONE!!
I'm already a DIY junkie and I'm loving this site already and....
#172 by CAGE RATTLER, Sep 26. 2015, 10:28
Can someone tell me of some other recipes that contain any or all of these flavours cause right now these are all I have and itching to try some other recipes. I guess some of these can be used as a single flavor recipe as well?
#173 by NosferatuXI, Sep 26. 2015, 10:36
Just made it two days ago...had UM a long time ago and if I am remembering correctly this is the closest I've ever had to it. Don't know if it's exact though.
#174 by kierktr, Sep 26. 2015, 10:43
There is not any Graham Cracker V1 ! What do you think about Graham Cracker V2
#175 by northern mix, Sep 27. 2015, 01:39
a job well done spy, ... say.. any ideas on how to replicate vape my day from innevape? anyone?
#176 by Brandon706, Sep 27. 2015, 05:26
does steeping from day 1 to 3 really make that much of a difference for other people ?
#177 by Beardsley, Sep 27. 2015, 10:01
So should we assume after the non release of this interview that was supposed to happen on enyawreklaws site and non release of sugar bear recipe that was supposed to be out by now that this guy really was just full of shit????
#178 by Brandon706, Sep 27. 2015, 10:30
I believe wayne just lost a family member. He wasn't in this weeks podcast either.
#179 by Phish4me1999, Sep 27. 2015, 17:03
How much of a difference would there be if I used 100% vg nic ?
#180 by 00SSnorcal, Sep 27. 2015, 19:11
How much titanium oxide should we add?
#181 by mrclax1227, Sep 27. 2015, 22:38
@Beardsley enyawreklaws himself said the interview is coming this thursday, and that was the only date given. I asked last Thursday about Mr. Cut and he said he would be featured on the next podcast for his interview.
#182 by Beardsley, Sep 27. 2015, 22:44
Thought it was this last Thursday...on reddit cutt said the recipe was coming out last thursday
#183 by Brandon706, Sep 28. 2015, 04:24
At first I doubted you CWS. I first made it I was disappointed. I could taste the same flavor profile, but no where the same taste (if that makes sense). I did try it on day 2 of steep. Tonight I placed a glass bottle in hot rice. Using one of those point and shoot thermometers I ensured that the temp was around 150. Let it rest overnight with cap on. Try it this morning. GOOD GOD. Almost spot on. I can only imagine what 2 weeks of a natural steep will do to my 240ml batches.
#184 by John_C, Sep 28. 2015, 22:45
decided to check up on the comments here. I have a feeling this is what happened: he found out cuttwood has a capella account and figured they must use all CAP flavors, then did the ratios himself after trial and error. Or a friend did that. It's a great recipe and as most people say it is the absolute closest you will get to UM without buying it. Is it the exact recipe? Don't know for sure.But we all appreciate his giving this recipe out. I think if he hadn't of given the original story, people wouldn't have given him a hard time. You have to understand that people love this juice, and when we heard it was the actual recipe...everyone got super excited. Then it seemed that it was a spot on clone. Thats great,but when you hear one story and it turns out to be something else, especially when its your DIY "dream" to make an officially perfect copy of a loved're ticked off.

So that's why people got pissed. But again, thanks to CWS again!
#185 by mrclax1227, Sep 29. 2015, 01:02
Made a test 15ml batch substituting Vanilla custard V1 for V2, letting a natural three day steep happen letting it breathe once everyday. Will update.
#186 by djp, Sep 29. 2015, 03:03
OH MY GOD!!!!! finally got my ingredients in that I was missing.... With a fresh mix, you can tell it's the correct recipe. Im sure after a few days of steeping it will get even better. I am seriously loving this, and you just saved me thousands per year because this has been my all day vape.. now we just need to see a milk and honey recipe leak. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
#187 by rsimmy, Sep 29. 2015, 05:42
Anyone make this without graham cracker? It's the only flavor I don't have, and I've never been a big fan of the flavor. I'm going to make it without it anyway and update on how it is.
#188 by ashersdad, Sep 29. 2015, 15:51
Made this and did crock pot quick steep. It's delicious. Would this be good or just blasphemous to sub strawberry for blueberry or another fruit, to have blueberry unicorn milk ect?
#189 by mrclax1227, Sep 29. 2015, 18:49
@rsimmy If you liked Unicorn milk then you like graham crackers. Because it's not UM without it.
#190 by Cheese whizz, Sep 29. 2015, 22:23
Hey guys just. Tried this and put banana in it instead of strawberries...will let you know results!
#191 by mrclax1227, Sep 30. 2015, 20:02
The longer it sits, the better it tastes. Loving this recipe.
#192 by Kiwi_Vaper, Sep 30. 2015, 22:05
@mrclax1227 Hi, I am keen to hear how it vapes with V2 substituted for V1. Please update when you can. Cheers
#193 by peterspezza, Oct 1. 2015, 04:33
This recipe is close to one that I seen posted on reddit about 8 months back ! The recipes share 5 of the 7 same ingredients listed here..

#194 by brfwizard, Oct 1. 2015, 04:49
First time poster long time lurker. I've never had original um so can't comment on how close this recipe is. Is the recipe good? yes. Did i run out like everyone else and get missing flavors? Yes. Have been thinking this for awhile though...just maybe ol' cuttwoodspy is a capella sales associate. Just a theory. Crossed my mind since our nemesis "d" isn't selling as fast or trying to get rid of stock to convert to v2's only. Who knows really.
#195 by peterspezza, Oct 1. 2015, 05:38
Here is the link to the other "Unicorn Milk" recipe post on reddit 8 MONTHS ago..

[–]xboomer 1 point 8 months ago

Try this for Unicorn Milk

PG 30/ VG 70%
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) 10%
NY Cheesecake (CAP) 5%
Graham Cracker (CAP) 3%
Sweet Cream (CAP) 4%
Vanilla Custard (CAP) 2.5%
Vanilla Swirl (TFA) 1.5%

Not my recipe and I haven't tweaked it. Found it in a Capella's discussion but forget where. Good as is and close enough for me :-)
#196 by rsimmy, Oct 1. 2015, 17:12
As I stated above, i went ahead and tried his without the graham cracker as i lacked that ingredient.

After a short time on my candle warmer, shaken vigorously, then letting sit a day, even without the graham cracker this is extremely close, if not completely spot on. My expectations were so low, because I've had a kinda "meh" experience with DIY so far, but I'm super excited now.

Good stuff!
#197 by mrclax1227, Oct 1. 2015, 18:46
@Kiwi_Vaper I cannot attest for how close it is to the actual UM, but it is fucking delicious. However this recipe is VERY rough around the edge as a shake and vape. 3 day steep minimum.(:
#198 by mrclax1227, Oct 1. 2015, 18:54
@Kiwi_Vaper It reeks of strawberry at first but you'll know it's ready when the Graham cracker and cream scents are equally there with the strawberry.
#199 by Steamboat, Oct 1. 2015, 22:23
I was very doubtful about this even after reading all the comments but I went ahead and ordered what I didn't have from Capella right away. I made 30ml of this recipe last night and decided to try it right away. Strawberry was the main taste and it didn't resemble Unicorn Milk but was still very good. I put the bottle in a pot with water up to the neck and let it simmer for around 2 hours. I closed it up and went to bed. Just tried it again the afternoon and it is SPOT ON Unicorn Milk. I've never been so happy about a DIY flavor. Despite how annoying OP seemed to be throughout the comments, I'm very appreciative, whatever the real story may be. Thanks!
#200 by Jhall1976, Oct 2. 2015, 00:26
Just mixed up my first batch this afternoon. Used exact recipe and % with no substitutions. UM has a pretty good bit of color to it. This batch even after a hot water steep barely had any color. I know Cuttwood says they have a proprietary steeping method. I was just curious if others had developed much color after steeping.
#201 by Kiwi_Vaper, Oct 2. 2015, 02:22
@Jhall1976 Hi, Colouring also depends on NIC used and then again on the length of steep time. Simply using different nic's can give you different strengths of colour. Just trying to help in case you were not aware of this. Cheers.
#202 by rsimmy, Oct 2. 2015, 10:30
Hmmm it was spot on the first day, but day two I'm not getting much flavor at all. Could be my setup, or maybe it wasn't mixed well. Gonna make another batch, do a few hot water baths and shake a ton, then let it sit for a few days before I test it. But I'm definitely adding a few more % of Strawberry.
#203 by nabibrian, Oct 2. 2015, 14:49
I read enough positive reviews to go ahead and make the purchase of all listed ingredients. I can't thank @cutwoodspy enough for the release of this recipe. I will mix once I receive my order and I will definitely update with my results. I am excited to try this out.

Regardless of all the negative comments, just viewing this recipe I can tell that it is going to be delicious!

Forget all the negative comments and h8rs and mix this up yourself!

Thanks again @cutwoodspy !!!!!!!
#204 by Jhall1976, Oct 3. 2015, 03:10
So I am listening to the DIYORDIE podcast, apparently @cutwoodspy supposedly only knows the flavorings and not the exact ratios. That makes sense to me since I don't feel like this recipe is spot on. I feel it is a little heavy on some flavorings and light on the others. I am going to drop the strawberry down and bump the creams a little. I will let you know the results.
#205 by Djvapes, Oct 3. 2015, 08:02
God you guys are pathetic. Whatever Wayne says you go with. Suck his duck a little more. From the beginning this was THE recipe because Wayne said so. Now Wayne says it's not you all agree. Think for yourself, be original.
#206 by VaperGlock, Oct 3. 2015, 17:29
Got my missing ingredients in on Thursday and mixed it up Thursday night (10/1/15). Haven't tasted it yet as I am trying to get through another bottle. All I can say as of now is to me it smells VERY close to Unicorn Milk by a side by side comparison. The original does have slightly more of a creamy/cheesecake aroma but it's a lot older than what I just mixed up.
#207 by Just Mixing, Oct 3. 2015, 23:33
Can I sub TFA butter cream for the Capella Butter Cream?
#208 by Redhotcujo, Oct 4. 2015, 02:31
I have to say i was very skeptical upon mixing up this recipe. After a 3-5 days of sitting it was so much closer to the original. After more than a week of sitting im actually pretty conviced this is the real deal.
#209 by Kebabzi, Oct 4. 2015, 10:45
@VaperGlock; After about 2-3 weeks, it starts to smell more creamy/cheesecake. Just hang tight!

Reporting back! I mixed this with TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and TPA Sweet Cream. Used CAP Butter instead of Butter Cream. IT WAS FOOKIN AWESOME! Yesterday, I mixed this with all the ingredients that the recipe calls for. Eagerly waiting for it to finish steeping :D

Thanks CuttwoodSpy!
#210 by Uncle Tom, Oct 4. 2015, 16:44
Good juice, worth a try :) Very similar to the milk n honey clone v3 only this tastes like strawberries.
#211 by RootOil, Oct 6. 2015, 02:20
Not to good, nothing like unicorn milk. Definitely a false hype
#212 by rsimmy, Oct 6. 2015, 10:38
I too get that plastic taste using custard V2 as someone mentioned, at first mix it's not really there, but a day later it is.

I'm going to steep it about a week and see how it ages. If it's not good, I may try my FA custard or just end up getting V1. It does taste pretry good, there's that flavor note that just screams "IM UNICORN MILK" so this is definitely a good recipe, but I believe my V2 is killing it a bit.
#213 by Gies, Oct 6. 2015, 20:47
missing flavourings are on their way... Can't wait to make this one!
#214 by ryan8five0, Oct 7. 2015, 17:11
You people are hilarious.

Note to cutwoodspy; don't come on this site saying you have a leak of a very known recipe when you don't. This recipe and any further recipe you create should be titled CLONE.

I have tried plenty of Uni Milk's. It seems to be that you knew the flavors needed, but did not know the ratios, therefore you do not have the official leaked version (s) of any Cuttwood juices. In fact, these are cloned recipes you have created.

You have been figured out cuttwoodspy. I wondered why in all those comments you never clearly and concisely answered any of those questions asked by other users about your credibility of your 'source'. Turns out, you are a fraud dude. Clone a recipe next time, don't try and say you have the 'real deal'. The only people who will ever know if a clone is right is the original vendor of the juice themselves.
#215 by Jhall1976, Oct 8. 2015, 19:02
So my initial batch has been steeping now for 7 days. When I opened the bottle the smell had completely changed. My first test was at 3. I was a little too ready to jump to conclusions. The strawberry has blended more with the creams and man oh man is it good! No need to tweak just stick with the original recipe and be patient. Clone or not it is damn good!
#216 by Pake, Oct 8. 2015, 21:38
The strawberry was a little too strong for my liking, so I cut it to 6% and upped the NY Cheesecake to 2%. Gonna let it steep for a week and see how it feels.
#217 by AutoEntropy, Oct 9. 2015, 01:26
Quick question, does everybody mix in their nicotine before they steep this recipe or add it after it is steeped?
#218 by Jhall1976, Oct 9. 2015, 02:35
I use 100% VG nic, what I do is make the flavor base, give it a good mix, add any PG for the recipe, mix again, then mix the VG and nic. Mix, steep, and breathe. As of late I have been letting the e-liquid breathe while it is heat steeping.
#219 by Vaporella , Oct 10. 2015, 02:47
Well that was an entertaining thread! Lots of baloney, but entertaining none the less.

That being said, thank you OP for another good clone version of UM. Not my favorite, but pretty darn close, and very yummy for what it is.

Vape on my friends!
#220 by John_C, Oct 10. 2015, 03:42
I listened to this wayne guy's podcast and his side of the cuttwoodspy story. Wayne seems overly emotional. At first, wayne jizzes with excitement and breathlessly says, multiple times, that this is THE recipe, even after testing them side by side. Then CWS blows him off and all the sudden wayne throws the guy under the bus, shares CWS's secrets and declares this recipe "not half bad" and says it's not that great. He also says he was the first to ask how these flavors could be in it with those flavors not being public until only recently. No...djvapes was the first. Djvapes asked that question when Wayne was still orgasming with delight over the recipe being an exact match.
#221 by HC2S, Oct 10. 2015, 21:58
IMHO, its a good recipe. I made a 20ml bottle when the recipe hit. It has steeped since and I am dripping it as I type this. It is so close that I just made 90ml of it, and 50ml of flavor base. Thats enough base to make 303ml at 16.5% mix ratio. That is a total of (13) 30ml bottles combined. With all of my costs of flavors and base plugged in, that is $1.13 per 30ml bottle for me to make or a total cost of $14.69. Add in the cost of the PET bottles I use, and the total cost still isn't the cost of one retail bottle.
I'll take it.

FWIW, I just made enough to last me a couple of years at the rate I use Unicorn Milk. The bulk of this will go to friends and acquaintances that are trying to get off the stinky stix.
#222 by BadBert, Oct 11. 2015, 03:23
Never tried UM. Don't care if this is legit or not... It is awesome sauce!! I made 1000ml on the day after I found this. Started vaping on it yesterday... 3 sets of 25r's and 60 ml in 36 hours. Legit or not... IT ROCKS!! And I for one am very grateful!
#223 by RetroJunkie, Oct 12. 2015, 18:36
I'm actually out of cap sweet strawberry at the moment, but i swapped out tfa strawberry for it, and made a small 30ml bottle. it was very good after a crockpot bath. UM was one of my favorite liquids before I started making my own. As someone who has probably spent close to a grand legitimately buying UM. This is a welcome treat. if you follow this recipe and take the pepsi challenge with a real bottle of Um. you won't be disappointed.
#224 by ClayG, Oct 12. 2015, 19:12
It's damn good juice!
#225 by evilpacket, Oct 12. 2015, 20:11
This shit is delicious, Made and vaped off it immediately. Beets any local juice where i'm from. Can't wait for it to steep...
#226 by evilpacket, Oct 12. 2015, 20:12
Beats lol
#227 by slowfozzy, Oct 12. 2015, 21:07
This comment thread is a sh*t show, but I'm excited to try this recipe.
#228 by damien4480, Oct 12. 2015, 21:56
This is an awesome juice, will be mixing up my second batch tomorrow night.
Am i right in thinking this is indeed a clone and was to pretty much promote diyordie?
#229 by HC2S, Oct 13. 2015, 00:44
Nah, DIYorDIE is a bystander in this one. I think a lot of things, that Wayne (DIYorDIE) is culpable is not one of them.
#230 by rsimmy, Oct 13. 2015, 16:44
This damn juice tastes different every thing I make it and it's very frustrating. I need to buy a scale.
#231 by mrclax1227, Oct 13. 2015, 19:50
@rsimmy I've found that even with my scale now doing a second batch that the usual .2 gram gracemark here doesn't apply. You have to try and get the it down to .01 resolution otherwise is will REALLY affect the That's why it's coming out so different for so many people I think.
#232 by TheOnlyMomo, Oct 14. 2015, 12:33
O man.. Some people on here... Why the hell do you care if he iis lying or not? Seriously, to me, it just sounds like you want handouts. Like "Ooo I think you are lying. Now you must prove to me you are not lying or else you are a liar!" pft... Get a life... This guy released a recipe... So what if he says it's the real thing or not... Try it out, of you like it, great, if not, move on.

I must also mention, accurate measurements are very important. I've worked in many chemistry labs where we had to measure liquids accuratly to the thousandths place. Especially if you are making smaller quantities. That 0.5 ml could make a huge difference if you mix a 10 ml compared to 100ml. I mixed up a 150ml batch about a week ago and the smell was kinda off. A buddy of mine got me UM to test the two. Today, I noticed my 150ml was starting to look yellow so I decided to smell it. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the actual UM and this recipe. I use reusable 2.00 ml pipettes that are accurate to the hundredths place to ensure accurate measurements. To me, this recipe is the real deal!
#233 by Dizzyleafblower, Oct 14. 2015, 21:57
Lol this is a real shit show i feel like im downloading a torrent and got to sift through all the crap and weigh the pro's and con's to decide wether or not it's legit. Well i took the bait and ordered everything and made a HUGE BATCH 17 30ml vials worth. Just did it last night been in hot bath ever since. Very strong over powering smell but got some on fingers and it smells just like unicorn milk. I buy 30ml vial of UM every 2 days and have some to compare it to I will update after i let it steep few days or week longer. I only smoke UM and have spent a small fortune on the stuff so if it turns out to be the real deal i just want to say thanks CS. AND CUTTWOOD can suck my balls you overpriced ass the only thing CS left out of ingredients list was GREED. Thanks ill update soon
#234 by srgaudio, Oct 15. 2015, 01:46
@dizzyleafblower, you might find that the strawberry gets a bit muted if its really been in a hot water bath that long. Depends on the temp I guess.
#235 by HC2S, Oct 16. 2015, 18:48
Add 2% Cake Batter (CAP). If you think it's missing something, this may be it. I did and am very surprised with the results.
Yes, too much heat for too long isn't good.
#236 by Dizzyleafblower, Oct 17. 2015, 18:30
Thanks guys i should of said luke warm i just wanted to speed up the process a little maybe 90° water for 36hrs.shaken every 30 min. I have to say it gets better every day. Vaped some yesterday and havent stopped its almost exzact to UM i think with some more time we might have a winner here. Im very pleased with what im seeing and vaping.
#237 by colachris, Oct 19. 2015, 12:08
Can i swap out the sweet strawberry and graham cracker for the new sweet strawberry RF and graham cracker v2?? Cant fint them on there international shop....
#238 by HarrySmooth, Oct 19. 2015, 14:51
Well, I HAVE to say, after making this one and steeping for 2 weeks, it is a DEAD RINGER!!! I carry Cuttwood products at my shop and took an empty bottle of UM and filled it with this Recipe, after 2 week S&S, and had my customers try it side by side with the REAL Thing and not ONE of them could tell the difference!!!! AWESOME JOB Cuttwoodspy!!! Sadly, my Cuttwood UM sales have sharply dropped, but My DIY UM sales are thru the ROOF!!! we need a MuffinMan clone!!!!! lol.....
#239 by Kelleyjo333, Oct 19. 2015, 16:12
Finally able to get every flavor together,(in stock/with the money to buy them) and ordered. Every Time I went to order the flavors I needed, everyone was out of stock. I now know who bought them...hehe Can't wait to try this!!
#240 by mrclax1227, Oct 20. 2015, 01:21
@colachris V2 is down from international permanently, But I subbed and it still tastes delicious. Go for it(:
#241 by Brandon706, Oct 20. 2015, 04:55
When this first came out I made it. It tasted close like any other clone. I have come to realize that my VG/Nicotine may have been bad. I am making a fresh batch with some nude nicotine I ordered. All my recipes with this new batch of nicotine/vg has tasted much better. I will post my results with this recipe once it gets a few days steep.
#242 by Peps1, Oct 20. 2015, 20:24
Nice clone, shame about all the lies and shady shit.
#243 by mrclax1227, Oct 21. 2015, 09:01
@Peps1 Cutwoodspy - " I just need to get a new spy suite and night vision goggles, mine broke last time I infiltrated the cuttwood HQ. They have upped their security because of the Unicorn Milk leak and now they have a much more sophisticated security system as well as a couple of big scary guard dogs." It's PAINFULLY obvious the dude's 100% joking. Lighten up and learn to like a good story. You wouldn't slap your mom in the face for reading you a fairy tale story before bed instead of a nonfiction one, would you? This is the same equivalent. Lighten up. Dude even made it obvious for you.
#244 by Peps1, Oct 21. 2015, 09:10
@mrclax1227 my mum never asked for paypal donation after reading me a bedtime story.
#245 by rohin7, Oct 21. 2015, 11:17
@Peps1 she asked me for one

#246 by Peps1, Oct 21. 2015, 12:06
@rohin7 Touché
#247 by deb , Oct 21. 2015, 13:57
LMAO!! sorry...but you guys are funny...
#248 by Dave-DC, Oct 21. 2015, 16:58
Mixed up a 30ml batch of this @ 45/55 'shake n vape' thick creamy custard and graham cracker taste (bit over powering) it's nice, I like it, not tasted the real thing but it's good as a shake n vape. I'm sure it will be taster once it's had some time to mellow out and introduce the Strawberry notes. Thanks for the upload nice one!
#249 by Klouds, Oct 21. 2015, 19:50
I tried it. Used a max vg base, crock pot bath for 4 hours, shook it up aaaand no good. The strawberry was too strong and tasted, well, "chemically". Tried it again ten days later and still wasnt impressed until I cranked my amateur-hour istick up to 25 watts. Wow. Fantastic. Looking forward to the next batch, although I may experiment with some different strawberry flavors and cream combinations. That being said, the actual proportions are fine. Good work, and thanks.
#250 by Vaype, Oct 22. 2015, 20:20
(Thank you) Every comment should start and end with....... THANK YOU !! Any comment or question other than....... what brand base(s) did you use or recommend ?
Some of these comments are just ignorant..... Are you guys trying chase this guy out of here........ You ppl that are pestering him don't need to know anything.... I mean he said he was willing to share more!!! OMG why would anyone give a fuck if he's lieing or telling stories...... If he gave you guys some shitty tasting juice then ok attack, but all that have tried it say it's spot on. So help me understand what is there to complain about....... The only excuse for this kind of behavior is if your getting on here at 4am partaking in crystal meth (I've heard that brings about notions of conspiracy)...... Or you're a cutwoods employee who's thinking they're going to be out of a job???
#251 by mrclax1227, Oct 22. 2015, 20:59
@Peps1 Keyword. "asked". You do have a tad bit of free will not to... right?
#252 by deb , Oct 22. 2015, 22:32
@vaype....Agree...Why bite the hand that feeds you?
#253 by HC2S, Oct 22. 2015, 23:32
...and if it is the devil's hand?
#254 by deb , Oct 23. 2015, 03:13
who cares the recipe is good...maybe more to
#255 by Ibano, Oct 23. 2015, 09:16
This recipe is spot on. It smells good, it tastes good, it vapes good. 2-3 weeks steep is ideal. Is it the real thing? Who cares!!!!!!!
#256 by nabibrian, Oct 23. 2015, 12:35
Not sure if this is the ACTUAL recipe but honestly I don't care.
I like this recipe it has great potential and tastes great.
If anything this recipe has given me a decent understanding of using some flavors I am not familiar with.

Thank you once again @cuttwoodspy I sure hope you continue to share your recipes as they are a great contribution to the DIY community.

Vape on my friends!!
#257 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 23. 2015, 17:29
Thank you to all of those that have left positive feedback, it's reassuring to know that some people out there in the DIY community that are promoting what we do rather than those who believe there time is best spent attempting to analyze the back story as well as try to discredit and slander me. I have stopped replying or sharing anything because a good percentage of DIY community is either in the industry themselves or are trying to profit from the ever so lucrative ejuice business. I personally can understand this and do not wish to affect any business or entroupenors from establishing a trade. I can only hope that people promote fair business practices and stop hiding behind the common claim that the overhead of production of ejuice is what causes them to inflate the prices. I hope everyone out there is enjoying the unicorn milk "clone" that I have shared, I know that I sure have. I hope that everyone understands that I cannot move forward unless I have support from those who understand what I am trying to do and spread the word that you can easily produce your own delicious ejuice at a fraction of the price. Follow me on Twitter @thecuttwoodspy and keep on blowing those clouds!

Fight for what you believe in & stop the greed.
Truly yours - thecuttwoodspy
#258 by rohin7, Oct 23. 2015, 17:34
You have my support mate. :)

I don't give a shit about the story to be honest. Just the message you're promoting and the fact that you shared this wondrous recipe. So thank you.

Are you still going to be sharing sugar drizzle btw?
#259 by slowfozzy, Oct 23. 2015, 18:12
Dang, I had a chance to try unicorn milk in the shop and I'm glad I did before I made it at home - it's just not for me.
Regardless, the message is right here: premium liquids are inappropriately expensive for what it costs to make them. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
#260 by VaperGlock, Oct 23. 2015, 19:07
I am working on my 2nd 120ml bottle of this stuff. With a 3rd steeping. I thought when I started the 1st bottle the strawberry was going to be a little strong. I made 2 bottles at the same time and by the time I got through the 1st the other was GREAT! The strawberry calmed down and the creams started to come out... I also made a small bottle with blueberry (wild) instead of Strawberry that I haven't tried yet. Probably give it a go this weekend.

I am VERY interested in the Sugar Drizzle recipe!!!
#261 by stevejay1, Oct 23. 2015, 19:16
You have my support cuttwoodspy. I'm enjoying the UM as I type this message. VaperGlock keep us posted on the blueberry wild blue unicorn. I bet it taste amazing many people are using this as a base for some awesome premium vape juice at a fraction of the cost. VAPE ON everyone !!!
#262 by Peps1, Oct 23. 2015, 19:17
Found this interesting
#263 by swissmilk, Oct 23. 2015, 19:52
Yeah Cuttwoodspy is back! Receipt of the year nominee! Thanks CWS!
#264 by MrGrimReaper2U, Oct 23. 2015, 19:56
......patiently waits for Bird Brains......
#265 by Ibano, Oct 23. 2015, 20:20
I forgot to say this in my previous post: Thank You Cutwoodspy. I hope you will be posting more recipes, and please do not be influenced by pricks such as that Wayne guy in the podcast or anyone else bashing you. Thanks again.
#266 by RetroJunkie, Oct 24. 2015, 02:20
So I got some of the sweet strawberry in, and remade this. TFA strawberry was good but man oh man, what a difference the cap sweet strawberry made. Like I said before UM was one of my main ADV before I started making my own. I seriously probably spent over a grand on it. I can now safely say this is legit. I've tried them side by side on every rda I own. Shits delicious. Thanks cutwood.
#267 by Nugeteer, Oct 24. 2015, 03:57
First ever post on here welcome back CWS Wane is a asshole you recipie was wonderful keep doing more for the masses I let a workmate try it today and he said its the best DIY juice he has ever tasted and I think it is really good too more power to you
#268 by DIYDork, Oct 26. 2015, 01:56
First off, thanks cuttwoodspy! Awesome recipe! That being said, while this tastes great, does anyons else notice it's lacking overall flavor, strengthwise? Perhaps my tastebuds are burnt out. Haha. Just wanted to see if I'm the only one. Also, would I be butchering the overall flavor if i added 50% extra flavoring for each flavor, so that it was evenly 50% more across the board? Still new to diy, so i figured i'd ask before attempting.
#269 by H3lf1r3, Oct 26. 2015, 16:17
DIY or DIE = self absorbed little prick!
#270 by Khalistocracy, Oct 26. 2015, 19:35
Guys, please help out. Do I just put in the flavours given as it is? is it already sweetened? or is there any other additives that we should add in? What about Ethyl Maltol, sucralose, Acetyl Parazine, or maybe distilled water and Saline Solution? Please help out, i would really appreciate it.
#271 by srgaudio, Oct 27. 2015, 04:57
Naa Khali, Don't add any of those things. Doesn't need it
#272 by Khalistocracy, Oct 27. 2015, 05:16
Thanks srgaudio, appreciate it.
#273 by H3lf1r3, Oct 27. 2015, 10:29
@Khalistocracy Do it as it SEZ!! Nothing more nothing less! Do what it says on the tin! Stop over thinking it. Take it on face value! Do as your are told. It is as simple as it looks. Don't add anything. Read the instructions make it as intended, then you know how to mod it. These are all SIMPLE life skills that people simply can't grasp.
#274 by southpaw, Oct 27. 2015, 10:37
diydork, , i wouldnt go increasing flavourings 50%, that would put it at 25% overall, would possibly taste chemically at that level, for more flavor you could mix it with more pg, (pg carries flavor better than vg) or maybe knock the main flavor up a percent or 2 , (sweet strawberry). not tried this recipe personally but i dont see others claiming its mute, you are mixing it at the correct values right with the exact same flavourings ?
#275 by rsimmy, Oct 27. 2015, 14:46
I'm having the same trouble with it being muted. And again I haven't had one batch taste the same as another. This recipe is killing me. I'm thinking about just getting a 15ml of real Unicorn Milk and seeing if it tastes like I remember or if my taste buds have changed.
#276 by rsimmy, Oct 27. 2015, 14:47
Actually wondering if my flavors may be diluted for extra profit. They're rebottled, and that scares me.
#277 by MrGrimReaper2U, Oct 27. 2015, 14:57
@rsimmy, you were replacing the custard with V2 and also omitting the Graham Cracker previously, correct? It will not taste the same as someone else making it. Also, if you are using a syringe and making a small batch, it will also not be consistant. Just a little above or below a line could mean an entire percent in a small batch.
#278 by HarrySmooth, Oct 27. 2015, 15:28
I am making this in 500ml qty, in 4 Nic levels and selling it in my shop, and my Cuttwood UM Customers are loving it! I also made a Variant, adding a hint of Banana Cream, and WOW, my customers are buying it up like CRAZY!! AWESOME Recipe!
Hey bout doing "Milkman, MuffinMan, and Rocketman"!!!!! Lol
#279 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 27. 2015, 16:30
Thanka for all the support :)! I have played around with the %s of the flavors a lot and found its best to be as accurate as possible. I use a ultrasonic cleaner with 4 30 minute cycles and it's very important if you do so as well to make sure it does not get too hot. Honestly it's best to mix it, let it air out for 2 hours and then let it sit. Make sure you open the bottle and shake it up from time to time but after 2 weeks it the flavor really expands. Steeping is a art in its own so I am still learning in regards to that.
#280 by Djvapes, Oct 27. 2015, 16:33
STFU cuttwood "spy"
#281 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 27. 2015, 16:40
Djvapes, - you mad bruh?
#282 by HarrySmooth, Oct 27. 2015, 18:08
#283 by HarrySmooth, Oct 27. 2015, 18:19
I just "Adapted" this Recipe, Swapping "Blueberry (CAP) for the Sweet Strawberry and called it "Blue Unicorn"....gonna do a 14 day S&S and see how it turns out...Betcha its gonna be GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! heh heh
#284 by 6oLsh0i_6o0z3, Oct 27. 2015, 18:19
This Djvapes smh. From top till bottom still talking shit about CWS. What are you so envy about him huh?
#285 by HC2S, Oct 28. 2015, 03:12
Blue Unicorn....sounds wonderful!
#286 by DIYDork, Oct 28. 2015, 03:33
Call it Blunicorn
#287 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 28. 2015, 12:42
Awesome idea Harry, I have a lot of variances of this recipe that are pretty interesting as well! Let me know how that's one tastes! In regards to djvapes, please practice sympathy for this individiual. Djvapes has a very rare medical condition known as saltytitus. Saltysitious is known to cause the body to create large amounts of salt as well as sand. The salt will enter his blood stream causing symptoms such as jealously, envy and ignorance. The sand on the other hand builds up in the vaginal canal causing discomfort and also symptoms such as discomfort, dilusuion and anger. I hope that one day we can find a cure.
#288 by 6oLsh0i_6o0z3, Oct 28. 2015, 13:21
#289 by Djvapes, Oct 28. 2015, 15:37
@cutwood"spy". 👏👏👏
#290 by SYNical, Oct 28. 2015, 20:18
Just tasted my first batch of this recipe! Awesome! Many thanks :)
#291 by iamherebecauseofum, Oct 29. 2015, 03:04
I believe, I speak for a lot of people here. Those who tried to the v2 flavoring for health concern etc. These are my lists which I use for making UM according to cutwoodspy's recipe :

Butter Cream
Graham Cracker V2
NY Cheesecake
Sweet Cream
Sweet Strawberry (RF)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Vanilla Custard V2

I will now describe the whole process and what I did to better help the others. I made 2 batch of 30ml CWS's UM according to the recipes, one with nicotine and one not.

After 24 hours of letting it breath of almost half a day, and constant shakes here and there for every 30 minutes, I decided to give it a taste.

First, let me tell you about the looks of it. The one with nicotine will appears somehow yellowish, and limey. Maybe because of the nicotine? The one without the nicotine, the colors is still crystal clear even after 24 hours. The nicotine do affect the colors, but I am not sure about it making juice limey.

Now about the taste. I vaped it yesterday, after 24 hours steep, it you know, there is it, but its not strong. You can taste the Graham, the creamy hint, Strawberry kicks, but its like only 10%. You know its there, but its only 10% of what you expected. Thats for the one with nicotine.

The other one taste exactly like mentioned above, but like only 5% maybe...? Or less.

BUT, I know it takes time to get all the flavor melted together. So I decided to continue with my 300ml batch anyway. I am gambling on it. I know its all there, but its just doesnt taste really like UM. I am gambling on the steeps. Time will heal time better do something on my juices. Its a damn 300ml man.

Or, maybe, I will never end up with the best results, considering I subtitute Graham Cracker and Vanilla Custard with V2...

I am sure some of you are wondering the details. But I am more interested to know if I did something wrong like letting it breath for too long? Half a day?

#292 by 6oLsh0i_6o0z3, Oct 29. 2015, 08:10
^dude you breathe it for 24hours? caps off for straight 24hours? O_O
#293 by H3lf1r3, Oct 29. 2015, 11:14
@iamherebecauseofum, You speak for NO-ONE!
#294 by HarrySmooth, Oct 29. 2015, 13:09
On this recipe ,as with ALL recipes involving "Creams"you MUST Steep and Breathe a MINIMUM of 14. days and even longer is better!!!
I allow 14-30 days on every recipe I use! And I sell mine in my retail shop and my customers love my stuff!!!!!
I use a Pneumatic paint can shaker to mix, and then open and allow to breathe for 3-4 hours, then repeat daily for 14-30 days .
Hope this helps...
#295 by MrGrimReaper2U, Oct 29. 2015, 15:26
Mentioning again. This recipe with V2 ingredients will "NOT" taste the same.
#296 by rsimmy, Oct 29. 2015, 17:07
I definitely see that now. I just saw a lot of people hyping vanilla custard V2. What's strange is the first few hits of my very first batch (only aged a day) was almost spot on even without graham cracker and using VC V2. Then the bottle lost flavor, and each subsequent batch was different and not too great. Eventually in s few weeks I'm going to get the exact flavors and make a larger batch, then stick it away for awhile.

Oh well. With all my failed attempts, at least I have all the ingredients for this Boosted clone. And honestly I prefer Boosted. Gonna let it steep a week before I even think about trying it.
#297 by TrECeNTeRs, Oct 30. 2015, 05:09
. The fact DIY is probably less then %1 of the vaping community. Also the fact most people I see on reddit say that the UM recipe doesn't taste like the real thing so I doubt there would be much impact in you releasing this. I have no idea myself I just know what I see on reddit. I like the recipe myself, but I change it according to my pallet. People that think the so called "premium" juice is expensive will not buy it even if they have to vape crap recipes. I know I sure vaped some crap mixes before I got decent at mixing.
#298 by CAGE RATTLER, Oct 30. 2015, 08:27
I mixed as was written and also thought the flavour was week and that's even with a 4 week aging. I mixed another batch the other day with 25% more flavour taking it up to 20.6% total flavour. Gave it 2.5 hours ultrasonic at 50 degrees celcius and it tastes pretty good so far.
#299 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 30. 2015, 13:40
I will be releasing a video revealing my identity as well as addressing all the concerns behind the release of my recipe. Stay tuned, it should be out by monday. Plan on Sunday at 6:00pm EST.
#300 by Billy_Jean, Oct 30. 2015, 15:00
Is it essential to put 75 vg 25 pg for this recipe? Or can i use 60 40 ratio?
#301 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 30. 2015, 16:33
I found that 60/40 works is ideal for tanks so that the wick is saturated efficiently and also makes the flavor come out more. I personally try to steer away from PG because of some of the speculation in regards to health concerns but in reality I'm sure that at the end of the day it's a much healthier to vape than it is to smoke regardless of what your % is. I am a cloud chaser and get the most pleasure from vapor production. The thing is for all of this the best way is to just try different things and do what you like. Do not listen to what everyone says because the vaping community has a large amount of "know it alls". The best part about DIYing is the experimention process. Try different things and learn hands on.
#302 by 3LD_, Oct 31. 2015, 09:31
Day #1. This smells like perfume and the vapor has an 'off' chemically taste to it. Forced others to sniff my bottle. They also agree. Strange perfumey scent, not pleasant. 2muchsweetstrawberry
#303 by cuttwoodspy, Oct 31. 2015, 17:23
That's normal, I air mine out over night, ultra sonic them with 4 30 min cycles making sure the temp does not to high then I let them sit for a week shaking and airing them out for 20 min a day.
#304 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 2. 2015, 01:22
@cuttwoodspy Hey mate, are you going to release any of the other recipes? Fab job with the UM though. I for one am a happy camper. Thanks.
#305 by Peps1, Nov 2. 2015, 09:08
@cuttwoodspy "I will be releasing a video revealing my identity as well as addressing all the concerns behind the release of my recipe. Stay tuned, it should be out by monday. Plan on Sunday at 6:00pm EST"

Where can we see this video? and when you say "my recipe" is that you confirming this is indeed a clone, and the you chose the title "internal leak" purely for the hype, ergo you don't have the other Cuttwood recipes you repeatedly been promising all over here and reddit?
#306 by damien4480, Nov 2. 2015, 20:02
Truly awesome recipe here and an entertaining story @ cutwoodspy.

Looking forward to the video man, keep up the good work
#307 by AaronR, Nov 3. 2015, 00:52
I tried the recipe. It's very good... It's not quite UM though. I have a bottle right next to me side by side. The first thing that is obvious is the original has a slight almond/cherry flavor in it. It's actually pretty apparent it jumps out at you. I'm surprised more people haven't picked up on that yet.

The second thing is the sweet strawberry from cap is too much of a sweet candy like strawberry. The UM has a strawberry that's a bit different. After going through all my strawberry flavors I think plain strawberry from TFA would be the way to go. I'll try tweaking it. I feel that with the almond and the right strawberry it will be impossible to tell the difference.
#308 by iCloud, Nov 3. 2015, 02:36
Thanks will try this tomorrow.
#309 by o0steveo0o, Nov 3. 2015, 09:15
Haven't tasted the original but this flav rocks. Well worth a 500ml batch. Thanks cutwoodspy.
#310 by damien4480, Nov 3. 2015, 13:03
Looking like theres not going to be a video
#311 by iCloud, Nov 3. 2015, 17:02
No surprise there! :)
#312 by damien4480, Nov 3. 2015, 17:10
Was entertaining while it lasted!haha
#313 by Peps1, Nov 3. 2015, 21:51
No video, no other recipes, and one recipe calamining to be a leak that clearly isn't.......starting to see why people think Cuttwoodspy is full of shit.
#314 by iCloud, Nov 4. 2015, 00:38
Yeah agreed, he still posted a good clone though :)
#315 by Peps1, Nov 4. 2015, 03:05
@iClound, I know, he could have got universal praise and a reputation as a good mixer he could have built on.......but, he went plan B and told a whole bunch of hype fibs, and now looks like a silly billy.
#316 by iCloud, Nov 4. 2015, 03:39
Agreed :)
#317 by mrclax1227, Nov 4. 2015, 03:47
@Peps21 How many times does it take to get this through your thick skull...? It was a JOKE.
#318 by mrclax1227, Nov 4. 2015, 03:50
Also... The caution labels weren't originally there for New York Cheesecake and Graham cracker. Never realized I was vaping those flavors until now. Looks like I'm switching.
#319 by CAGE RATTLER, Nov 4. 2015, 05:06
The video is being delayed because he's trying to setup a PAY PER VIEW site. ;)
#320 by Peps1, Nov 4. 2015, 05:26
@mrclax1227 What part was the joke, Saying it was a leak, then changing that to claiming he worked out the recipe via their concentrate orders that were leaked to him by someone else, agreeing to do the in the mix podcast still claiming to have leaked recipes until going AWOL, saying he had other Cuttwood recipes, then asking for money to help work out those recipes he previously claimed to have, saying he was releasing a video explain everything, and then there being no video....? You fucking muggle.
#321 by Daja, Nov 4. 2015, 14:12
Thanks to the author for this amazing recipe
I'm just vaping this after 6 days steep and this is amazing (it will get better i hear) , i dont know what the original unicorn milk is but i dont care as this is the best diy i tried so far.
In my opinion if this was not a leak thats even better news for us as it shows that we have an expert here that can make a recipe identical to the original and hopefully we will have some more in the near future.

Has anyone tried his other recipe? is it as good as this?
#322 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 4. 2015, 18:40
The OP has not released any other recipe. Many have asked, but no response from the OP yet.
#323 by Ibano, Nov 4. 2015, 20:35
He actually released some nannie boobies recipe
#324 by mrclax1227, Nov 4. 2015, 21:39
@Peps1 Because he totally busted into "Cuttwood HQ" with night vision goggles James Bond style.. and oh yeah! Don't forget about Cuttwood's vicious guard dogs!
#325 by iamherebecauseofum, Nov 4. 2015, 23:15
Tried with all the substitute version example :

vanilla custard v2
graham cracker v2

it doesnt taste the same. tasted worst.
#326 by Peps1, Nov 4. 2015, 23:35
@mrclax1227 Yes, you keeping going back to that single post that was clearly a joke, and ignoring ever other lie he/she has made here. myopic.
#327 by Clouder , Nov 4. 2015, 23:39
Big vendors get concentrates waaaay before they go on general sale. It allows them to create blends that nobody can clone to a T. meaning the vendors can generate as much hype over the new big blend as possible. This is for sure a clone and by no means a leak, but a verrrry close one. The fact cuttwoods recipes and other big vendors recipes contain pre released flavour concentrates make them even harder to replicate long after the concentrate is released to the general public.
#328 by Clouder , Nov 4. 2015, 23:39
Big vendors get concentrates waaaay before they go on general sale. It allows them to create blends that nobody can clone to a T. meaning the vendors can generate as much hype over the new big blend as possible. This is for sure a clone and by no means a leak, but a verrrry close one. The fact cuttwoods recipes and other big vendors recipes contain pre released flavour concentrates make them even harder to replicate long after the concentrate is released to the general public.
#329 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 5. 2015, 21:10
@Ibano Where is this recipe listed? Any links?
#330 by MrGrimReaper2U, Nov 5. 2015, 21:58
@Kiwi_Vaper, at the top click on his name cutwoodspy and you will see any receipes that he's posted.
#331 by Dio, Nov 6. 2015, 16:25
One of the best recipe EVER!!!!
many thanks cws!!!!
#332 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 6. 2015, 20:53
@MrGrimResper2U Thanks mate
#333 by West, Nov 7. 2015, 18:08
Can someone tell me where can i get Vanilla Custard V1 and Graham Cracker v1?
#334 by HarrySmooth, Nov 7. 2015, 18:35
Capella Flavors....
#335 by Quacking Vape, Nov 7. 2015, 22:50
Very nice, at first vanilla custard was overpowering but mellows after time in to a well rounded mix
#336 by West, Nov 8. 2015, 04:44
Capella flavours dosnt sell Vanilla Custard v1 and Graham Cracker v1 other website sell?
#337 by VaperGlock, Nov 8. 2015, 06:31
Just realized that I've been using Cap New RF Sweet Strawberry instead of Cap Sweet Strawberry...At least I'm getting through the RD that I didn't care for lol How much do you all think that is effecting the overall flavor of this recipe? on a side note my first attempt with 7% blueberry wild instead of Strawberry I was not impressed with. I'm going to try more Blueberry next round.
#338 by Just Mixing, Nov 8. 2015, 12:57
I use for all my concentrates. Nothing short of awesome
#339 by midKNIGHT, Nov 10. 2015, 10:20
can't wait to try this, just ordered enough ingredients die 3 liters die a couple buddies of mine
#340 by nellson, Nov 10. 2015, 12:06
whats the best steep time on this one ;)
#341 by rsimmy, Nov 10. 2015, 16:34
I made a 15ml flavor base with all the correct flavors now, except graham cracker v2, which I doubt will completely ruin it. I read about someone "steeping" their flavor base and letting all the flavors combine in their all PG state, so I'm going to do that for a few days, then mix a batch at 16.5%, and let that sit awhile.

I may just go ahead and make a whole 90ml.
#342 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 10. 2015, 20:19
@nellson This huice does require some steep. I would say 2-3 weeks at least for the real blend to come forth. I made my first batch 70/30 VG/PG and in the first week, it tasted a bit chemically. However, after 3 weeks now, it is a juice from heaven. Absolutely love it.
#343 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 10. 2015, 20:20
huice=juice ;-)
#344 by Dio, Nov 10. 2015, 22:16
This juice is really from... HEAVEN!!!
#345 by Bulldawg166, Nov 11. 2015, 02:37
It didn't smell good right after mixing, but after a few hours on the coffee mug warmer and letting it sit overnight without the lid both me and my girlfriend agree that it's 100% spot on
#346 by Jasetheace, Nov 11. 2015, 21:09
This juice after a 4 - 5 week steep is bang on Unicorn Milk! Just made another 500mls, love this stuff! 👍🏼
#347 by cuttwoodspy, Nov 12. 2015, 01:27
Hey everyone! - I am suprised to come back and see all of the wonderful comments! I have been very busy with my family and just needed to step away from all of this. I didn't release the video because I put in a lot of time to making my own juice and recipes and everything I post is questioned and at the end of the day it's just another head ache. Ideally I would like to discuss it with someone who is unbiased and who isnt some lititle fuckboy like Wayne from DIYorCRY. The ejuice /DIY community is just riddled with those who a plagued with greed and would rather spend there time trying to keep people from knowing the truth about how easy it is to make your own juice. Unfortunately this is how the business world works. I hope that everyone out there can just share with there friends. Look at anu author of all these redit articles that analyze my every move. THINK ABOUT IT, the people that are trying to decredit everything I say are just the only people that would give a fuck. So for me releasing more recipes just comes with more questions and it deviates away from everything I was attending to do.
#348 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 12. 2015, 01:28
@cuttwoodspy I do understand and respect where you are coming from. However, this is a community of people who DIY and share. On that ground, I would not let bad comments deter you from making use of your splendid talent and helping others here keep off analogiues.

PS - I for one, am still waiting for you to release the Sugar Bear recipe :)
#349 by Just Mixing, Nov 12. 2015, 01:33
Same here. I m dying for that sugar bear and check everyday. Can't you just release it and label it something totally different?
#350 by cuttwoodspy, Nov 12. 2015, 01:37
To answer a lot of every ones concerns I will tell you this about myself. I am in my mid twentys, graduated with a bachelor's in fine arts and I work in a call center. I make my own juice and give it away to my friends and coworkers because every person that I hand a bottle of juice to is saving them twenty dollars. I have no intension to market anything or promote sales for flavor distributers. That should allow you to fill in the blanks.
#351 by deb , Nov 12. 2015, 01:39
The other one he posted is freakin awesome!
#352 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 12. 2015, 01:57
@cutwoodspy Ummmm...are you saying that we should not expect any more recipes from you?
#353 by Just Mixing, Nov 12. 2015, 02:03
That is the exact reason I started making my own. When you vape 30 mls a day it would cost me double the price of mufflers. I guess we'll take what u can give us. Ty
#354 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 12. 2015, 02:39
@HighasFawk Thanks. Will def give it a go.
#355 by illitirit, Nov 12. 2015, 03:52
made a small test batch of this, it seriously vapes just like mothers milk / unicorn milk to me. 10/10. Prob gonna make a gallon of this lol.
#356 by ShaunTheDon, Nov 12. 2015, 04:45
Just mixed up a 120ml bottle of this last night, and all I gotta say is "WOW". Great as a shake n vape, but I know it'll just get better as the days go by. I'm going to make more 120mls and let them steep. Just got into creamy vapes, and this by far goes as one of my favorite ADVs. Good shit bro!!!
#357 by swissmilk, Nov 12. 2015, 20:08
Agree, Wayne the offended child was scared that this receipe has more success than bronuts. In fact it has, DIYorCRY vaped it SIDE by SIDE an said it is spot on. Later on he changed his opinion, what a pussy.
#358 by wagensport, Nov 13. 2015, 03:48
@cutwoodspy Its getting hard to finish reading all of these comments. Regardless of inside source, or you cloned this up yourself, damn good job mate. The rest of you... wtf? Who cares. This is a damn good DIY, lets leave it as that. ITS GOOD. Who gives a damn how, when or why. I too am interested in seeing what else he has to offer. Even if he is cloning... doesnt really matter. Just enjoy and stop giving the guy shit.
#359 by Billy_Jean, Nov 14. 2015, 03:43
Is it necessary to drop sweet strawberry to 6%? I read in the strawberry is overpowering
Im using sweet strawberrry RF and VC V2 btw
#360 by B-Rad, Nov 16. 2015, 01:10
For those of you who are looking for a UM alternative/clone, this is it! In fact, it might actually be better!
I spent WAY too much money on UM. So when I found this recipe...I jumped up and ordered ALL the EXACT ingredients.
That was almost 2 months ago.
Since then, I have tried many variations.
At first, it seemed like the sweet straw was a little rough. And the Buttercream and Custard were a little over powering.
But if you can hold out for 3 weeks... That's when the magic happens!
Forget about lowering this and upping that or swapping something else...
Just mix up a couple of 120's (EXACTLY as the recipe states) and hold out for 3 weeks.
Trust me, it's worth it!
#361 by HC2S, Nov 16. 2015, 02:39
I still like to add 1% of Cake Batter (CAP) to it. :p
#362 by xxjackintheboxx, Nov 16. 2015, 06:34
I love it. The homies love it. Well done good sir. I am in the process of making quarts of this stuff!
#363 by Ibano, Nov 16. 2015, 14:25
Yes, ideal steeping time on this recipe is 3-4 weeks. Much strawberry the first week, mix of muted/overpowering flavors between week 2-3.... amazing balance and vaping experience after that!
#364 by Daja, Nov 17. 2015, 02:31
Does it matter if it is "Sweet strawberry RF"??
#365 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 17. 2015, 02:36
@Daja A couple of others have asked this too. What is Sweet Strawberry RF?
#366 by Daja, Nov 17. 2015, 02:46
This is what i find from a website-This is the new reduced flashpoint (RF) version, which means that there is less alcohol in it.
#367 by Daja, Nov 17. 2015, 02:51
I did mix a batch awhile ego with the normal version and that one smelled to much much strawberry the first day, but after some time it was lovely. now just mixed about 150 ml with the RF version but this doesnt smell, and i'm a bit worried that it may not come up same as before....
#368 by Kiwi_Vaper, Nov 17. 2015, 02:55
Thanks for the clarification around RF. All the best with your new mix. When you can, please do report back on how does it compare to the mix with the non RF strawberry version.
#369 by bdubd90, Nov 17. 2015, 20:06
Was good. After steep turned into something different. Close to CW but not exact
#370 by leeksausage, Nov 18. 2015, 02:18
Just posting for reference. 200ml batch made. Naturally steeping (a good shake followed by 15 min breath each day), 7 days in the strawberry still smells overpowering, very 'chemically' and fumey (alcohol rich?). Hoping it will die down in a few more weeks. Wouldnt dare vape it with how it smells currently.
#371 by Just Mixing, Nov 18. 2015, 02:25
I let it breath for atleast 8 hours and sometimes more mad I've alreasy vaped it after a week. Not true potential but still very good. Alcohol rich juices need oxygen
#372 by CMOZ, Nov 18. 2015, 12:10
@leeksausage I had the same issue with Capella Sweet Strawberry, and ruined 100ml of liquid, that plastic smell never gone and it was also tasting plastic. Then I realized the problem was, I was heating liquids during the mix and noticed that heating sweet strawberry causes to problem. I made another 100ml without heat during the mix and mixed it in slow rpm 500rpm in mixer, now there is no plastic chemical smell. Also smelling it too much causes to same problem and do not shake everyday, just make it and mix it and leave for 10 days. After 10 days it is ready, I suggest you to try 30ml with my way. Strange but thats how i fixed the issue. Also this recipe is way better with %1.5 Vanilla Bean Ice Cream by TPA instead of CAP, I know it has diketone acetoin. But give it a try, it changes the taste almost completely to a better taste, you feel the vanilla exactly.
#373 by leeksausage, Nov 18. 2015, 13:54
@SBSpy - Not sure if that's my issue. Mixed it all up at room temperature. It smells like the alcohol content is too high, almost makes me light headed when I open the jar and sniff before ive had chance to let fumes escape. I'm hoping once most of the alcohol has evaporated off it will calm down and start smelling how I imagine it should.
#374 by CMOZ, Nov 18. 2015, 15:42
@leeksausage - It is the same issue, the smell I mentioned as plastic you feel it like alcohol and yes it is almost alcohol as well. I also noticed this problem with over 50ml, if you make 30ml and 60vg - 40pg you will notice that it is not smelling alcohol. It is because of the sweet strawberry, you made 200ml and there is 17ml SS there, I guess the amount of sweet strawberry causes to that smell and will go away after 30 days. It is surely not going by breathing, I left it 24 hours cap off, the smell was there and then I pour it into the beaker and left 48 hours in open air, the smell was there. Then I made 30ml and noticed there is no smell like in 100ml, then I made another 100ml and mixed it very slowly in the mixer also didnt make breathing and after 4 days I smell it and there is no any chemical or alcohol smell now. Make 30ml and smell it after 2 days you will see the difference as the amounf of SS is used less and smells perfectly strawberry. Like I said strange but related to amount of liquid and amount of SS used.
#375 by iCloud, Nov 18. 2015, 21:26
Great recipe! Needs at least 3-4 weeks steep time before it's vapable though. Tastes chemically first week, second week chemically and custardy. After 3 strong custard, 4 the strawberry really comes through. Would recommend making it to anyone thinking about getting the tackle. Thanks for the recipe.
#376 by TheLostSurveyor, Nov 19. 2015, 04:58
I mixed a 200ml batch up for a friend who probably should be buying the stuff by the case. He called me the day after exclaiming that it was perfect. I started mixing pretty early on so I have never tasted the real thing. But this is pretty damn nice. As a side benefit due to this. I no longer have to pay for my herb. I just make this in trade. VERY COOL! Thank you for sharing!
#377 by John_C, Nov 19. 2015, 07:11
^^ reported to FBI. hehe jk
#378 by Michael, Nov 20. 2015, 10:02
This is laughable.
#379 by Deeks, Nov 20. 2015, 16:51
A decent mix, I've steeped this for over a month now and its just OK to me. I should add that I've never actually tried the real Unicorm Milk and the opinions seemed pretty split. One thing for me is that it gives me vapers tongue so fast, I think its the mass amount of Sweet Strawberry in there. Definitely not an all day vape for me but if I want a shot of strawberry something blasted in my face I will drip some of this for a couple rounds but that's about all I can handle.
#380 by H3lf1r3, Nov 20. 2015, 17:34
@Deeks, Hit the nail on the head! 100% right. It just one flat flavour and after a few pulls its dead. Crap recipe! and the real thing is a rip off if this is true! £35 of concentrate wasted!
#381 by mrclax1227, Nov 21. 2015, 04:52
@VANDAL_UK Yeahhhh..... this is more flavorful than any other juice that I've ever tried to date. Taste is subjective. Don't shit on an amazing recipe because you can't properly taste it.
#382 by murph88, Nov 22. 2015, 14:36
This is pretty close not exact UM I gave it 4 stars though it was pretty tasty
#383 by HC2S, Nov 22. 2015, 21:39
@VANDAL_UK Did you make one huuuuge batch before even trying it? 35 quid worth of flavors in one batch? Makes me want to invoke my favorite John Wayne quote.....
#384 by CMOZ, Nov 23. 2015, 15:41
I think this is a manipulated recipe of this which has been released in Feb. You simply changed fa fresh cream and fa custard to capella dont you, as the rest of the recipe is the same. So this is not an internal leak, just a manipulated well copied another recipe lol.
#385 by mrclax1227, Nov 24. 2015, 07:25
@djvapes They're completely different recipes.
#386 by CMOZ, Nov 24. 2015, 11:29
@djvapes yes exactly ripped off. @mrclax1227 Anyone who says they are completely different recipes either blind or cuttwoodspy himself with a fake account.

Mansons recipe
Cream Fresh (FA)
Custard (FA)
Graham Cracker (CAP)
Meringue (FA)
New York Cheesecake (CAP)
Sweet Strawberry (CAP)
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP)

cuttwoodspy changed 3 flavors from the above recipe to;
Cream Fresh (FA) >> Sweet Cream Cap
Custard (FA) >> Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Cap
Graham Cracker (CAP)
Meringue (FA) >> Butter Cream Cap
New York Cheesecake (CAP)
Sweet Strawberry (CAP)
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP)

So yes they are the same recipes even few flavors have the exact percentages and %100 ripped recipe. Dont you see ?

Both recipes have a problem, they give vapers tongue after a day or vaping heavily, it is probably the sweet strawberry or sweet cream I dont know, or a flavor kills coils organic cottons which i dont know as well but sure. I steeped both recipes a month and both have the same problem like other people mention in above comments. This is not happening with the original UM, he cannot share any other recipe as he doesnt have one to be ripped lol.
#387 by H3lf1r3, Nov 24. 2015, 16:23
Looks to me like the only one who won out of this complete cluster fuck of a recipe is ..... Capella sales! You might as well end the conversation right here! There really isn't more to say on this! The horse has been beaten to a bloody stain on the floor!
#388 by Deeks, Nov 24. 2015, 17:21
I admittedly fell for it even after not ever trying the original UM, so yes Capella is the ultimate winner Altho I have found some nice things to do with some of these ingredients in other mixes. All together just seems like way too much flavor, hence the damn near immediate vapers tongue.

I can see this being more enjoyable for someone with "beginners" gear or the tootie puffers, but for lowish subohm its just too much flavor, or probably would be fine with like maybe 2-3% less Sweet Strawberry. I don't really care to mess around with it to find out but that would probably help a lot to lower the SS quite a bit.
#389 by ADV_Hunter, Nov 26. 2015, 02:54
Thanks for the recipe and dressing it up for everyone to notice!

Like everyone is saying, make and steep 2 to 3 weeks. Love this!
#390 by MrsDarthDuckie, Nov 29. 2015, 03:46
This is recipe is great! I've gotten to where I prefer this, over the original UM.
#391 by cuttwoodspy, Nov 29. 2015, 08:22
The real kicker to this entire recipe is seeing the mayhem with all of this Internet detectives trying to decode the "leak" aspect. This thread bounces from the people who are actually trying to figure out how to make juice and sharing helpful suggestions and then changes gears to these toxic degenerate thread junkies. No one fucking cares neither do I at this point. ADV hunter, you are very welcome and it's nice to know that there out people out there that can put two and two together.
#392 by TrECeNTeRs, Nov 29. 2015, 08:34
@cuttwoodspy, Should have just posted the recipe then. LOL! No one but yourself caused the drama "The Alias.. The Title.... Sorry you had so much hate and discontent with this. By the way... Welcome to the Internet, You have visited before right?
#393 by damien4480, Nov 29. 2015, 12:50
Who cares, it's a decent mix, tastes awesome after a few weeks and has an interesting story...even if it's not true, exciting none the less.

I would mix up anything cutwoodspy has to offer, clone or not
#394 by stevejay1, Nov 29. 2015, 14:55
@cuttwoodspy Much credit for putting up with all these negative comments and drama kings and queens. Your recipes rock and are enjoyed by many vapors. All I can say is Thank You !
#395 by H3lf1r3, Nov 29. 2015, 15:14
@damien4480 I heard CWS's next release is called Liquid Ass!
#396 by damien4480, Nov 29. 2015, 17:40
In that case....I won't be mixing that up!haha
#397 by Count Dripula, Nov 29. 2015, 18:26
I mixed a few batches of this seems pretty spot on. Has anyone tried using some different fruit? I was thinking about using pomegranate or some mixed berry.
#398 by Khalistocracy, Nov 29. 2015, 19:51
i made a few batches switching sweet strawberry with hibiscus and another with green tea (both TPA). its awesome.
#399 by 3LD_, Nov 29. 2015, 20:33
mixed this up 29 days ago using a higher pg ratio because my billows V2 is a b1tch to wick sometimes. It's smelt like feet/nailpolish/awful for the first 3 weeks. Figured I'd either screwed up mixing, the high pg had ruined it, or gotten a bad flavor extract somewhere and basically forgot about it on my shelf.
Just checked it today and it's pretty damned good. Just needed a long steep.
#400 by Count Dripula, Nov 29. 2015, 20:49
I usually sit my bottles submerged about half way in a crock pot on simmer for 4-6 hours and I come out with perfectly steeped juice
#401 by AK47, Nov 30. 2015, 00:10
Any educated guess on what flavour difference there may be if I sub for TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, and TFA Strawberry?
#402 by cuttwoodspy, Nov 30. 2015, 04:30
AK47, I have like 30 sub recipes from switching around the flavors some actually are really good, just whip up a 30ml bottle to test it out, not like you have anything to loose! Also any one at those point post negative or insulting comments will have their comments deleted. Feel free to use reddit to talk shit about me like everyone else :).
#403 by Count Dripula, Nov 30. 2015, 05:24
Cuttwoodspy regardless if this is a leak or not it's a damn good recipe there will always be haters I have a few people paying me 15 bucks a bottle for it so thank's for that
#404 by 6oLsh0i_6o0z3, Nov 30. 2015, 11:43
#427 So you're selling his recipe for your profit? are you for real?
#405 by Count Dripula, Nov 30. 2015, 12:53
For profit? No, just here and there to keep my flavor stash up.
#406 by H3lf1r3, Nov 30. 2015, 13:40
I sell if for £9 for 30ml making nice profit on this! Can't see how because the recipe gives vapers tong quite bad.
#407 by Count Dripula, Nov 30. 2015, 16:43
That's weird I've never gotten vapers tongue from this and usually build around .15
#408 by luchometallica, Nov 30. 2015, 18:30
Hello everyone , I'm from South America and all you get here is that Chinese crap ,
I started to make my own liquid. i tried " sicle " by diyordievaping
and was meeeh , neither good nor bad. until CWS came with UM . I made 500ml and only left 180 ml in about 3 month
its really good (i have an almost full bottle of milk man by Onehitwonder), not saying its bad. but im stuck to UM by CWS.
So for that i really thank you ¡Cuttwoodspy¡ (if you could only clone Queenside by Five Pawns, for me the best eliquid )
#409 by deb , Nov 30. 2015, 22:52
If ya like the recipe cool .. if not no need to bad mouth anyone ..we are all in this together...I also agree with selling juice because if friends/family like your juice ..and want it all the time eventually you can't keep giving it out...I know first hand..I do all DIY and keep my stuff replenished and it costs money...CLOSE family/friends have all they want for free...but their friends try it and want some and the list grows from there..I sell them cheap to put back in my DIY pool...not a business..just keeping friends/family happy.....and the vapor flowing...
#410 by farenheit, Dec 1. 2015, 08:48
Does this have to be a 75vg25pg mix or can it be a 50:50 mix or a 60:40 mix etc :)
#411 by Count Dripula, Dec 1. 2015, 12:51
It can be any pg vg ratio it will just require different steep times.
#412 by farenheit, Dec 1. 2015, 15:20
@Count Dripula
Wont this affect the throat hit?
Also what would be the best pg:vg ratio for this mix?
#413 by srgaudio, Dec 1. 2015, 15:32
I suspect that if you drop this to 50:50, the flavor will be overpowering.
#414 by Count Dripula, Dec 1. 2015, 15:58
I mix all of mine at 70 vg 30 pg and yes it will affect throat hit more pg more throat hit plus the flavors bind more to pg so it will be stronger the more pg it has like srgaudio said if too much pg it could be overpowering
#415 by cuttwoodspy, Dec 2. 2015, 03:32
In regards to anyone getting a chemical smell when you first mix this, please keep in mind I personly use a ultra sonic cleaner for at least 2 hours then air them out overnight. Then again figuring out what works best for you and on the same scale that your mixing with can only be resolved with trail and error. Document your tests and findings do you can rule out what works and what doesn't.
#416 by TheLostSurveyor, Dec 5. 2015, 02:20
I ran into that. I also did the same thing. Except I use a milk frother. I mixed up 200ml for a friend who goes through the stuff by the case. He is VERY happy! Imagine my surprise when I went to place a bigger quantity order directly from Capella and discovered they are less than 10 minutes from my house. No postage AND a volume discount? Now I am VERY happy! Thanks again!
#417 by cuttwoodspy, Dec 5. 2015, 02:33
You're very welcome, I can't believe how much this recipe has single handly changed the DIY community for the greater good. Thank you all so much for all the support and positive feedback it is truly inspiring to know that something as small as this could have brought so much change. Keep on spreading the word and helping to create a movement that inspires change for the greater good. I actually stopped at a couple local shops in my home town syracuse NY and saw more than one of these shops selling unicorn milk that was mixed right in the store for a far more affordable price. This honestly was breathe taking to me to see its impact, and is exactly what I set out to do with the release of this recipe. I am terrible with keeping up with my posts but I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! My daughter is going to be arriving any time now and I will no longer have the time for mixing. I am still looking for someone who stands behind me that would like to talk to me in regards to the complete story about how this all came about because it is very interesting. Until next time, thecuttwood"spy".
#418 by cuttwoodspy, Dec 5. 2015, 02:33
You're very welcome, I can't believe how much this recipe has single handly changed the DIY community for the greater good. Thank you all so much for all the support and positive feedback it is truly inspiring to know that something as small as this could have brought so much change. Keep on spreading the word and helping to create a movement that inspires change for the greater good. I actually stopped at a couple local shops in my home town syracuse NY and saw more than one of these shops selling unicorn milk that was mixed right in the store for a far more affordable price. This honestly was breathe taking to me to see its impact, and is exactly what I set out to do with the release of this recipe. I am terrible with keeping up with my posts but I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! My daughter is going to be arriving any time now and I will no longer have the time for mixing. I am still looking for someone who stands behind me that would like to talk to me in regards to the complete story about how this all came about because it is very interesting. Until next time, thecuttwood"spy".
#419 by Stoney553, Dec 5. 2015, 06:05
I'm just ready to know the complete story! I would die to know bird brains as well! Lol
#420 by mrclax1227, Dec 5. 2015, 08:28
@cuttwoodspy You have people effected near you! Fellow DIY'er in Buffalo, New York! You go man!
#421 by deb , Dec 5. 2015, 15:07
I would love Birdbrains as well......Congrats on your new baby girl...
#422 by Zaboo, Dec 5. 2015, 16:33
This was my first diy..after 36 hours with some heating n breathing tastes great can't wait to see what its like after 2 weeks thanks for the awesome recipe!!
#423 by ampvapes, Dec 5. 2015, 21:31
Big thanks to cuttwoodspy! This recipe is amazing!
#424 by VaperGlock, Dec 5. 2015, 22:46
Anyone else get some throat irritation from this recipe? I mixed it at 70vg. Not sure if it's the strawberry or the pg....
#425 by farenheit, Dec 5. 2015, 22:48
Same here :(
#426 by VaperGlock, Dec 5. 2015, 22:54
It's not all the time though. I'll vape this for days and everything is fine. Then all the sudden it irritates my throat for a few days. Don't have this problem with other recipes with SS in them. I just don't get it. I vape this recipe 98% of the time. Guess it could be the amount of SS. I did reduce it to 7% and it helped a little.
#427 by Penrar, Dec 6. 2015, 16:08
I've made a litre up after tasting some that a friend made from this recipe. It's looking and smelling great so far after 5 days. Getting thicker by the day, the sweetness is dying off and it's becoming a more rounded flavour day by day. Can't wait for 23rd when three weeks have passed, should be perfect :) Thanks for posting!
#428 by Nugeteer, Dec 6. 2015, 23:41
thats not the same recipie mate
#429 by sillyrabbit, Dec 7. 2015, 00:25
Well i had all this. So i just made a 100mils to see how it comes out. I love me some uk milk as well as mothers milk. At $29 for 30mil bottle here. I am willing to try this and see how it gos. With this there as lots of steep time.
#430 by sillyrabbit, Dec 7. 2015, 00:42
Well i had all this. So i just made a 100mils to see how it comes out. I love me some uk milk as well as mothers milk. At $29 for 30mil bottle here. I am willing to try this and see how it gos. With this there as lots of steep time.
#431 by Dizzyleafblower, Dec 7. 2015, 01:08
I mixed VANILLA WHIPPED CREAM and BAVARIAN CREAM at same ratio as BUTTER CREAM and upped the STRAWBERRY. soooo good.
#432 by Just Mixing, Dec 7. 2015, 04:14
It really needs 28 days steep to fully develop and vaped properly without the irritation for me
#433 by FeelsBadMan, Dec 11. 2015, 09:42
Just mixed this up and vaped it. Good stuff! Seems to be a little bit sweeter than original Unicorn Milk for me, but damn I like it. Thanks OP
#434 by Ogamy, Dec 11. 2015, 14:48
I'd love to know whether others have tried it without Strawberry, but other fruit flavours in the mix. Think Pineapple / Blueberry would work well?
#435 by cerevisaphile87, Dec 13. 2015, 21:26
I have a bottle of Unicorn Milk (UM) and a bottle of this "leak" in front of me with a freshly cleaned RDA. The "leak" was steeped for 6 weeks and is fully matured with no flavoring substitutes whatsoever. UM is 0.15% nicotine and the "leak" is at 0.5% nicotine.

The "leak" tastes overwhelmed with sweet strawberry and will cause olfactory fatigue very quickly. Side-by-side, UM's buttery notes become predominant while the "leak" takes on a subtle chemical-like aftertaste (again, this is probably because of the sweet strawberry at 8.5%). The taste of the "leak" is reminiscent of VapeWild's S+C2 just as much as Unicorn Milk.

As mentioned in this comments, it is apparent that the "leak" was created as an adaptation of NotCharlesManson's UM clone. I suggest anyone who has these flavorings to try out ThirdWorldOrder's Sugar Rush since it has a better balance of flavorings than this "leak". The "leak" is pretty good based on NotCharlesManson doing most of the heavy lifting. I would normally give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars, but I cannot give it a good review because of the creator's deceptive tactics and propositions for money.
#436 by Pake, Dec 15. 2015, 11:10
I find it funny that the name of the recipe is still CUTWOOK instead of CUTTWOOD :)
#437 by JCGLZ, Dec 16. 2015, 11:54
I just made this and it is awesome how identical or even better the flavor came out! I can't wait to let it steep for a couple weeks :) thanks!
#438 by ADV_Hunter, Dec 17. 2015, 03:50
Damn, this thread is mind numbing.

I had been mixing this with strawberry ripe and lovin it. My order with sweet strawberry arrived so I mixed it as written (except for using cap butter at 1%). I found that I liked it better with strawberry ripe. Seemed to hang in a bit better at the 2-3 week steep.

So I finally have the $ for another flavor order. I sure hope to find butter cream in stock.
#439 by SKYLiNED, Dec 18. 2015, 08:29
I don't know if this is an actual recipe of a gigantic e-juice maker. I don't know who the person is that "leaked" this recipe, what their motives for the leak were, or if they came up with this on their own and just wanted to share it. To be honest, I don't give a flying fuck. What matters is that this recipe makes one of the most delicious vapes I've ever had, hands down. Thank you, Mr Cuttwoodspy guy.
#440 by Billy_Jean, Dec 18. 2015, 11:42
This recipe is spot on. Made this wIth 3 weeks natural steeping. So glad i made 100ml. Thank you very much CWS. You're the man!!!
#441 by Just Mixing, Dec 19. 2015, 01:13
I noticed that when it was not steeped for atleast 3 weeks i git the irritation. 4 weeks + is optimal
#442 by Khalistocracy, Dec 19. 2015, 19:33
Dear my fellow DIYers,


I have made this juice before for 30ml, using the exact version of the flavours (no V2 and RF). It turned out great, many loved it.

So i decided to make a larger batch. As I am from abroad, it was recommended for me to buy V2 and RF version. So I mixed 1 Litre using this new versions. I am having the same problems as some of you (especially @FPSpy). It has been steeped for 10 days, breathed for 1-2 hours on daily basis, and slow cooked in crock pot at 40-50C for 2-3 hours twice. The Sweet Strawberry RF is still overpowering and chemical-ish.

FPSpy mentioned that it could be due to the amount of Sweet Strawberry used with larger batches.

I just need to know, has anyone ever made a 1 litre batch of this recipe using V2 and RF version and it turned out good? PLEASE let me know and how. thank you. #LiveLoveVape
#443 by HC2S, Dec 20. 2015, 00:54
If it ain't broke.....don't fix it?
#444 by SKYLiNED, Dec 20. 2015, 02:20
I've made two 140ml batches following the exact recipe as it's posted. One I heated in a crock pot on low for 4 hours. The other I allowed to age naturally, without doing anything but let it sit in a drawer. The first one that was heated is harsh. The second one is delicious and perfect.
#445 by Daja, Dec 26. 2015, 22:13
In my opinion/taste it is better to use the SS the RF version as it has no alcohol in it, also 8.5% it's a little bit to much i think,i will take it lower on the next batch
#446 by brotheomen, Dec 30. 2015, 03:03
I am vaping this side by side to the original. Wow! total props to this guy. This is so spot on, there is no deviation on it. I love the original so much so i will continue to buy the real deal. But I have many empty Cuttwood unicorn milk bottles to fill with this stuff. Thank You!
#447 by babayaga, Dec 31. 2015, 08:42
Okay.... Unless folks here are full of shit or I'm doing something wrong this tastes NOTHING like the real UM! I followed this recipe with the exact flavors to the T precision measurement with various methods various builds, atty's and stepped for 24 days and still not close. WTF!

#448 by CMOZ, Dec 31. 2015, 12:31
@Khalistocracy It happens over 30ml batches, I had to throw a 100ml batch because of chemical smell. I realized if you even use SS at %8.6 or %8.7 it happens. So the maximum point for SS is %8.5 in this formula, if you pass that amount it turns out chemical due to mix with other flavors. I have other recipes that uses %10 SS but they dont have the same issue. So you probably went over %8.5 SS while making 1 liter as it can be due to measurements. If you ask my opinion, that 1 liter is ruined and will not turn back to normal. However, according to my experiences on SS, it turns to a very smooth strawberry on the day 45 - 48. Before 30 days, normal version of SS is harsh and looks like the RF version is also harsh that I understand from your comment. So the harsh will go away after 40 days and with 1 liter batch, I guess it will go away after 60 days however, chemical smell or plastic taste will never go away if you have passed %8.5 SS. Do never make 1 liter before you test a formula over 3 months. It can turn out disaster. I always recommend small batches for new formulas at least 2-3 months test needed before going to 1 liter batch etc. If the harsh will never go after 45 days, the only way to save that 1 liter will be adding Vanilin (TPA) at %1 and re-mix it well, steep it 15 days this should take all the harsh part.
#449 by damien4480, Dec 31. 2015, 17:34
I mix this with 7.5% ss and 1% strawberry ripe, it's bang on for me in my last batch of 450ml with at least a two week steep
#450 by Reach Island WA, Jan 3. 2016, 03:50
My friend mixed this recipe.

We bought a bottle of UM just to compare.

I must say this recipe is not 100%, but it is pretty dam close to the real deal if not better IMO.
#451 by Just Mixing, Jan 3. 2016, 18:39
The unfortunate part about this mix is most DIY ers wont wait 4 weeks for it to mature. If you watch the process week by week tou watch the juice go through the steeping process. You will notice at week 3 its almost slimy after a good shake. Do yourself a favour and wait until 4 weeks steep naturally and then enjoy!
#452 by West, Jan 5. 2016, 07:50
is it real?..after 3 weeks steeping the juice, it still have plutonium taste in it..
#453 by luchometallica, Jan 5. 2016, 15:59
Somebody knows where is FPSpy, he just disappear?
#454 by Kigger, Jan 6. 2016, 01:01
Guys can i use tfa strawberry ripe insteed of Sweet Strawberry and which % thanks
#455 by eflynn, Jan 6. 2016, 01:47
5,5 hours in the crockpot and this is just WOW !!! Thank you !!!
#456 by Vaporella , Jan 7. 2016, 03:14
Sooooo many ridiculous comments lol. Wondering where people get so much misinformation. Very entertaining none the less. *munches popcorn*
#457 by iCloud, Jan 8. 2016, 12:36
I tried steeping it in a slow cooker, didn't work. Still tasted terrible, this recipe REALLY does need at least a 4 week steep. Below is a picture of what it looks like when it's ready to vape. 4 Week steep on the left, 4 day steep on the right.
#458 by eflynn, Jan 8. 2016, 20:31
iCloud, Mine is just a bit darker than your 4 days and it really tastes exactly like the OHW Milkman. I can't wait too see how it turns out in 3 weeks... I did mine at 3mg and at max VG. Maybe the nic strenght/pg ratio has to do with the harsh taste at the early steeping stages?
#459 by CMOZ, Jan 9. 2016, 20:32
@luchometallica I'm arround my friend.
#460 by luchometallica, Jan 9. 2016, 20:47
@FPSpy glad to hear you're around, but i can not find you mothers milk recipe any chance to get that recipe?
#461 by CMOZ, Jan 10. 2016, 16:25
Cake Batter (CAP) %2
Cinnamon Spice (TPA) %0.1 (1 drop with pastor pipette for 30ml batch)
Cream Fresh (FA) %1.5
Graham Cracker (Clear) (TPA) %3.5
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) %6.5
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) %6
Marshmallow (TPA) %1
Vanillin 10% (TPA) %1
Make sure the recipe is made as %70VG. 15 days steep. I have removed the recipe since I didnt feel okay with that but someone else re-posted it. However, I have changed the percentages as only ingredients are leak not percentages. Above recipe, thats it. %100 MM.
#462 by luchometallica, Jan 10. 2016, 21:55
Thank you very much @FPspy really appreciated, Is there a change that you post queenside instead of grandmaster recipe????
#463 by CMOZ, Jan 11. 2016, 04:03
@luchometallica, I dont have ingredients of queenside. I have only Grandmaster and half of the Castle Long at this momment. I made some recipes the grandmaster is okay and done but I'm testing percentages. I will post both of them. Castle Long has natural madagascar vanilla bean extract but I dont know where they are buying it and which company yet.
#464 by Maureeenie, Jan 14. 2016, 00:12
I put 10 drops of FW Sour in 120 ML of this and it made the Strawberry exlode. God I love this recipe.
#465 by Maureeenie, Jan 14. 2016, 00:15
I put 10 drops of FW Sour in 120 ML of this and it made the Strawberry explode. God I love this recipe.
#466 by 3lo00osh, Jan 14. 2016, 09:00
no one said anything about steeping it ... please share the best way

#467 by LordVapor, Jan 14. 2016, 12:51
This is pretty good after a month. But after 2 months.... PHENOMINAL!
#468 by iCloud, Jan 14. 2016, 18:46
@3lo00osh To steep I leave the lid off for 1 night. After that I shake the bottle once on a daily basis, letting the air out and replacing the lid straight afterwards. Repeat until ready.
#469 by DirtyGoblin, Jan 15. 2016, 00:58
Never done my own mixing in a big way but I have to stop spending too much on liquids. Purchased some cheap scales that increments at 0.01g and "had a go" at this one. All I can say is many thanks. You have saved me a fortune. I am so fussy with my liquids and this is a spot on substitute and I haven't even started steeping.
#470 by shyclops, Jan 15. 2016, 20:25
Holy shit! Took me a couple evening to read through all that. I had never tried UM before, and haven't bought retail liquids since I started mixing a year ago. I did however order some UM to see if I'd like it. It's pretty tasty, so I ordered the extracts. That being said, I wonder how many DIYers ordered UM for the first time just for a side by side taste test, resulting in more UM sales than without this post...anywho, everything I wanted to say on this thread has already been said. I wish I could like some of these comments, haha! Thanks OP!
#471 by LordVapor, Jan 16. 2016, 22:58
I have had the original. In my opinion, what I made from using this exact recipe, after 2 months steep tastes just like it, but it's better. I have made a bunch of this recipe and I love it.
#472 by ciss, Jan 18. 2016, 19:20
This is awesome! I just made it, I like it already, but gonna let it steep til tomorrow. I have been vaping OHW milkman for the last 7 days, this is less candyish, a bit different, I almost like it more as is.. Thanks again CWS
#473 by shyclops, Jan 22. 2016, 07:43
#474 by Aqualung, Jan 22. 2016, 09:08
Awesome juice! Thank you Cuttwoodspy!
I have drove truck over 3 million miles and see stupid people doing stupid things on a daily basis. This thread helps me to appreciate the fact that I can only see these fools, and there is no audio!
First the loud voices of ignorance (whom later trickled back in to prove they’re stupidity beyond a doubt).
Next came the recipe offerings "try this one I think its closer".
And of coarse then the group of pros who cannot understand why this Creamy Custard base recipe is not of gourmet quality after a 3 day steep.
Oh and the guy who starts off with,"You people are hilarious." Then proceeds to prove himself the equivalent IQ of a paper sack of hammers.

ETA: and the people who obviously did no reading, but took the time to share they’re strong opinions.
@Cutwoodspy, if you ever actually share another excellent recipe on a public forum, I suggest you see a shrink!
#475 by masterstephenvapesologies, Jan 22. 2016, 10:20
new to the site but this was my first home brew (of a real recipe) and i would like to thank you for sharing. im huffin it right now after a 2h 120' water bath. i made it with exact ingredients. percentages were as close as i could get them. also i made it @ 4% nic, 50/50. and im running it in my kanger sub tank plus on a fresh build. TYVM! also it is 4:20 right now.
#476 by TheVgGuy, Jan 22. 2016, 11:49
can i just use a plain vanila tfa here? its the only missig flavor i dont have
#477 by sal, Jan 23. 2016, 23:32
but V1 custard may contain diacetyl, surely cuttwood wouldnt be using this concentrate would they. it would flag up in MSDS reports
#478 by geebee, Jan 24. 2016, 16:12
sal, im sure they would. an msds report isnt costing cuttwood sales, and 99%+ of vapers wont even know what da/ap are. and for now, theres no regulations against it.
#479 by Aqualung, Jan 25. 2016, 14:43
@sai There were some studies done on the effects of diacetyl inhalation, but the tests were inconclusive, so that leave diacetyl inhalation and water vapor inhalation tied, we just don't know.
The other guys figures are about right, except 99% of vapers know the facts and about 1% who don't seem to speak right out on the subject.

There was a study done on diacetyl with rats and the rats got cancer alright, the test was refuted, it was garbage.
While were at it, here is another interesting fact,

~Rats are genetically predisposed to a high incidence of tumors and cancers.~
Funny that we use them in controlled tests, lol. They did a study and out of the 150 rats, 57% died from cancerous tumors lol, here is a link, good stuff

If you want positive results for cancer studies use rats! :)
#480 by Vaporella , Jan 25. 2016, 21:34
I agree with @geebee, but I suspect a few self proclaimed "pros" will chime in and disagree lol. *goes to get more popcorn*
#481 by Clutch2k3, Jan 27. 2016, 22:09
I put half of mine in the UC at ~130F and that half did not come out that great, it tastes a bit funny. The stuff I let cure at room temperature came out great. 15ml is going down the sink :-(
#482 by Maureeenie, Jan 27. 2016, 22:49
Comments on this recipe are starting to read like a novel, which is good, right? I am on bottle number 4 of 120 ML of this recipe. I'm glad it was posted! I vape about 15 ML of this recipe a day at about 30 Watts. Now other than my office being full of steam and some whining from my dear husband about having to clean windows, we all seem fine. Say Clutch...I do heat it when I mix it though and it's quite delicious. I do that to burn off the vodka I put in my Base VG mix. I don't want to taste the vodka or vape alcohol so it has to be gassed off somehow. I use heat. In my own experience, if you don't use some kind of alcohol to break down the VG to get the flavor to stick to it - it increases your steep time exponentially if you are a max VG or VG only mixer. I cant tolerate a lot of PG. Now this may not work for others but in my experience it speeds my ability to vape my mixes by many days.
#483 by Clutch2k3, Jan 27. 2016, 23:01
I'm a newbie. I probably did something stoopid to that other 15ml
#484 by Maureeenie, Jan 27. 2016, 23:12
I ruined about 500 ml of VG before I figured out what worked and I almost gave up. I started out trying to use cheep flavors from sub par flavor manufacturers and got VG that wasn't very sweet. It just takes time to see what works for you. The only advice I would give you is listen to some of the old guys on this site and ask questions on the forum. These are all really good folks, they always answer my dumb questions, they don't make you feel stupid and are very helpful. You can usually trust the ratings on the recipes too.
#485 by jsurda, Jan 29. 2016, 02:28
Great ADV and very close. I've mixed a few 120ml bottles and all are close, but it's not a real Cuttwood leak. Love it and I'll def mix more. Just doesn't have that bite that UM has.
#486 by SS, Jan 30. 2016, 03:38
Have CAP - Butter. Not Butter Cream. Are they the same? Thought I read they were?
#487 by Just Mixing, Jan 30. 2016, 04:14
Butter and butter cream are not the same. Probably similar and if u se butter i wouldnt go as high but ive never used it in lieu so cant say for sure
#488 by Mc Fly, Jan 31. 2016, 15:01
Tastes like original but it makes no difference to me whether it is an original or not. It is a fantastic recipe. I Love it :-)
#489 by SS, Jan 31. 2016, 20:43
JustMixing-thanks, ordered since. Thx. Point Noted
#490 by GccTxs67, Feb 1. 2016, 20:09
I made 10 ml's of this Sunday, not bad out of the bottle, but not UM, Letting it steep a few days and will try it again. I did notice the color is changing a bit today, it was completely clear the day of, today it has a little tint to it.....
#491 by GccTxs67, Feb 1. 2016, 20:20
I should also mention that it tasted a little "perfumey" i guess is the word....
#492 by Mugster, Feb 4. 2016, 16:34
First review of a recipe: AWESOME. I adjusted for max VG, increased flavor percentages by .3 and added 2% DW to thin it out. Simply amazing after a nice 6 hour bath and overnight steep.
#493 by big mac, Feb 5. 2016, 21:33
Howdy, mixed as directed, hot bath at 145 degrees for 4 hrs, left overnight with open bottle. Sat for about a day before my son saw it and wanted to try it. Vaping at 25 watts in a Crown w/.25 head.

I never had Unicorn's milk before trying this recipe. My son has had it and commented that it is right on. He loved it. Me, well, it was good, but I'd like it more if there was a bit more strawberry flavor to it. I'm too new at mixing to really fool with a recipe at this point (don't know if I should add more strawberry, add another strawberry on top of what's there now, etc), but in the future I will attempt to increase the strawberry some....unless someone has already done it and wants to part with the info about what they did.

Thanks for this.
#494 by 3lo00osh, Feb 9. 2016, 07:33
its more like milk man from ohw .. anyways i love it :))
#495 by 3lo00osh, Feb 9. 2016, 07:35
you just saved me 60$ a month .. thanks
#496 by Ogamy, Feb 9. 2016, 19:56
Big Mac - Many people say if you up the Sweet Strawberry above 8.5% It becomes an overpowered, perfume vape. Many have tried Ripe Strawberry, think by TFA, and that is meant to help quite a bit.

On that note, Has anyone tried adding other flavours to this mix, rather than having a Strawberry/Cream vibe, has anyone else gone with different fruits?
#497 by big mac, Feb 10. 2016, 03:01
thanks @Og
Appreciate the info, I've got some flavors coming and one happens to be ripe strawberry, maybe I'll give it a go and see what happens.
#498 by GccTxs67, Feb 10. 2016, 17:14
I dropped the Strawberry to 8.0 and up'ed the Butter Cream to 2.0.

Dead Bang!
#499 by KennethLNOR, Feb 10. 2016, 20:51
Hello. I received all ingredients to make UM today, but I bought the V2 and RF versions. Never tried Cuttwood UM and probably never will because it's expensive to buy and ship from USA to Norway. Will the juice be good with the newer flavors? Do I need to change something with the recipe?

#500 by Burritoclock, Feb 11. 2016, 03:42
Mine aged oddly and I had to dump it. The first day it was 100% unicorn milk, but now 3+ weeks on something is wrong. It's rotten. I may try again as it was one of the first things I made.
#501 by jonny, Feb 13. 2016, 12:06
Beautiful, i have been mixing for a while and this has to be the best thing i have ever made !!
#502 by PuffinSumffin, Feb 14. 2016, 01:03
#503 by Latinoflavors.PR, Feb 14. 2016, 07:15
Thumbs up my friend! I adapted this recipe and had to mix a 120 ml at my 2nd batch. Really good job, this is spot on UM. I but a 15ml bottle to compare as this aged and is being a few days over a month and this juice has not lost his notes and similarity. Thanks for sharing such a great mix. Keep up the good work...
#504 by footballrain7, Feb 15. 2016, 00:38
Question: I had a buddy mix this up 2 weeks ago and we tested it today. BY FAR the best DIY juice I've ever tried/made. I have come to love milky flavors. With that being said, since the strawberry milky flavor of this juice is so amazing. Anyone got an input on replacing the strawberry with chocolate and making a delicious creamy chocolate vape? Just an idea I came up with. If it won't work, I'm taking the "Golden Ticket" recipe I have and trying it. Just needing to have some feedback before I place an order for flavors. @puffinSuffin
#505 by MixYoSheeit, Feb 16. 2016, 21:47
With a clone recipe I think it's more important that it mimics something well and tastes decent. On the first point I can only assume it is very close, from the comments. However, having made 100mL and steeping it for a month.....well I'm not crazy about it. Has an odd sort of tutti-fruti taste, like juicy fruit gum, only not as good as that (hard to explain). The exhale is odd tasting as well. I remember thinking it didn't smell all that appealing right after mixing it. Another thing, I can't taste much strawberry at all. 60/40 VG/PG, 3mg. I won't have trouble finishing this, but it is only mediocre, if not overly flavored and "muddy". Too many creams...

I think strawberry + cheesecake with graham crust is far better than this, and definitely cheaper to make with a great strawberry flavor for a mild ADV. This blend here just tastes like it has too many flavors going on, but I wouldn't downvote just because it isn't to my taste. I can respect that it is a good clone.

Really surprised that I don't care for this. The recipe looked like nothing but win.

P.S: I still have enough of the 8 mL bottles of flavors to make another smaller batch. This time, I'll try it right after mixing. I know that I tend to like strawberry cheesecake juice freshly made rather than steeped for weeks ( I like it when clearer, not more amber color....oxidized). Steeping, I think, is a very subjective thing, and might have made this juice not-so-good for me. E-juice is not wine, heh
#506 by SS, Feb 18. 2016, 22:03
Did mine 50/50. Its ok, but I dont love it. But dont know the original so cant comment on how close it is. Did a strawberry cheesecake one on this site I actually prefer but this might just be my taste buds and no reflection on the recipe itself. I steeped for 2 weeks, just long enough to get a sense for how it would be. Great marks for putting it up and many people loving it. I will vape what I made, 30mls only. Sadly won't be making more but certainly worthy of high marks as so many do love it.
#507 by KennethLNOR, Feb 19. 2016, 21:35
I just made 20ml. But I used the new flavors and I forgot to order sweet cream, I used Molinberry Sweet Milkshake as a substitute.

I have no idea if I will enjoy vaping creamy desserts, the last dessert flavor I tried took a while to get used to. Creamy, custardy cookie/cake juices are probably more popular in the US, "the doughnut nation". :-P
#508 by TapersVongue, Feb 23. 2016, 15:51
Tried this with Graham V2... wow, not good, has a funky acidic vomit taste. I can't speak for the recipe, just putting in a note for those considering subbing. I will eventually remake with Graham V1 to try as listed.
#509 by WhiteRaven, Feb 24. 2016, 11:35
one strange thing about this recipe - mized it couple of times and it always turned into amberish yellow colour... the original Cuttwoods Unicorn that i've bought was much lighter colour... light yellow...

any thougts?
#510 by Ok2bme, Feb 25. 2016, 13:35
Whether this is the actual recipe or not, it is very tasty. I have mixed this with blueberry, orange, and grape. I think no matter what fruit flavor you use in place of the strawberry this will taste fantastic after steeping for a week. Love this and I love spending 6 bucks on 120ml as opposed to $60.00.
#511 by ciss, Feb 27. 2016, 19:44
I'm at the 2nd batch (1st was 150ml) 2nd was 400ml. At week 3, today. the strangest thing happened. It got an awful taste. I changed 5 coils, changed SS to kantal to NI, same thing.
I guess it turned bad. Any similar experience?
#512 by cuttwoodspy, Feb 28. 2016, 06:37
Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.

- William Shakespeare

Everyone who showed thanks and used this recipe to get into DIY please pay it forward. Do one nice thing for some one, and I hope all of you supporters the best.
#513 by KennethLNOR, Mar 1. 2016, 10:39
IMO it taste too much cheesecake. I did not have the sweet cream, only sweet milkshake from Molinberry. I also used the V2 and RF versions. After a week I added 10 more drops of strawberry, after 2 weeks I still can't taste the strawberry only cheesecake. It's very creamy cheesecake, I do love the cream not he cheesecake afterteaste. I will decrease the cheesecake flavor next time. I want to enjoy dessert flavors, but I think fruit flavors is more my thing.

I will try other fruits like mentioned earlier.
#514 by damien4480, Mar 1. 2016, 19:13
Cut wood spy, awesome recipe! I have made a fair bit of this, around a few litres and have followed this from the start. You were going to let your story out, I for one would like to hear it if you fancy leaking that also
#515 by Fugee, Mar 1. 2016, 23:07
Fantastic recipe cuttwoodspy thanks. I haven't actually vaped the original, but have just ordered a 30ml bottle to see how original compares, one order that wouldn't have been placed if not for your post, so at least they can't complain as I normally object to paying the price charged for these so called premium juices! Whether it's the same or not this is a stand out juice and loving the flavours. Thanks again mate.
#516 by Kaless1n, Mar 2. 2016, 17:46
@seekerom, I guess your nicotine turns yellow faster than Cuttwood's.
#517 by Kaless1n, Mar 2. 2016, 17:50
@cuttwoodspy, Could you tell us how and how long do you steep your DIY liquids to taste best?
#518 by WhiteRaven, Mar 2. 2016, 17:53
cuttwoodspy, could you please indulge us with some more of your recipes? :)
#519 by puff the majic dragon, Mar 2. 2016, 23:36
i have vaped the original and wouldn't pay the prices again, so when I seen it here I thought I would try making it,now,, im still a novice at mixing but hey-ho lets give it a bash,
well by gum I have vaped 30ml already in 8 hours cant put it down,making another 60ml at the moment,
keep up the great work cuttwoodspy,
#520 by Kaless1n, Mar 3. 2016, 19:29
Mixed it 2 days ago and it's great after 1 hour of hot water steeping.
Can't imagine what it would be like by the end of week.
#521 by KennethLNOR, Mar 6. 2016, 18:46
OKEY! Now I know more about steeping. Last tuesday I wrote that it had too much cheesecake, but it may be the butter cream that someone mentioned earlier. Now, the juice is so much better. Creamy and I can taste it on my lips, yummy. I will try it again next week. Then I will have sweet cream and will make a large batch.

Anyone tried to steep this with an ultrasound cleaner?
#522 by Ilovevaping2097, Mar 7. 2016, 04:22
Swapped sweet cream for TPA
Best DIY to date
#523 by ADV_Hunter, Mar 8. 2016, 02:43
Ciss. I had the same thing happen. My bottle wasn't labeled with a date (my bad) but I'm guessing it was about 6 weeks old. I believe I had used TFA Dx sweet cream on that bottle and was wondering if that could have been the cause. I made a fresh batch using cap sc and have test bottles set out for testing at various times.
#524 by Kenpocory , Mar 8. 2016, 08:13
Made this and let it steep for 6 days before trying it. Wow! Amazing stuff. Reminds of the way milk tastes after eating a good bowl of strawberry cereal.
#525 by WhiteRaven, Mar 9. 2016, 06:56
People, Dx sweet cream tpa, ruins the recipe? Or it is fine?
#526 by TMaT, Mar 9. 2016, 20:58
hi guys, wanna it big differ if i use Vanilla Custard V2?
#527 by Lapizul, Mar 9. 2016, 22:29
So close it's crazy. Great clone.
#528 by PeekHoles, Mar 12. 2016, 20:10
This recipe is awesome steeped mine for 30 days. I warmed up my pg,vg in warm water bath then mixed the flavors in shook for a good 5 mins. Then let the bottle set in warm bath for a few hours. Then mixed in my nic while warm and shook. After that I let it set in my drawer for 30 days everyday open the bottle let it air for 15 mins and shake for 5 mins.

Once I hit 30 days open smelled great no perfume smell. Then vaped like a KING. Every one that tried it has fell in love. Made 5, 30 ml bottles from the start. All taste the same and it's awesome all day vape.


RE:#509 by PuffinSuffin, Feb 14, 01:03
#529 by cloudwatcher81, Mar 14. 2016, 23:47
I have absolutely zero trepidation over official recipe leaks to the DIY community, perhaps if they weren't so greedy, people wouldn't be turning to DIY in droves...9600% markup (minimum) is pretty audacious...even wal-mart isn't that audacious...let em burn, when they figure out they cant strong arm a community for long...they will either fix their prices...or go out of business...either one is good by me lol
#530 by Jimithybee, Mar 15. 2016, 06:21

I always thought this recipe was missing something, maybe seemed slightly "dry" or idk, just something was a bit off. I didn't notice it at first, and vaped it for about a month nonstop before slowly realizing it and almost got tired of it for a little bit. But I went to mix up another bottle of it the other night, and decided on a whim to swap out CAP vanilla bean ice cream for TPA vanilla bean ice cream... And OMG! It did the trick, this juice is fucking incredible. It just has the perfect creamy undertones, and everything is so smooth and perfect. Seriously try it!

TL:DR: Swap in TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream instead of CAP's at the same amount. Win!
#531 by Rocky, Mar 16. 2016, 13:47
i think have all the flavours but the graham cracker is v2
#532 by cuttwoodspy, Mar 16. 2016, 16:57
Any journalist want to interview me? Email me at
#533 by WhiteRaven, Mar 18. 2016, 05:15
cuttwoodspy, could you please indulge us with some more of your recipes? :)
#534 by Mouzes, Mar 19. 2016, 14:40
I am starting DIY. I've made 30 ml batch. Put some in the tank after hot bath. Not for me. What is left in the bottle starts giving a nice strawberry smell after 16 hrs of steeping so hopefully it will be better soon. I also bought Charlies Chalk Dust Slam Berry. It 's awful... cinnamon and nothing else...
#535 by KennethLNOR, Mar 20. 2016, 07:45
Mouzes, it taste like shit if you don't wait. I did not like it until the third week of steeping.
#536 by Mouzes, Mar 20. 2016, 11:37
I will wait then :)
#537 by Vaporella , Mar 21. 2016, 00:53
No matter how much steeping you give this, it's just a decent strawberry Vape. Definitely NOT a leak of the official Unicorn Milk recipe. That's why it includes ingredients that were not available when the original was released. There are lots of recipes on here just as delicious, the only reason this recipe is getting this much attention is because the OP lied and said it's the Cuttwood official recipe. Smh
#538 by cuttwoodspy, Mar 21. 2016, 03:45
The entire point of the internal leak aspect was to get the attention of the public. This inspired folks to actually give DIY mixing a try and was a easy way to set out to achieve what I was exactly attenting to do.
#539 by Maureeenie, Mar 22. 2016, 03:15
This recipe is vape crack. I cant stop vaping it.
#540 by 4 rings of fury, Mar 22. 2016, 05:42
@cuttwoodspy so in your last post (#545) you are acknowledging @Vaporella's statement that you lied and that this is NOT in fact a leak. Is that correct to assume to agree with her statement? If that's the case than u need to change the description because it's a lie since you clearly state it's a leak of the original. Your intention would've had just as much (if not even more) of an effect on getting people into DIY if you would've been honest in the description and said something like "this is NOT an exact's BETTER". Reason I say that is I haven't even mixed this since I think the original is one of the most overrated retail juices to ever hit shelves. If you'd have been honest up front you'd have people like me even giving it a try. Funny thing is, yours is probably better! I'm just someone who tries to live on principle and based on the principle that you lied, I never had any desire to try it. I hope you put yourself in others shoes and understand why you get the occasional pissed off comment on here. All that said, if you ever change the description of love to try your recipe. Like I said, it's probably even better than the OG.
#541 by Vaporella , Mar 22. 2016, 14:44
Well said @4 rings of fury. I couldn't agree more.
#542 by W0WZA, Mar 22. 2016, 19:25
Can I swap the Graham Cracker V1 with the V2?
#543 by W0WZA, Mar 23. 2016, 00:52
I'll do it without any Graham Cracker flavor.. Forgot to order any :D
#544 by ADV_Hunter, Mar 23. 2016, 02:01
Wow, 550 posts and still catching hell
#545 by Vaporella , Mar 23. 2016, 03:19
If you have, and like v2 you can use that @AnthroVapez.
#546 by W0WZA, Mar 23. 2016, 03:39
Thanks @Vaporella
Would it be a big miss, if I'd just skip the Graham Cracker part?
#547 by Vaporella , Mar 23. 2016, 08:50
No, it might taste better to you since taste is subjective. Try it without, then when you have the GC called for try it with the GC. I definitely wouldn't say that the GC makes this recipe since it's such a small amount, and I personally can't hardly tell its there. But I will say that it possibly won't taste exactly as the OP intended without it if you have a very sensitive palate.
#548 by Mouzes, Mar 23. 2016, 10:36
Guys. I got a question out of topic. I bought a heisenberg VV concentrate. I mixed with 10% of flavour and 14% of flavour. Why is it quite harsh? Not enough flavour or what? Thanks in advance
#549 by W0WZA, Mar 23. 2016, 11:22
Great explanation Vaporella, thank you very much! :)
#550 by The Danish Vaping Viking, Mar 28. 2016, 11:45
What are the warning thingy about?
#551 by TwizzVape, Mar 28. 2016, 23:02
#552 by Mouzes, Mar 28. 2016, 23:06
4 weeks mate
#553 by Kiwi_Vaper, Mar 28. 2016, 23:38
@LordsiVape 3 weeks at the least. 4+ is better.
#554 by W0WZA, Mar 29. 2016, 00:58
Could I swap Graham Cracker CAP with Cheesecake Graham Crust TFA?
#555 by Vaporella , Mar 29. 2016, 14:36
You're welcome @AnthroVapeZ. I would give the same answer for your Cheesecake question, but keep in mind that CGC tastes much different than GC.
Since the recipe already calls for GC and Chscake separately, I would simply substitute the CGC for both instead of using two kinds of Chscake. ;)
#556 by TwizzVape, Mar 29. 2016, 15:31
WILL THIS WORK????? I Have Replaced (new york cheesecake, graham cracker and Vanilla custard) With (cheesecake graham crust, Graham cracker V2 and Vanilla custard V2) Will this work??

And sweet strawberry with ripe strawberry
#557 by W0WZA, Mar 29. 2016, 17:32

I decided to order the missing flavors, I think that's the best way. lol. :D
#558 by Jimithybee, Mar 30. 2016, 01:26
Honestly, cutwoodspy might not have been 100% honest, but in terms of what would have attracted more people to his recipe, you sort of gotta admit he played it smart. I mean he still had to do the work to come up with a recipe that was good enough to even be passed off as a UM leak in the first place.. and calling it as such WOULD have a much better chance of attracting some interest, as opposed to it becoming forgotten in the many pages of all of the other 'star'-less recipes that are packed with potential, just waiting to be discovered. Not saying that I approve of dishonesty, however, we should know by now, that whenever we are dealing with advertising - which this essentially is, albeit on a smaller scale - honesty is not necessarily the most efficient policy :p

It's funny because if you've ever heard the saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity", this is a perfect example. Even the people leaving negative comments are ultimately reeling in more viewers, many of whom will ultimately end up mixing up a small batch, if only out of curiosity. Leaving negative comments about how the OP is not a good person accomplishes very little.

For clarification and stuff, I'm not referring to people saying this recipe doesn't taste anything like the original, or that it sucks - on the contrary, these things are good, because this is what people want to know when they scroll down to read the reviews on a specific recipe. But being mad at the OP for being dishonest...? Come on...

@4 Rings of Fury:
I think I've seen quite a few people take the whole "this isn't an exact clone, it's BETTER" type of approach, and the majority of them seem to get skimmed over. It might just be me personally, but when people say that, I always end up reading it as "I tried making a clone and got sorta close-ish, but not really" (there are exceptions of course)

#559 by Vaporella , Mar 30. 2016, 10:34
Hi @Jimithybee.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I do not think lying was a good move, or "playing it smart". Lies destroy credibility, so at this point couldn't we wonder if the OP even created the recipe in question? There are many similar recipes all over the Internet, and it's never a far stretch to assume that an admitted liar will do it again, or already has.

Also, "no publicity is bad publicity" is more of a myth than a saying, and as business owners know, it has been proven untrue time and time again throughout history. Do you think BP enjoyed being in the spotlight for the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf lol? They took a massive hit thanks to all of the negative publicity.

I digress,
The numbers typically reflect that in any search, the recipes with the word "clone", or the name of what's being cloned in the title are more popular, get plenty of hits, and we have to assume they're also being sampled by many more people who did not rate the recipe.

I simply don't believe all of the lies were necessary.
Anyway, vapeon! :)

#560 by Fuby, Mar 31. 2016, 03:39
I have no idea if this is a CLONE of any product.. because I do not spend 20 bucks for a 30ml of any juice. that's why I am on a recipe site. With that said..this is a great strawberry cream flavor with a lot of body. Well worth the mixing even if not some clone of an over priced vendor. obviously, just my opinion.
#561 by TwizzVape, Mar 31. 2016, 14:04
GRAHAM CRACK V2??? Iv read nearly every comment and i know its to personal preference but any recommendations ???
#562 by skengman, Apr 2. 2016, 04:49
@LordsiVape GC v2 is fine. Use it at the same percentage.
#563 by Briggs, Apr 4. 2016, 04:15
Most commented recipe ever seen haha
#564 by geeuk, Apr 5. 2016, 03:40
im fairly new to diy mixing, i ordered 18 flavours from tfa and capella one set for this receipe and another set for couple others.. guys i dont know i have an ultrasonic machine too.. for some reason the sweet strawberry smells harsh and chemically, like i have normal strawberry from cap and tfa they smell okay but sweet strawberry whichever receipe ive put in kills everything.. maybe its me or maybe the company i got from but i tried like some sake and vape receipes used uc for 2 hours still very very harsh chemical taste... i have one receipe without this sweet strawberry and it tastes good so my base and mixup method seems to work.. lol sorry if i made you read all this just very frustrated about this wondering if i should do another receipe but instead use the strawberry from tfa? sorry once again guys im new to mixing..
#565 by cuttwoodspy, Apr 5. 2016, 04:06
No one would have mixed this recipe if I titled it "joe blows unicorn milk clone". I stand firmly on my rationalization as to why I labeled it the way I did, and I am pleased at the results. This recipe single handedly inspired thousands to make their own juice. I did the very thing I set out to do. If you had any clue to begin with you would know that cuttwood doesn't mix food grade flavor, and has their own lab and chemists. I was sarcastic from the get go, and it was pretty blatant. Keep on mixing, and spread the word about mixing your own juice. Share a bottle with a friend.
#566 by Vaporella , Apr 5. 2016, 06:47
A lie is a lie, and you've told more than one @cuttwoodspy. We're all entitled to our own opinion, and I feel that your lying to gain popularity was wrong. Just my crazy morals I suppose, but I know I'm not alone.
Why not be creative and honest, just as everyone else here does. As you've witnessed, there are hoards of other popular recipes that people enjoy and share, some aren't even clones. I don't think the majority of site visitors here are as "simple minded" as you imply, and that they would only look to a recipe that claims to be stolen, especially for their first mix.
Everyone who is here came to find a recipe to mix, your recipe or not.
I simply don't agree that you've "inspired thousands" who wouldn't have mixed otherwise.
Lastly, you claim I haven't got a clue? You just keep on thinking that my friend lol. ;)
#567 by cuttwoodspy, Apr 5. 2016, 06:49
You're right you are entitled to your opinion, and the best part about this recipe is the fact I never even mixed it before posting it.
#568 by The Danish Vaping Viking, Apr 5. 2016, 06:54
so you lied, stole, and said stuff you posteded something you didn'tn even try to make sure if it even was any good.. 3 strikes and your out.
#569 by cuttwoodspy, Apr 5. 2016, 07:11
You believe everything I say, you should worship me.
#570 by The Danish Vaping Viking, Apr 5. 2016, 07:15
wow you really are a asshole. nuff said
#571 by TheSuperVillainK, Apr 9. 2016, 08:03
Wow, what a bunch of crybabies in this comments section. Clone, leak, who gives a shit? It's a really tasty recipe if you want to vape a strawberry vanilla custard juice. Simple as that. Mix it up. If you like it, awesome. If you don't, then don't make any more of it. But this pseudo-investigative bullshit is really pathetic. Thanks a lot for the recipe cuttwoodspy. It's one of my new favorites.
#572 by Darkly spectre, Apr 12. 2016, 21:18
aw man. i don't think any european shops have butter cream yet. I actually liked unicorn milk so I am quite interested
#573 by Vaporella , Apr 13. 2016, 15:40
There are quit a few excellent UM clones posted that (like the original) don't use butter cream @Darkly spectre.
#574 by 1Se7eN1, Apr 13. 2016, 19:02
checkout my congo 1:1 if you like this you'll like mine for sure!
#575 by Daja, Apr 16. 2016, 14:56
I absolutely love this one, i have been vaping for over seven months now and this recipe still way way better then any other i tried till now.

#576 by OlSaintLit, Apr 16. 2016, 20:23
Could I substitute Butter Cream for Hagsen-Cream? Please reply back, I don't want to ruin my batch that I already started steeping from a week ago. Also, people say Hagsen's Cream gives a Dairy Milky taste...if that is similar to Butter Cream CAP..
#577 by MCYL, Apr 17. 2016, 04:57
Thx for the recipe...and the entertainment. Surprised at the anger here. I think it was quite visibly tongue in cheek humor when the OP said he needed NVGs to get in the cuttwood factory.

@cuttwoodspy did you end up with any donations? Just curious.
#578 by sped105, Apr 20. 2016, 00:09
Thank you cuttwoodspy for a fantastic recipe! Anyone that decides to give this one a shot would be best to make it and forget about it for 3 weeks +. I don't care if this is an exact clone of the original because I've never tried it but it's so damn tasty after a long steep. Btw BCV was out of Cap butter cream so I had to substitute FW Butter Cream until they restock.
#579 by W0WZA, Apr 20. 2016, 03:21
Did you use FW Butter Cream with the same percentage? I only have FW Butter Cream, never thought about using it as a substitute.
#580 by Jafdag, Apr 21. 2016, 13:26
Can someome tell me the best steeping method for this perticular e liquid please ???
#581 by MCYL, Apr 21. 2016, 13:29
@jafdag shake and wait. About 3 wks worth is great.
I use a sous vide cooker and set to 60 deg and warm for 4hrs before that.
#582 by Jafdag, Apr 21. 2016, 13:35
@MCYL thank you for the support and advice:) doesnt taste quite right yet and its been a day and a half im assuming he flavours haven't been properly mixed yet haha?
#583 by MCYL, Apr 21. 2016, 13:39
Yeah I found the more flavours you have in a mix the longer it takes to steep. This is especially so with cream, custards and bakery flavours.
Fruits and menthols is pretty much shake and vape.
#584 by Jafdag, Apr 21. 2016, 13:42
Yeah i understand, thank you for the quidence, it will be noted thank you!
#585 by sped105, Apr 21. 2016, 23:38
@AnthroVapez Yes I used it @ same %. I'm steeping a mix now with a higher % butter cream with cap and fw strawberry mixed.
#586 by W0WZA, Apr 22. 2016, 00:11
Alright, thanks @sped105, I can mix it then too :) I was afraid that the FW Butter Cream would run the mix
#587 by Ggrhauling, Apr 22. 2016, 06:32
Wow! Did I really just read the entire list of comments.

Sum it up,
CAP made a killing
CWSpy should think about getting a Marketing degree, congrats.
ELR is still my favorite DIY forum
DIY'ers are desperate for the next best recipe.
Vaping isn't just my hobby, it's a competition.
And if you pay $30 for eliquid, life sucks.
#588 by Ggrhauling, Apr 22. 2016, 06:32
Wow! Did I really just read the entire list of comments.

Sum it up,
CAP made a killing
CWSpy should think about getting a Marketing degree, congrats.
ELR is still my favorite DIY forum
DIY'ers are desperate for the next best recipe.
Vaping isn't just my hobby, it's a competition.
And if you pay $30 for eliquid, life sucks.
#589 by MCYL, Apr 22. 2016, 06:44
Cap made a killing, agree to that.
CWspy a marketing degree? Depends on how many of any donated.
Vaping is kinda a consumption and can be a chore as well as a hobby.
And...I do pay $30 for eliquidsometimes more with no qualms but of all aspects of vaping I enjoy mixing the most...even more so than builds.
#590 by MCYL, Apr 22. 2016, 06:49
Also one hit, allegedly stolen recipe a star juice mixer does not make.
Search ENYAWREKLAW, look at his recipes and notes on use of flavours...that's a mixer right there
#591 by Maxlee101, Apr 22. 2016, 18:12
Anyone got a steep time?
#592 by Jafdag, Apr 22. 2016, 20:09
Can i over steep e liquids as ive not been able to taste my liquid properly for the last week and i thought giving vaping up for a while may help, also also i have liquid ive bought will that go funny after a month or so ? Pleade get back to me asap thanks.
#593 by MCYL, Apr 23. 2016, 02:06
Keep it out of the sun and it should be fine. I feel they can be aired for too long but steeping should be fine. If it tastes funny just give it a good shake.
#594 by MCYL, Apr 23. 2016, 02:06
Keep it out of the sun and it should be fine. I feel they can be aired for too long but steeping should be fine. If it tastes funny just give it a good shake.
#595 by Vaporella , Apr 24. 2016, 04:28
@Jafdag you may have a case of vapers tongue. The biggest issue with regular steeping (without heat and/or ultrasonic) for long periods can be the flavor changes. Some flavors can become something totally different over time. Sometimes it's a good change, sometimes not. And sometimes flavors actually do vanish altogether.
#596 by cerevisaphile87, Apr 24. 2016, 07:02
Interesting how buttwoodspy now openly admits he lied about this being a leak. Several months ago he was asking for money to complete research on his other leaks.
#597 by MCYL, Apr 24. 2016, 19:40
@cerevisaphile87 Yeah, well depending on the amount he got from donations it was either a success or not. I do wonder how he/she came upon the recipe. If he cloned it himself he did a great job and this would have kickstarted his profile here followed by site then funding.
Claiming to steal when it was work fine tuning just seems counter intuitive. Oh well. Keen to see how his future recipes turn out...if at all. It's been a while.
#598 by MCYL, Apr 24. 2016, 19:48
@cerevisaphile87 Yeah, well depending on the amount he got from donations it was either a success or not. I do wonder how he/she came upon the recipe. If he cloned it himself he did a great job and this would have kickstarted his profile here followed by site then funding.
Claiming to steal when it was work fine tuning just seems counter intuitive. Oh well. Keen to see how his future recipes turn out...if at all. It's been a while.
#599 by Vaporella , Apr 24. 2016, 22:55
I agree @cerevisaphile87.
I feel it's alarming and sad how many comments there are here, condoning this sort of thing. Too many people these days believe lying, cheating, and stealing is acceptable. Smh.
Yes, this recipe is a decent clone, but so are the dozens of other honest UM clones on here that the OP obviously stole from. No props from me, sorry, I'm no fool.
#600 by MCYL, Apr 25. 2016, 09:16
👍. Yeah we moved on, the thing with controversy as marketing is that follow up successes (real or imaginary) is a necessity. So thanks CWS for the recipe but that's pretty much the end of it.
if it was possible to move this whole thread to Reddit as it entertains a heap of us.
On a different subject I had a lightbulb moment last night.
What if the DIY community put together a fund and pay Heston Blumenthal to make up a recipe? I've followed dozens of his recipes and the guy just doesn't seem able to put a foot wrong with blending flavours
#601 by Steviebabes, Apr 29. 2016, 16:48
Apologies to anyone who posted to this thread and who's comments I didn't read... :)
Thanks to CuttwoodSpy for making it possible! My mixing knowledge just tripled over night - and I have a bottle of juice that tastes as close to UM as I care to remember!
#602 by Briggs, Apr 29. 2016, 22:07
Reguardless I loce the recipe thanks
#603 by N, May 4. 2016, 18:35
Steviebabes, we all read before comment :)
#604 by MassiveCloudz, May 5. 2016, 20:42
Pretty damn close.Highly recommend this
#605 by markus, May 16. 2016, 02:21
I couldnt give a monkeys jizz if this is or isnt an exact copy of cutwood UM, ive mixed it & its pretty much the same & tastes great.....pity theres so many butt hurt people crying on whether it is or guessing its just alot of sour grapes wishing theyd done such a good clone.
#606 by Vaporella , May 16. 2016, 05:04
Apparently ignorance truly IS bliss lol. I desperately hope that those of you who believe lying, stealing, and cheating is okay are not breeding. I fear for our future enough as it is. This thread is one example of the many reasons us business owners often loathe hiring employees. You people are soooooooo shady, and openly proud of it. It's truly disturbing.
#607 by The Danish Vaping Viking, May 16. 2016, 16:28
I think i love you @vaporella!!
#608 by Vaporella , May 17. 2016, 01:55
You must be a very decent and honest person @TheDanishVapingViking! I feel the love, and I love you right back!!
#609 by Ggrhauling, May 21. 2016, 02:01
@thedanish vaping Viking and @Vaporella GET ROOM!!!!!!!! Love on each other and get it out of your systems. You got emails? Ignorance truly IS bliss, N LOL!
#610 by W0WZA, May 21. 2016, 03:00
Is Graham Cracker Clear by TPA a good substitute for Capella's Graham Cracker? If yes, in which ratio? 1:1 or 2:1?
#611 by Ggrhauling, May 21. 2016, 04:05
Just use it and then tell us. @WOWZA if that's what you got try it. Or buy the cap graham cracker. Either way it's a good starting point for your own Vape taste. I prefer TFA myself. But most people would say Flavorah is to best and you use less even though Had to pay $7.59 for 15ml. It's just the greatest thing since sliced bread and butter on a sunny morning during a beautiful spring day.
#612 by norwegianvaper, May 22. 2016, 01:12
I haven't tasted the real UM, but this is good. But its hard to get vanilla custard and graham cracker v1 from Capella now that they have released the v2 and the sweet strawberry rf. Are those flavors as good, ore can I use something else to get the same taste?
#613 by funlounge, May 23. 2016, 15:19
This is insanely good ! my favorite DIY so far
#614 by richy101uk, May 27. 2016, 15:37
just made a few bottles up :) smells amazing
new to all this really. how long should i steep for???
thanks in advance :))))
#615 by Vaporella , May 27. 2016, 18:44
"Get room" @Ggrhauling? I own my own house and business (that I NEVER lied or stole for). Thanks, but I'm good on space and room.
(Careful, your "bliss" is showing lol.)😂😂😂

Those of you getting butthurt over a lying, cheating, thief being called out are part of what's wrong with our world. Always "rootin' for the wrong team". Smh
#616 by gypson, May 28. 2016, 20:55
My last comment didn't send... anyway. Can affirm that after 1month steeping it is beautiful. Best DIY i've made by far has the premium feel. I made it with RF strawberry too, though the strawberry wasn't noticeable till end of week 3/4. Let it steep!

I'll be making a 200ml batch soon!
#617 by mikomi, May 31. 2016, 19:00
it is very close to cuttwood's unicorn milk, but i find the original tasting a tad more like strawberry, i would recommend upping the strawberry just a jiffy
#618 by Dark vapours, Jun 1. 2016, 19:53
well well well, this sh**t is awsome, i have never had the authentic and i think i never will have to, i made this recipe to the T and wow! thanks mate, 100ml coming up tomorrow when i get my supplies in :)
#619 by GoblinMaster, Jun 4. 2016, 13:44
Very nice, complex recipe. With a RDA, first few hits are a sweet strawberry milkshake flavor. Then it goes over to a more subtle strawberry, with more cheesecake flavor, and when your close to dry I get the Graham cracker.

Steep: Good whenever, best after 2 weeks.
#620 by Dark vapours, Jun 6. 2016, 01:15
Am I the only one getting a bitter taste from this? Was hoping it would go away after steeping a few days, it's really annoying as the the main flavour is fantastic, just getting a strange bitter taste which is really annoying, I mixed this exactly to the recipe
#621 by Ggrhauling, Jun 7. 2016, 04:36
I had to let it steep three weeks.
#622 by Upshot, Jun 10. 2016, 21:43
I have let this steep for 9 weeks...I've tried it a couple of times during the steep, it was kind of I got a new tank, the UD Simba with an all ceramic coil. This is the first juice I vaped in it. IT'S AMAZING! Every single flavor pops.

I will be vaping this entire 60ml batch this weekend, then I'm going to make some more. It was totally worth the wait.
#623 by Kendo, Jun 11. 2016, 01:54
Try this with custard V2, Cracker V2 and Sweet Strawberry RF. Shake n vape is not even close to UM. I´ll wait 2-3 weeks and try it again.
#624 by ExclusiveGirl, Jun 13. 2016, 17:29
Did a shake and vape and was decent then I followed up with a rapid steep for 16 hours in a sous vide cooker at 102 F. I can't put it down! thankfully I made 120ml batch cause my roommate has already decided he's buying 30ml off of me.
#625 by Vaping souljahhh, Jun 19. 2016, 11:20
2 week steel with this recipe and its amazing. Tastes like a really nice complex strawberry milkshake with a undertone of cheesecake and graham cracker. If this is the exact clone or not, its a damn good recipe. People just try it if you like strawberry mixes! Well done cutwood spy :)
#626 by Ogamy, Jun 20. 2016, 15:43
This year alone I have made more than 2L of this, and it really benefits from a long steep, my current 500ml batch has been sat since Febuary. It was worth the wait, the first month was touch and go, it never seemed great, but I've just started vaping it now, and it is delicious. That is coming from someone who dislikes Sweet Strawberry also..
#627 by tonysrecipes, Jun 22. 2016, 03:03
How long of a steep does it need?
#628 by Vaping souljahhh, Jun 22. 2016, 09:42
I gave it two week and it tastes great. I did it in 4 30ml bottles though. If you make a bigger batch of this in one bottle the steep time will increase.
#629 by SS, Jun 24. 2016, 04:56
Thanks for the recipe. Great you released it. Unfortunately not for me. A tinge of harshness I am not fond of although I understand others will be. Glad I tried it a second time though, just to be sure.
#630 by SS, Jun 24. 2016, 04:57
@Og, maybe mine needs more time. Been 3 weeks so far. Willing to wait a bit longer if need be.
#631 by GoblinMaster, Jun 24. 2016, 10:49
@Kendo. Then it's not really this recipe anymore now is it? Can't expect the same outcome with different ingredients. But yeah, it gets a lot better with steep, but I liked it right of the bat too. Nice mellow strawberry milkshake-ish flavor then.
#632 by Kendo, Jun 24. 2016, 11:19
@GoblinMaster Sure. It isnt the same recipe Had a small hope it would be close.
#633 by MCYL, Jun 24. 2016, 21:12
@kendo V2 of any Capella just doesn't taste the same steep or no steep. TFA's DX (like their v2) is great but I can't see Caps v2 catching on. Just weak and off flavour IMO.
#634 by cuttwoodspy, Jul 5. 2016, 01:21
Glad everyone is enjoying the recipe - happy 4th of july
#635 by cuttwoodspy, Jul 5. 2016, 01:21
Glad everyone is enjoying the recipe - happy 4th of july
#636 by cuttwoodspy, Jul 5. 2016, 01:22
Glad everyone is enjoying the recipe - happy 4th of july
#637 by cuttwoodspy, Jul 5. 2016, 01:22
Glad everyone is enjoying the recipe - happy 4th of july
#638 by Jazzy, Jul 6. 2016, 04:29
Wow, is this church, judge and jury? Wth? Thanks cuttwoodspy (I'm assuming that your name is also something you invented) for sharing this recipe on a diy e liquid recipe sharing site, however you figured it out. I look forward to trying other of your recipes if you dare post more. Many thanks, hope you and yours had a great 4th of July.
#639 by Taji, Jul 10. 2016, 20:22
Thanks cuttwoodspy. 1stly this thread is the funniest thing i have read online all day....certain people need to check thier emotions.... 2ndly this tastes great...still havent managed to steep for more than a 10 days as i keep filling up my Uwell. If the strawberry dissapears i just up my a
#640 by Taji, Jul 10. 2016, 20:24
Thanks cuttwoodspy. 1stly this thread is the funniest thing i have read online all day....certain people need to check thier emotions.... 2ndly this tastes great...still havent managed to steep for more than a 10 days as i keep filling up my Uwell. If the strawberry dissapears i just up my watts. Im new to vaping and DIY, so much appreciation for the recipe, Im learning from to mix and what I like. Nice one bruv
#641 by Ggrhauling, Jul 10. 2016, 22:31
Mixed my last batch 120ml, took 7-8 weeks to finally taste perfect. Never had a flavor chang so much from week one to week eight. No heat. Just good old patients. So if I'm out and need a quick steep time I make 15ml batches, ready in couple weeks.
#642 by cosmolv, Jul 14. 2016, 20:21
i think this recepie missing one ingredient - maybe Marshmallow? ;)
#643 by norwegianvaper, Jul 15. 2016, 16:52
I had my first original cutwood Unicorn Milk the other day, and honestly. Cutwoodspy recipe taste better. Great job
#644 by cosmolv, Jul 17. 2016, 03:05
norwegianvaper Nop... it taste not so good,
Try this one and you understand the real deal!

Sweet Strawberry 10% (CAP)
Cake Batter 3% (CAP)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 8% (Signature)
Marshmallow 3% (CAP)
Ethyl Maltol 1%
#645 by norwegianvaper, Jul 17. 2016, 20:00
@cosmolv You cant deside whether I think is better or not. And your recipe...25%, seems a little bit overwhelming. Remember "less is more" ;)
#646 by norwegianvaper, Jul 17. 2016, 20:37
And by the way. I have seen UM sold at both 30/70 and 40/60. That is odd IMHO
#647 by Vaping souljahhh, Jul 17. 2016, 22:09
@norwegianvaper i have used V2 in this recipe and V1 they both taste pretty much the same. There isnt really much of a difference to me. Thats my taste though, so just try it and see.
#648 by Timmis, Jul 19. 2016, 02:45
I mixed this as an 80/20 VG/PG mix at 6mg. It's nice but I was hoping for more flavor intensity. Can anyone recommend how to boost it up in flavor without compromising it's integrity and balance?
#649 by Kiwi_Vaper, Jul 19. 2016, 04:22
#Timmis. How long have you let this steep? This recipe requires a minimum of 3-4 weeks steep for the ingredients to blend together and make it a stellar juice. Alternatively, assuming that you have steeped this for that time, you can simply take the %'s of all flavours and times it by 1.1 and then enter those %'s in the ELR calculator. This way, you will increase the overall flavouring, while still maintaining the ratios between all flavours. Cheers.
#650 by Vaping souljahhh, Jul 19. 2016, 10:28
@timmis as the above post said. You really need to let this steep. I have vaped it after the two week mark amd its been fine and tasty, but 3-4 weeks n this is a killer recipe.
#651 by cosmolv, Jul 20. 2016, 00:54
norwegianvaper -- i told you the real Unicorn recipe and you even don`t listen to it. try and you feel the real deal...
#652 by norwegianvaper, Jul 21. 2016, 15:00
cosmolv. I will for sure try your recipe. It might be even better. My only point was that it is not up to you to deside if I like cuttwoodspy recipe better than the original UM. But thank you for your recipe. I am gonna try it out. Have to order some cake batter first. :)
#653 by funlounge, Jul 21. 2016, 15:32
@Timmis try making this as 70/30. Also I tried a small tweak in some of my batches, lowering the sweet strawberry to 7% and adding 2% INW shisha strawberry, it gives it more strawberry, lots more
#654 by jojo, Jul 31. 2016, 07:18
made this with all TPA and substituted .5 more sweet cream for butter cream, and i used ripe strawberry instead of sweet. spot on!
#655 by Oxyblast, Aug 1. 2016, 17:46
Could I ask what people have substituted cap graham cracker v1 for? As I just cannot get it from anywhere. Does v2 taste ok in this recipe? Thanks in advance
#656 by Vaping souljahhh, Aug 1. 2016, 18:04
@oxyblast, yep, i have used all v2 in this recipe and it tastes the same really, just let it steep for a few week
#657 by VapingKrakenVK, Aug 2. 2016, 06:36
hi, never had the original or any cream or custard related juice. My digital scale cant measure 1 drop but recognizes 2 drops :(. Is it ok if I add 1 drop accidentally when making 30ml batches? Asking this because I already made some but i cant get any strawberry notes, its been only 2 weeks though.
#658 by Vaping souljahhh, Aug 2. 2016, 11:28
@vapingkravenvk yes one or two drops over with CAP flavours shouldnt impose no threat to spoiling the mix at all. If it was FA's flavours then that would be a problem because they are super concentrated. You should be fine with caps going over a drop or two.

A quick tip, if your scale doesnt recognise 1 drop. Here is a way you can fix that, it almost always works. When you put a drop in amd it doesnt register, blow into the bottle or cup you are mixing in, that should help it register. When i had some cheap scales at first, i read somewhere about this tip and i used it, amd it worked. :)
#659 by VapingKrakenVK, Aug 2. 2016, 11:53
Thnx guys, that trick should be handy :)
#660 by Oxyblast, Aug 2. 2016, 20:31
@vaping souljahhh thanks for the reply I appreciate it!! Time for some more supplies :D
#661 by TX828, Aug 6. 2016, 03:55
love it. fyi go to cvs and ask for a few baby 1ml. syringes. very handy and spo on in measurements.
#662 by VapingKrakenVK, Aug 7. 2016, 02:27
Hi anyone from the ' I can't taste strawberry flavour ' group can please recommend how much sweetener can be used to bring out the flaveor? I have a big batch of this and have realised that I need to use sweetener since I can't feel or taste the strawberries at all :(
#663 by Vaping souljahhh, Aug 7. 2016, 06:21
@vapingkrakenvk how long have u let this steep?
#664 by VapingKrakenVK, Aug 7. 2016, 06:30
18 days Sir..... Even if I vape strawberry by itself I get no taste s
:( So prolly need to add sweetener?
#665 by Vaping souljahhh, Aug 7. 2016, 12:20
Seperate the mix. Get two bottles and put 15mls of that juice into then. U can see what works without wasting all the mix. Try putting sweetener into one, and try a different flavour in the other and test them out. Say add another strawberry to the other one.
#666 by ericlin0122, Aug 12. 2016, 22:05
This is an excellent juice!
#667 by Oxyblast, Aug 15. 2016, 08:54
Even if this is nothing like unicorn milk it is still probably the most delicious recipe I've made, instead of strawberry I subbed for blueberry (cap) and it tastes amazing
#668 by norwegianvaper, Aug 15. 2016, 13:45
@oxyblast That was a great idea, to swap out the strawberry with other fruits and/or berry`s . Think I`m gonna try blueberry my self. Or what about pineapple or peach?
#669 by norwegianvaper, Aug 15. 2016, 13:45
@oxyblast That was a great idea, to swap out the strawberry with other fruits and/or berry`s . Think I`m gonna try blueberry my self. Or what about pineapple or peach?
#670 by ApolloAtmos, Aug 15. 2016, 21:29
This recipe is not what i expected to be. First of all it is far from the original if not a completely different flavour. Bought all Capella flavours on original bottles and made this in 3 batches (variable nic and PG).

Let it steep for 1-2-4 weeks. It was not bad but i didn't liked it that much.

What frustrated me the most was that this is supposed to be a clone to CW Mother's Milk. Far from it peeps.
#671 by norwegianvaper, Aug 16. 2016, 19:45
@Lusiferinoz You mean Unicorn Milk right? After trying the original, I most agreed, but I liked this one better actually.
#672 by cosmolv, Aug 16. 2016, 23:28
I Agree to all, that this is fake and kidsplaying game. :) This is not unicorn milk.
The best alternative and must closest to Unicorn milk is this:

Sweet Strawberry 10% (CAP)
Cake Batter 3% (CAP)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 8% (Signature) or (CAP)
Marshmallow 3% (CAP)
Ethyl Maltol 1%

...and i can guarantee that you like it.
#673 by norwegianvaper, Aug 18. 2016, 16:08
Maybe CWS has a fair amount of stocks in Capella flavors? I bet they have sold a lot of the flavors from this recipe. ;) Just kidding
#674 by norwegianvaper, Aug 18. 2016, 16:13
@cosmolv. Thank you, think I give that a shot, but I need cake batter first. But then again, 25 % flavor goes against all I have learned. Max 20% and usually less is more,just let it steep properly. I never steep less than 3 weeks.
#675 by Oxyblast, Aug 18. 2016, 19:10
@norwegianvaper just hang on as I'm not sure whether adding blueberry was a good idea, I've just made another batch so I will comment back when it has steeped

The problem I have is that a day after making it, it is amazingly delicious with blueberry (cap) and is probably THE BEST e juice I have tasted but after one week all the blueberry flavour has gone! I asked my friend to test it and he said all he could taste was cream I added a little more blueberry concentrate (0.5%) and left it 2 days and the Blueberry flavour is still not there. I have absolutely no idea why or how this is even possible?!
#676 by Oxyblast, Aug 20. 2016, 08:41
I'm my next batch is the same :( but I'm going to have to come to the conclusion that I've just got a dodgy batch of blueberry (cap)
#677 by cosmolv, Aug 25. 2016, 23:09
norwegianvaper - that recipe is 25% and it is ok. ;) You will be amaze that it taste liek Unicorn Milk. ;)

Sweet Strawberry 10% (CAP)
Cake Batter 3% (CAP)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 8% (Signature) or (CAP)
Marshmallow 3% (CAP)
Ethyl Maltol 1%

(Steep time 10 days - depending on room temperature, but it is ready when gets amber/goldish colour) also taste amazing already when maked. But real taste becomes after steeping.

But this shit what is written by cuttwoodspy "About internal leak" is bullshit! This is smoe stupid P.R. campaign.
#678 by norwegianvaper, Aug 26. 2016, 00:47
@cosmolv. I agreed. He has just added butter cream and graham cracker to another recipe I found here yesterday, invented by "HarrySmooth" I think I am gonna try your recipe, but have to order both Cake Batter and Marshmallow. I have Marshmallow from TFA dough
#679 by VapingKrakenVK, Aug 28. 2016, 10:36
I made the cuttwoodspy recipe, its a bit Blunt, steeped for one month....there is no Zing to it...anyone found it like the way I did? Also anyone made cosmolv's recipe? Post back please :)
#680 by r0s4, Aug 28. 2016, 19:56
cosmolv´s recipe is far away from the original, I ordered Cake batter and marshmallow to make this recipe and i was really dissapointed.
cuttwoodspy´s is way more closer .U need to let it steep more longer and add a lil bit of sweetener or em!its still not the same but it tastes "premium" and " complex"
#681 by Kriengsak, Sep 8. 2016, 23:23
Thanks CuttwoodSpy, I use V2 custard and substitute others with TPA and LA. It is one week now and taste good. This is my best DIY so far.
#682 by cosmolv, Sep 10. 2016, 19:52
r0s4 You speak lies. ;) There are thousands of people who are long in mixing bussiness and everybody say that cuttwoodspy is bulshit. And we maked different steepeng techniques - all bad, no close to Unicorn milk! I think you don't taste my recepie (by the way - this is not my recepie) But it is the best closest unicorn milk recepie around there.
And you talk about complex? :D not at all. i have premium mixes with 10 flawors (this is complex) But this leak is bullshit without premium taste... And i'm not only who say this.
i think you don't have experience in mixing as we there with 5 or 7 years of mixing.

Keep learning bro! ;)
#683 by cosmolv, Sep 12. 2016, 03:02
And least r0s4 This recipe

Sweet Strawberry 10% (CAP)
Cake Batter 3% (CAP)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 8% (Signature) or (CAP)
Marshmallow 3% (CAP)
Ethyl Maltol 1%

Is One of the top selling premium e-juices from "Vape Lovely" line. (not selling anymore) Recipe by author.
#684 by LifeIsGood, Oct 4. 2016, 18:06
cake batter by capella at 3% ??
sweet strawberry by capella at 10% ??

i'vs tried cake batter by capella in some other recipe at 0,5-1% and d*mn its strong, very persistent flavour throughout the vape.

and sweet strawberry by capella highest i used is 10% in the mixing , and the strawberry taste start to deteriorate while steeping,.
i let it steep for 1 months, and let it breath for 3 minute for once a week, still not helping...

i guess 5-6% is max for sweet strawberry by capella, then you can sub the rest of the percentage with strawberry ripe / red touch / strawberry (flavorah), love that last strawberry so muuuuchhhh....

this just based on my opinion and experience when trying some recipes, im not a brewer ,me myself DIY just for my own family and some friends.

but i'll give cosmolv's recipe a try tough

*NOTE: this unicorn leak recipe is not even close to the real unicorn milk, but this is a pretty good recipe for daily vape, and it's real simple to mix.
i've mixed it a few times,my favorite was when i keep all the ingredients exactly the same, just change the strawberry composition, sweet strawrberry 4% , red touch 2%, strawberry (flavorah) 2%, made it more milkier (is that even a word??) if i may say.
#685 by bandiz, Oct 11. 2016, 22:00
what cosmolv thrown in is the 'panty dropper' from vape lovely. i made this thing months before and agreed with LifeIsGood. the percentages are way too high, the mix smells fermented as shit and has a synthetic manner nothing else. i tried it just in RBA's, maybe the high %s because this recipe is old and there were not so much cloudchasing devices at those times. btw if someone gives it a try, cut the percentages half on VBIC and straw, cake batter imho max .5-.75% steep it long and you'll get a fair recipe.
happy vaping to everyone, and thanks for the UM .rec!
#686 by jojope73, Oct 11. 2016, 23:43
It's Butter cream not cake batter!I'm not sure if this is 100% like original,but for me is the best clone ever tried until now,i open 2 month later...i'm in paradise!Bye and tank's!
#687 by bandiz, Oct 12. 2016, 00:21
it's cake batter:) i'm commented on cosmolv's recipe, not onto UM. read back a bit.
#688 by Bata4, Oct 13. 2016, 22:28
How long for this one to steep?
#689 by VapingKrakenVK, Oct 14. 2016, 00:51
Anyone tried cosmolv recipe? Honestly I have made cuttwoodsps's recipe many time, I like it, but its not those premium tastes that you get. I agree it is a complex vape to a certain length, but not enough to be considered as a premeium feel/ taste. And this is my opinion only , but at the same time I cannot deny the effort cuttwoodspy put into this and it is a great mix :).

Let me know cosmolv recipe users how it is. Thanks
#690 by jojope73, Oct 15. 2016, 01:12
@bandiz Sorry my fault! ;)
@ Bata4 wait 1 month
#691 by Bata4, Oct 15. 2016, 07:47
@ jojope73

Damn... that's long... :P
#692 by bandiz, Oct 15. 2016, 11:46
@jojope73 No worries, mon, no worries at all. have a nice day!
#693 by Kk_hz, Oct 15. 2016, 15:32
I kinda have a batch made and been steeping for 14 days
Tried it, yes it was good, mouthful, smooth and everything, I just didnt get the sweetness from it and there is almost no aftertaste, nothing whatsoever sits on my palate and this kind of disappointing to me.
You reckon I need more steeping time? Or that i've just got a sweet palate than most?
And will the flavour keeps developing after 14 days of steep?
What I'm looking for is the after taste sweetness that sits on my palate, please someone help
#694 by jojope73, Oct 15. 2016, 21:37
@ Kk_hz i wait 1 month,more wait more good are!
#695 by Vapinator, Oct 25. 2016, 15:36
I think this recipe is pretty spot on to the original.
@Kk_hz I was the same as you when it came to UM but I still liked it. Check out my iteration of this recipe were I upped the flavor percentage and PG to carry the flavor more. Its named Unicorn Supreme. I have moved on to different things but my wife absolutely loves this over the original recipe.
#696 by Kk_hz, Oct 26. 2016, 01:44
Im posting again after 25 days of steeping. This UM is GREAT, its so good.
Strawberry definitely dies down week after week, and you get this cheesy cream on the exhale.
As for direct comparison to the original UM, cant say because i havent tried UM. Planninn to get one from my local store nearby for comparison.
Worth a 5 star recipe.
#697 by Vectïon, Oct 28. 2016, 04:06
Would using VC v2 and GC v2 change the recipe at all?
#698 by Mando, Nov 8. 2016, 08:53
Hi. I recently acquired all the ingredients to make this juice. It smells really lovely. Thank you. My only question is, can i vape this after a week of steeping (normal steeping)? Thanks in advance.
#699 by Mmh1972 , Nov 11. 2016, 16:13
absolutely love this recipe waited approximately 10 months to make this and I'm kicking myself it's absolutely awesome
#700 by brandon555, Nov 12. 2016, 18:18
Just steep it in a thermos full of warm water (120°F) for a few hours. Any hotter and the nic starts to lose potency. I do this with all my strawberry custard and cheesecake flavors and it works great.
#701 by Kk_hz, Nov 14. 2016, 06:55
After many many tests and tweaks, I can assure you that this works better when you breakdown the strawberry and add flav enhancer.

4% CAP sw strawberry
4% TPA strawberry ripe
1% TPA cotton candy / (just a regular) ethyl maltol

**(Additional for super sweet tastebuds)
adds a 0.25-0.5%(max) TPA sweetener or just a regular sucralose.

Trust me, with the above tweakings, you get a more bold flavour like you can literally pickup all the flavourings in it and it really is so much better.
#702 by geebee, Nov 14. 2016, 13:25
700 comments on a click bait recipe; im shocked. On the other hand, im sure this has gotten tons of people into mixing, likely buying all the ingredients asap then being fairly satisfied with a mix i think is OK at best(not a SS fan when it's solo). I hope one of those people gives us our next best recipe to talk about for months
#703 by Proffwhat, Nov 24. 2016, 01:28
@geebee this was one of the recipe i went for on my first buy, im not really impressed by it but i can use the flavours for other recipes aswell, like the bearded smooth :) hook me up if you got a nice recipe please
#704 by Vaype, Dec 7. 2016, 17:09
I commented on this awhile ago regarding the unnecessary drama on this thread not having mixed this.... Well I just mixed this up last night and wow OMG I've been vaping Unicorns milk for a few years. I tend to grab a 120ml from my b&m every month or so. All I can say is I won't be buying this from them or anyone anymore... I because THIS IS THE ORIGINAL RECIPE ! I now find it hard to believe our guy CWS just dreamed these exact percentages or adapted another variation of another recipe on here and came up with "a story" ...... I believe he backed off of the original story because of the hate that he had to put up with on here which made him change his story. I'm now buying that this is a leaked recipe that CWS was generous enough to share with all of us for what ever reason..... I'm just glad he did so! ...... Listen guys I know this juice and can say that this is undoubtedly the original recipe...... I won't believe anything else because this recipe is cutwoods Unicorns milk I'm not sure how or if it's possible to post a pic on here but I can show you all a pic of at least 20 empty 120ml bottles of the original.....and also have an original bottle of c/w u/m right now that I'm comparing it to..... Ladies and gents THIS ! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THIS RECIPE !!! I'M THINKING IT WILL ONLY GET BETTER WITH A FEW WEEKS STEEP ! THIS IS 12 HOURS OLD AND DEFINITELY A SHAKE & VAPE!
#705 by Legion, Dec 13. 2016, 02:11
@HarrySmooth When you said 296 by HarrySmooth, Oct 29. 2015, 13:09
On this recipe ,as with ALL recipes involving "Creams"you MUST Steep and Breathe a MINIMUM of 14. days and even longer is better!!!
I allow 14-30 days on every recipe I use! And I sell mine in my retail shop and my customers love my stuff!!!!!
I use a Pneumatic paint can shaker to mix, and then open and allow to breathe for 3-4 hours, then repeat daily for 14-30 days .
Hope this helps...

You shake and breath 3 to 4 hours everyday with the nic in?

Sorry to be a bother im new to this :s just trying to find the optimal way of steeping this.
#706 by Mmh1972 , Jan 1. 2017, 10:08
sorry but this isn't unicorn milk....months ago I thought so but after months of mixing it is not
#707 by Mmh1972 , Jan 1. 2017, 10:08
sorry but this isn't unicorn milk....months ago I thought so but after months of mixing it is not
#708 by David, Jan 15. 2017, 05:37
How about a boss reserve clone???
#709 by CosmicTruth, Jan 19. 2017, 03:59
This is good even though I had to sub TFA for over half of the mix. So with TFA Graham Cracker, Sweet Cream, and the VBIC its GREAT! It doesn't matter if this is a exact clone or not, great mix! But I also need to ask is that a typo in the name? should it be called CUTTWOOD or as you have it CUTWOOK. Oh and if you didn't want that word mentioned, sorry I just blew your cover.
#710 by drhonk, Jan 19. 2017, 05:08
@CosmicTruth how close is it to the original with the sub you did?
#711 by The/covenant, Jan 24. 2017, 01:47
Made this, speed steeped it, in UC, let it breathe, shook the living fucking crap out of it, let it sit for 4 weeks and still, that cap butter cream killed it for me, all i get is wax on - wax off mr.Miyagi buttery chemically disgusting taste. I got all excited and i made 100 ml as well. All that nicotine and custard and strawberry, wasted....
#712 by CosmicTruth, Jan 28. 2017, 00:14
@drhonk not close but it is really tasty, imo a little better than the *actual recipe. I can vape mine all day easier than I can the *actual recipe.

*actual recipe= not the clone but the juice that was cloned. I have not made the actual clone because I didn't have all CAP. I bought a bottle of the actual UNICORN MILK to taste test it, cost $6.50/30ml.

Cosmic Abducted Cutwook Unicorn Milk
1.5% Butter Cream (CAP)
1.7% DX Sweet Cream (TPA)
0.65% Graham Cracker (Clear) (TPA)
0.5% New York Cheesecake (CAP)
8.5% Sweet Strawberry (CAP)
1.3% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA)
3% Vanilla Custard v2 (CAP)
Flavor total: 17.15%
cost: $2.15

#713 by Maxlee101, Jan 28. 2017, 17:09
I've got everything but butter cream, could I replace it with Bavarian cream (TFA)? Also, I've only got Grahams cracker v2 (CAP), should I use the same percentage?
#714 by Maxlee101, Jan 28. 2017, 17:09
I've got everything but butter cream, could I replace it with Bavarian cream (TFA)? Also, I've only got Grahams cracker v2 (CAP), should I use the same percentage?
#715 by drhonk, Jan 29. 2017, 14:18
@CosmicTruth I actually tried this and it tastes really good. I have to try yours next ..
#716 by Mx360, Feb 3. 2017, 15:54
After much reading of mostly bullshit, I decided to make a batch, most people like it here - couldn't care less if its a leak or just a good clone, I used v2 cracker, custard & cheesecake to minimize nasty shit, will report back in a month!
#717 by Oxyblast, Feb 12. 2017, 18:34
for anyone interested if you want to change to a blueberry using this base, I found after a few trials that flavourarts bilberry @1.25% and capella blueberry @ 1% (together) is about the best blueberry you can make from this, also up the New York cheesecake to 1 or 1.5%

#718 by bennyboy vapes, Feb 18. 2017, 11:58
How long is the steepi g process for this recipe?
#719 by CosmicTruth, Feb 19. 2017, 17:09
@drhonk my adaptation tastes good but not exactly like the original. I'm ordering all the cap flavors now. BTW your recipe is private. I have tasted the original unicorn milk, and my adaptation so I will have a baseline.
#720 by Shane, Feb 21. 2017, 14:46
And the BAFTA goes to... da da dah... wait for it...
Nope not revealing the winner yet haha.
Only messing, I've never tried UM, just writing a comment so I can get updates on this very interesting conversation 😀
#721 by bennyboy vapes, Feb 25. 2017, 11:42
I need some help guys, how long do i steep this recipe? And which method did you guys use to steep this to make it taste exactly like UM?
#722 by artutot, Feb 28. 2017, 07:34
After steeping 2 months i added 2.5 percent more sweet strawberry and 1 percent dragon fruit brought out the strawberry to were it need to be.
#723 by muusllm, Mar 2. 2017, 16:49

We would do it with tfa instead of cap
#724 by TayTay, Mar 4. 2017, 02:55
#725 by Skurkur, Mar 11. 2017, 17:37
As for clone rating i don't know, never tried cuttwoods unicorn milk.
But as for taste this is amazing.

Definately needs steeping. Tried this after shaking and letting stand for about an hour. Was so disappointed, reminded me of Savage Marcellus, but after a night of steeping that went away.
But now after about 70 hours of steeping this is incredible and the flavor is still getting better. Really nice strawberry milkshake starting to form.
#726 by 3HeadedMonkey, Mar 25. 2017, 09:27
So, I've been following all the fun in the comments for a while now. My search for a really good Strawberry Milk, most recently took me to where they sell clone packs. Guess which exact recipe they have a screenshot of? LMFAO
#727 by Skurkur, Mar 25. 2017, 11:21
Haha nice, took a look at the site, at least they state some of the recipes come from e-liquid-recipes and if we like it we should donate to keep it alive.
#728 by Whooptidooh, Mar 29. 2017, 18:27
So, if this guy is full of shit or not doesn't matter to me. I've never had the original (30 bucks for a 20 ml bottle is way too expensive) and made this a week ago. It's amazing and smells like it too. Thanks for the recipe!
#729 by bennyboy vapes, Apr 5. 2017, 06:31
#730 by zacherizle, Apr 17. 2017, 03:20
Side by side @enyawreklaw
#731 by Rekcah, Apr 18. 2017, 10:53
#732 by Goldmember, Apr 20. 2017, 10:39
How longs everyone steeping for??
#733 by Whooptidooh, Apr 20. 2017, 10:43
@Goldmember For me, a one day steep is good enough. Steep for two if there's a bit of harshness left.
#734 by Goldmember, Apr 20. 2017, 10:46
Mines been steeping for two weeks. Off to fill the tank....
#735 by Stumpy, May 5. 2017, 12:05
I've just made 30ml test of this and the only flavour I'm getting is a nutty cream vanilla do I have to steep to get the strawberry too shine through? Or is the flavour I decribed the way this recipe should taste? Cheers
#736 by Goldmember, May 5. 2017, 12:28
Let it steep for a few weeks..
#737 by Stumpy, May 5. 2017, 12:34
I've just made 30ml test of this and the only flavour I'm getting is a nutty cream vanilla do I have to steep to get the strawberry too shine through? Or is the flavour I decribed the way this recipe should taste? Cheers
#738 by rEEzUS, May 8. 2017, 13:09
This is spot on! I subbed a biscuit flavor for the cheesecake but overall it tastes just like unicorn milk.
#739 by LePsi, May 31. 2017, 09:55
Anyone tried the recipe with v2 flavors? Can't seem to find v1 anywhere.
#740 by 2Fargone, Jun 17. 2017, 00:21
This resepe, its amazing, it was great after 1 week, after 2 weeks i can`t tell different.
But it need 2 weeks steep too be close too original.
Using Alian Smok 220W
Thx, i give it a 5, first resepe i give 5
#741 by Jooshwa, Jun 23. 2017, 16:25
I've mixed this one and the Mother's Unicorn Milk recipe. Neither one are good to me at all...I really don't understand the hype.
#742 by burak, Jun 28. 2017, 21:48
@Jooshwa I agree with you. Plus, I have never liked any cutwood original bottles so far. I will not get on the hype train anymore.
#743 by Johnny99, Jul 8. 2017, 14:58
Made this yesterday morning w/o the ny cheesecake. At first it was a little off. By the pm it smelled and tasted exactly like the real deal. Letting it steep a few more days. I suspect the vanillas will shine a bit more. Re: the op may not have any other recipes but this is too specific and detailed to be a clone discovered through expwrimentation. Fantastic recipe.
#744 by 2Fargone, Jul 8. 2017, 17:29
If this is not good burak and Jooshwa, i wonder what u like? What recepe do u like here on forum.....give me exsampel plz.
#745 by Heaven On A Stick, Jul 10. 2017, 17:58
Tried it. It's a decent vape but not really something to get excited about. Haven't tried the original so cannot give a comparison.
#746 by methotrexate, Jul 30. 2017, 19:55
I never had unicorn milk so first I wanted to try UM whether I would like it or not. So bought a 30 ml UM. I liked it and decided to order flavors for this recipe. Mixed up 120 ml and let it steep for 8 weeks. This is the real deal. I don't care if it's fake. Color is exactly like the real UM and it tastes 100% like real deal. So if you like UM, this is a must recipe.
#747 by hesekiel2517, Aug 4. 2017, 21:44
Absolut überragend! Das ist Unicorn Milk von Cuttwood.
#748 by miles, Aug 5. 2017, 18:14
Has anyone tried using fw Graham cracker rather than cap for this recipe if so please let me know
#749 by miles, Aug 6. 2017, 22:43
Help I really need an answer someone pls respond
#750 by 2Fargone, Aug 7. 2017, 15:27
I have never tried that, but i cant think it will make a hug different.
Its not expensiv too make this, soo why dont u make 10-15 ml and tried it out?.... we talking quater dollar here, are u from Scottland or something.
#751 by miles, Aug 7. 2017, 19:50
I'm from London but it's just I don't want to spend an extra 2 pounds if I can avoid it I'm trying to save money thx for the help
#752 by Mikael, Aug 11. 2017, 18:47
The best.....
#753 by 2Fargone, Aug 11. 2017, 20:54
miles it dont cost 2 pounds too make 10-15 ml
#754 by miles, Aug 11. 2017, 21:00
No but it costs 2 pounds to buy a whole new concentrate
#755 by 2Fargone, Aug 11. 2017, 22:27
Not if u try making it with what u have, fw Graham cracker...10-15 ml. off that will not hurt ut wallet
#756 by miles, Aug 11. 2017, 23:15
Yer but I would have to buy every other flavouring also do it could end up tasting bad if I don't use the cap Graham cracker
#757 by Hwhirley , Aug 20. 2017, 17:06
Saw this and immediately ordered the ingredients. I have to say it's good straight out of the shake but it tasted better and better eachday. Around 2 weeks of steeping in my hot car is when it really came out great. Internal leak or not, good recipe. Thanks.
#758 by MidwestFog, Aug 26. 2017, 15:09
Favorites strawberry milk profile
#759 by Boston, Sep 8. 2017, 20:53
Too many people hating on this stuff. I mixed this over a week ago not having tried the real cuttwood UM. Today I bought a 30ml of it and I'm here to tell you right now, this stuff is very very close. I would go as far to say that this version is slightly better because the strawberry is a bit more noticeable. I added 1% sucralose to this recipe and it's right there with the real deal. Very close regardless if it's really leaked or not.
#760 by MrFixIt, Sep 11. 2017, 02:23
So I know this is a 2yr old post but its funny how folks seem to think that e-liquid recipes are intellectual property. A name or logo that is created unique and copy written ect can be said to be that. I say this because someone who has never heard of this company or this liquid could in theory make the liquid while diying with their flavors. Throwing some flavorings into some pg/vg adding some nic should not cost us a thousand times more to buy then it cost the creator to produce. I can see a mark up in price that covers your over head and pays you for your time but some of these eliquids are way over priced and over rated. Started making my own liquids 6 months after I started vaping. I do buy branded liquid from time to time. I have also found a way to get more for my money that way also. I buy a 120ml bottle of a name brand I like on sale see. I get it in at least a nic mg that is twice what I'm vaping with and then just add the equivalent of pg vg and bingo, bango I now have 240ml of really tasty eliquid. Works every time you can make into more if they offer flavor shots. Diy or die.
#761 by Bio poizon , Sep 20. 2017, 01:33
Let's leak some grants vanilla custard , and some organic strawberry custard from lol
#762 by 2Fargone, Sep 20. 2017, 09:36
Bosten ""Too many people hating on this stuff"" They hat the stuff becouse they dont like the person comming out with this recipe, and thats fear enough, but they cant like many people writhing say its not close too the original, becouse it is, but too say thats its the original recipe its also wrong.
I will say its a verry good clone and a good recipe, regardless if i like the person or not.
#763 by Jooshwa, Sep 20. 2017, 14:37
I couldn't care less about the person who wrote the recipe. It simply doesn't taste good in my tank. I've tried it 3 times now with the same result.
#764 by 2Fargone, Sep 20. 2017, 17:05
Fear enough Jooshwa, but i wondering what u like here on net, if this is not good? I Have ask u before also, but u dident answere. I have tried many off the recipe here on first and second page, and i will say that off the recipe that have get good reviws, this deserv too be on page 1, regardless how the person is. There are many recipes on page 1 that are fare more worse then this.
#765 by Mixtard, Sep 25. 2017, 03:30
Advice please: This recipe is of course great, but it's a little too creamy for my taste. Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to give it more of a strawberry flavour and less of a cream flavour? I'm thinking of ditching the 1.5% Butter Cream and increasing the Strawberry by 1.5%.
#766 by CMOZ, Sep 29. 2017, 03:29
@Mixtard sweet strawberry (CAP) is a garbage flavor. It dies off and goes muted completely after 10 days steep whatever ratio you use it. It is good if you vape it between 5-7 days steep time which tastes aweful of course. There is no strawberry flavor out there that is not fading, I have tried all of them.
#767 by Kiwi_Vaper, Sep 29. 2017, 04:25
@Mixtard I have not personally tried this, as I love the recipe as is. However, if your SS is fading out, you may want to do a 50/50 of SS and INW Shisha Strawbery or SS and TFA Strawberry, keeping the overall straberry % same at 8.5%. This may help you with the lack of strawberry taste. Good luck!
#768 by El Mouk, Sep 30. 2017, 17:15
This is my first post here. Great forum!
I'm a big fan of Cuttwood liquids, but they're crazy expensive here in Switzerland.
I am very impressed with that Unicorn Milk clone, it's really spot on, I put it in an empty bottle of original Cuttwood UM and gave it to my bro, he was unable to tell which one was the real deal! It's really that close! Thanks Cuttwoodspy for sharing! Oh, and by the way, I´m still trying to recreate the BossReserve, in case you have some spare internal leaks to share! ;)
#769 by Shane, Oct 8. 2017, 02:49
I just got all the flavors in, so i put the recipe together. This is a 5 star recipe, taste so good I cant stop vaping this bad boy. My mouth is watering all day long, I'm loving it. Ill have to buy this guy a beer for sure. Thank you so much for this amazing recipe. How long is the steep for this recipe?
#770 by Johnny99, Oct 8. 2017, 03:17
Over time and vaping on an rda i started feeling like ths recipe was waaaaaay overflavored. I made 180ml of this stuff but I've been diluting it by half with vg. I don't love it. But it's ok.
#771 by bradleyb5155, Oct 18. 2017, 02:21
Hello, I know this thread is old but I wanted to see how this recipe holds up? Any suggestions?
#772 by Catherine, Oct 20. 2017, 06:57
Very entertaining. 6am and I started reading at 3am. It's like a bestseller, I couldn't put it down. Thank you everyone. Tomorrow, later I will even make the juice to try.
#773 by Tito3, Oct 22. 2017, 19:55
5 stars recipe !
#774 by inkdvapr, Oct 26. 2017, 15:42
I mixed this exact and I seem to be missing that sweetness that’s in the original. Suggestions? Yes. I know this post is ages old.
#775 by Omar El Abd, Oct 26. 2017, 18:40
hot steeped around 5 times, really really good
#776 by gablec, Oct 28. 2017, 00:11
I made many of complex cake/cream liquids by recipes I found, and with some of them I wasn’t impressed even they had lots of positive feedbacks. Many of them for me were just average or even bellow. None of them was that bad that I had to throw it away.
Based on ingredients I made expectation every time.
This time I expected it to be good.
Many people saying it.
Ingredients are all I like.
Amount (percentage) of them is not madly high.
All looks balanced.
And YES, it is what I want from it. It is great and tasty and creamy, and sweet just enough for me.
I can taste all flavours, and nothing overpowers other.
After 4 weeks of steeping I have to say it worth waiting for me.
Great recipe. Five stars. Big THANK YOU.
#777 by Howard Hughes, Oct 30. 2017, 18:37
I'm too old for all the drama so I won't even attempt to weigh in on that. Leak, clone, whatever- it's a pretty good vape though. I've been mixing it since CWS first released it.
#778 by dergon, Nov 12. 2017, 14:23
Can i use something else in place of the vanilla custard? ( i got vaper's tongue from it)
#779 by Brett, Nov 15. 2017, 09:00
Followed the recipe exactly. Steeped for 4 weeks. Tried RDA and Tank at different settings over period of 1 week. Never tried the original, but disappointed with this recipe. It's quite creamy, but flavorless.
#780 by VaporGuildRecipes, Nov 15. 2017, 18:39
I used all the same flavors, except buttercream (didn’t have). Added 1% butter and .5% Vienna Cream instead, and WOW. This is the best juice I’ve tasted in a while even as a shake n vape. Plan on mixing up a big bottle to steep for a bit. Wondering if it’s even better with butter cream.
#781 by Jax, Nov 28. 2017, 22:41
I've never had unicorn milk. Just started DIY, this was one of 7 recipes I made. Whatever this is, legit or clone or completely made up, it is delicious! I made it Saturday and let it steep lid on for 3 days. This will definitely be an ADV!
#782 by ozgur, Dec 14. 2017, 18:43
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind = İnternal leak of cutwood unicorn milk
#783 by Upsman522, Dec 24. 2017, 03:17
Made this recipe and love it
#784 by ezro, Jan 7. 2018, 21:09
I made this recipe then vaped it after about an hour . Its really really close. more steeping time will definitely enhance it. this is good and very very close to the cuttwood brand . I ended up adding a bit more strawberry flavoring "accidentally" but I am pleased with the outcome...

#785 by SuperFrog, Jan 9. 2018, 12:19
How is it with all v2 flavours from Capella ?
#786 by TyTokes, Jan 14. 2018, 01:37
Dropped the sweet strawberry to 6.5. Thats more than enough, great recipe. Havnt had unicorn milk in a long time and this brings back memories =]
#787 by Mcclurejacob, Feb 1. 2018, 03:12
At 2 weeks I taste the Graham cracker up front and it's weird on the exhale. How long is the suggested steep?
#788 by bavle, Feb 1. 2018, 18:30
amaaaaazing. thank you
#789 by CosmicTruth, Feb 4. 2018, 03:37
After doing a side by side taste test, this is not a 1:1 clone, at least not with my nic/pg/vg. But still a GreAT ADV, highly recommended!
#790 by Mcclurejacob, Feb 4. 2018, 04:23
@cosmictruth at how long if a steep is it a great adv?
#791 by Glashammer, Feb 4. 2018, 11:06
Ich weiß nicht - habe hier soviel Kommentare und Meinungen gelesen.
Nun möchte ich meine Erfahrung mal ganz neutral unabhängig von dem Typ mit euch teilen.
Habe das Rezept 100% 1:1 nachgemischt.
Direkt nach dem mischen musste ich schon grinsen da einmen direkt der typische UM Geruch in die Nase stieg. Also konnte ich es mir nicht verkneifen es mal kurz anzutröpfeln.
Es erinnert und führt einen direkt an UM von Cuttwood jedoch ist es cremiger und die Vanille mit dem Butter ist noch stark über der Erdbeere im Vordergrund. Ich würde sagen 85% zum Original.
Aber Leute es muss ja auch noch reifen!!!!
Von daher bin ich mir sicher das es die restlichen 10-15% bis zum Original auch noch schafft. ;)
Ich bin jetzt leider erst noch bei Tag 4 aber werde in 14 Tage erneut ein Feedback geben wenn es ein wenig durchgezogen ist und die Aromen sich ein wenig gelegt haben.
#792 by Glashammer, Feb 21. 2018, 11:41
Also ca. 14 Tage Reifezeit sind um. Farbe ist na klar dunkler geworden und schaut somit gut aus.
Test vom Geschmack.
Die Erdbeere hat das Liquid nun fast komplett verlassen.
Heißt die Vanille und der Butter dominieren leider nun noch mehr.
Es entfernt sich somit von Beginn an zum UM Original wo es meines Erachtens immerhin 85% erreichte
Nun nach 14 Tagen auf 60-70%. / Bewertung
Also eher enttäuschend.
Wenn man aber UM von Cuttwood außer Betracht lässt und dieses Rezept als eigenes stehen lässt, ist es wirklich kein schlechtes und lässt sich super Dampfen.
Aber UM ist es ganz sicher nicht und wird es glaub auch nicht mehr.
Es sei den es passiert noch ein Wunder. ;)
#793 by Monotom, Feb 24. 2018, 01:50
@Jooshwa OK I'll explain so people with Aspergers or other autism spectrum disorders like you can understand the hype as well. A lot of people like CW Unicorn Milk. It's expensive stuff. A recipe comes up. It's a pretty good clone. People can now make it for a fraction of the costs. Some will save a lot of money, others will be able to vape an e-juice that used to be too expensive. To them, this is awesome news.

That YOU don't like the flavor profile of this juice changes exactly nil about that: it just means you and the mainstream have a different opinion on this one.

If that makes you post angry shit claiming "I tried three times", expecting the recipe to get a grip and taste better to you next time, I wonder how many Bieber concerts you attended, demanding that "these songs can't be THIS shitty? For fucks sake, not in front of this many people?"
#794 by Monotom, Feb 24. 2018, 01:53
50 Shades of Gray - "I've been reading this piece of shit five times now, AND IT SUCKED EVERY SINGLE TIME!"
#795 by vapenvegetate, Feb 24. 2018, 18:10
UM was the best juice I ever tasted. Been itching to give this a go as it's sort of a DIY rite of passage.

Just mixed this - the only exception with the recipe is that I used V2 NY Cheesecake (CAP).

1st Batch 100ml - letting it steep without interference.

2nd Batch 50ml - few hot water baths.

Second batch I'm vaping "as I go", been a few hours, tastes very creamy/custardy, can't really point the strawberry out yet. Rich taste from the creams/custard is similar to UM although hard to say without a bottle on hand -- but not blended together yet to really know what's going on with this juice. Tasty, but not a strawb vape as of now. Seems like a solid base. Early days so not jumping to conclusions yet, from my experience it is very easy to get carried away with a SNV so I won't say anything just yet.

Will let you guys know how I get on (and I will return to this thread).
#796 by vapenvegetate, Feb 25. 2018, 12:01
Unicorn Milk :)

Also I agree, the capella flavours (at least the ones used in this recipe) have a good mouthfeel as you put it.
#797 by vapenvegetate, Mar 1. 2018, 19:51
5 day update:

1st Batch 100ml - haven't used/tasted, haven't let it breathe, has harsh chemical smell to it, unlike the batch I've been SNVing. Don't want to let it breathe because I'm worried about losing the strawberry.

2nd Batch 50 ml - day 2 the overwhelming custard taste has balanced out and the base is quite nice. day 3 I felt like I could taste the strawberry a little, day 4-5 (today) strawberry tasteless. Could be vapers tongue, could be the fact I've been vaping it without the cap on and gave it the 3hr hot water bath. It's still pretty nice but I'm hoping that the 100ml batch is going to be way nicer with stronger strawberry notes having let it steeped properly without a hot water bath/breathing.

Currently I'd rate it 7.5/10 as a tasty base to vape, 10/10 if the strawberry comes through on my main 100ml steep.
#798 by Glashammer, Mar 8. 2018, 10:56
Thx vapenvegetate für dein Statement.
Sehe es genau wie du.
Irgendwie verschwindet sehr gerne die Erdbeere. Muss aber dazu sagen das sie nach nun fast 4 Wochen wieder ein wenig zurück kommt.
Dennoch ist nun das Problem das man leider sehr schnell bei diesem Liquid nichts mehr schmeckt. Die sogenannte Vaporzunge.
Es kommt trotzdem schon nahe zum Original.
Dennoch überwiegt die Vanille doch zu stark.
Ich habe zum Vergleich das Original hier.
Man müsste die Erdbeere einfach ein wenig anheben können so das sie schärfer kommt wie beil Orig. und die Vanille Noten ein wenig senken können. des Weiteren bin ich der Meinung das beim Original einfach noch ein Tick Getreide oder Honig mit durch schmeckt. Vielleicht ist das ja der Schlüssel auch für die Erdbeere und gegen die vaporzunge ?
#799 by Anborn90, Mar 10. 2018, 13:35
Neverming if I sub Butter Cream with Flavorah version? Same % maybe?
#800 by Anborn90, Mar 10. 2018, 13:42
Sry, I mean Flavor West Butter cream
#801 by vapenvegetate, Mar 11. 2018, 15:02
#803 @Glashammer
Yeah, I'm getting vapers tongue from this too. It's been 2 weeks now and I gotta say the juice is nice but there is still no strawberry.

I am going to try a new mixture replacing the CAP Sweet Strawb with 5% TFA Strawberry and 1% TFA Dragonfruit. You may be right on the honey, it's hard for me to say to be honest because I don't have the original to compare.

Just needs that "lift" on the exhale like UM.
#802 by geebee, Mar 14. 2018, 09:38
Don't get me wrong it's ok but it's no clone/leak. Definitely doesn't deserve to be the most rated recipe on the site. A lot of these flavors have use sure, but a new mixer could get not out of the flavorings used in something like god milk, perhaps. My rating is really just to bring down the average score slightly. I bet a lot of these flavors are used in unicorn milk though at a similar percentage, but the real recipe is probably simpler and has some sort of sweetener/(ethyl) maltol mixture. I'm about to make a remix with a couple flavors omitted and tpa sweetener and it'll prob be better. Then again I'm sure a lot of people love this. Regardless, fuck this recipe lol.
#803 by vapenvegetate, Mar 27. 2018, 01:14
@geebee This tastes a LOT better than God Milk imo. Although funny you mention it, because I did tweak it after my first batch to use TPA Strawb and 1% Dragonfruit (like God Milk, since I found I couldn't originally taste the strawberry in this recipe). It worked really well and definitely lifted it from the base. I'm gonna try next with half/half CAP/TPA for the Strawb.

I also added sweetener.
#804 by Glashammer, Mar 27. 2018, 08:12
THX vapenvegetate.
Mit der drachenfrucht scheint interessant zu sein. Hilft es auch gegen die Vaporzunge. ?
und hast du die 1% von der Erdbeere dann abgezogen oder quasi einfach zum Rezept hinzugefügt?

Wobei - bei allem hin und her im Original wird niemals Drachenfrucht enthalten sein. Aber das ist ja eh egal. Die Soße ist für sich ja schon lecker. Wenn da die Zunge nicht wäre. !

Cap Sweet strawberry mit TPA Strawberry ripe
Sollte auch mein nächster Test werden.
Denke mit
6% CAP Sweet strwaberry
2.5 % TPA Strawbeery Ripe
Sollte man für den Anfang ganz gut liegen.

Werde es heute mal mischen.
Ich bin gespannt und werde berichten.
#805 by Glashammer, Mar 27. 2018, 19:39
Direkt nach dem mischen !
Verschiedene Erdbeer Versionen versucht.
6% CAP Sweet Strawberry & 2,5 % Strawberry Ripe + 1% TPA Dragonfruit = not Good :-/
4,5 % FlavourArt Strawberry & 4% CAP Strawberry Ripe = Not Good.
4,5% CAP Sweet Strawberry & 4% TPA Strawberry = okay But also Not perfekt.
Ich testete auch ein wenig - Souer vs Sweetner Ergebnise waren ebenfalls bescheiden.
Drei Arten Erdbeeren kann man glaub auch vergessen.
#806 by Monotom, Mar 27. 2018, 23:21
Gladdhanner, why not share your insights in English?
#807 by vapenvegetate, Mar 27. 2018, 23:30

If it's the dragonfruit that's ruining #1, keep in mind when combined with TPA Strawberry from my experience there is a flower like taste until it steeps a few days.

I also used TPA Strawberry and not TPA Strawberry Ripe.

I am going to try mixing a batch now with TPA+CAP Strawb.

The thing is, I feel like the original UM has a special kind of strawberry. It doesn't seem like one flavour responsible for it in the recipe, it's definitely not just CAP Sweet Strawb. I definitely wasn't getting vapour tongue as MUCH on my last batch.

People may bash this recipe on here but I think the great thing about this recipe is that even if it isn't UM it attracts UM lovers who like this specific flavour profile and can work together to achieve something similar.
#808 by Glashammer, Mar 28. 2018, 08:44
@ Monotom
I'm writing in German because my English is horror :) but I can try it.
@ vapenvegetate
all small test batches what I made yesterday, I had tried so right after mixing. I believe that with the dragon fruit in connection with this normal TPA strawberry and I am curious in a few days how it changes. Anyway, a variant with "Ripe" no matter in what form defenitively a wrong direction. nice to hear that the tongue already sets something;) I would also like to know which strawberry flavor CW uses in UM. the base of this recipe fits very well somehow. Unfortunately, the problems mentioned above.
#809 by Anborn90, Mar 28. 2018, 08:47
Tried this shit. Not so sweet, I preder the Mother Unicorn by Aprolewski
#810 by Glashammer, Mar 28. 2018, 08:53
yes that's a very good recipe. but does not come up to the classic CW UM taste.
#811 by vapenvegetate, Mar 28. 2018, 20:05

Mach dir keine sorgen ich verstehe dich auch auf Deutsch :D

und du kannst echt gut Englisch!

Also gestern habe ich mit 2% CAP Sweet Strawb + 3% TPA Strawb und 0.5% TPA Dragonfruit gemischt...schreibe ich dir hier nach eine woche meine Erfahrung..
#812 by Monotom, Mar 28. 2018, 21:28
Ja inderdaad, mankeert weinig aan je Engels, beste kerel.
#813 by Mcclurejacob, Apr 16. 2018, 21:01
#814 by Manimal, Apr 20. 2018, 15:37
Not sure if it is a spot on clone but it is very tasty.
#815 by Hudakusa, May 10. 2018, 02:29
#816 by Hudakusa, May 10. 2018, 02:29
#817 by lt4-396, May 19. 2018, 04:06
Really dont care what the b s story is... made this exactly to the T and it's not bad, the strawberry is a bit overpowering but again it was a SnV so after a few weeks we will see just how good it is.
I'm going to tweak it a bit with tpa ripe SB combined with cap SB to see how that is.

Deff. A solid recipe especially since most people have these flavors.
#818 by viva, Aug 21. 2018, 05:26
i didn't think it tasted like cuttwoods at all, very unflavored, maybe too high %s or vapors tongue
#819 by ElaineSpencer, Sep 6. 2018, 03:34
While mixing this, I realized I had ran out of CAP New York Cheesecake. I subbed it for Purilium New York Cheesecake at the same %. I've never had Unicorn Milk prior to this, so I can't speak for the authenticity or compare it to others, but I can say this is pretty damn good after a 3 day steep.
#820 by MinfordVape, Sep 6. 2018, 23:35
I don't know what my problem is but every custard I make the custard overpowers everything. I have strawberry, blueberry and blackberry custards that I've tried at different times over the past three months and all that time the custard always kills the fruit and everything else. I've tried mixing custards by weight and by volume with SNV to 2 months steep. Always the same results. I do not have an issue tasting fruits or have vapors tongue right now. I have fruit recipes I love. It's just anything with custard! I can use ice creams fine. Any ideas?
#821 by Bryan, Oct 25. 2018, 16:18 I bought a bottle of the unicorn milk from a vape shop and then I came home and made a bottle of this recipe. why am I getting better feedback from the bottle I bought instead of the one I made? if its the same thing then what am I doing wrong here? there's gotta be something missing. is it sweetener? if so what brand?

I can also taste a difference between the one I bought and the one I made
#822 by Mishas, Nov 13. 2018, 23:40
This has been my favorite recipe. Vaping it for the last 4 years, no joke. Needs at least 3 weeks of steeping for the flavor to blend and all these creams to pop but i like vaping it through those weeks while the strawberry is a lot stronger but quite refreshing. Never had the original, always wondered which is better but after all these years who cares.
#823 by Asmoday, Nov 23. 2018, 02:11
If I wanted to use TPA Ripe Strawberry instead, I would need to up the percentage a little, correct?
#824 by LetsRock, Nov 26. 2018, 13:07
@vapengetate so, how it when adding dragonfruit and TFA strawberry ??? % ???
#825 by Sepper, Nov 28. 2018, 04:32
Best one out there by a long shot.
#826 by s3agl3, Dec 8. 2018, 14:38
Very Good! Thanks!
#827 by Synderella., Dec 18. 2018, 00:51
This is one of the Best! That cream base is a Godlike @_@
#828 by Duffy, Jan 15. 2019, 19:53
Just tried my first tank. Lovely. Love UM and this is a good take. A little light but the coil is old. Although I must say I've a beer taste with a Champaign budget. All those years of smoking. I have one I've been playing with I call Unicorn Stallion which is basically doubling all the flavors.
#829 by The President, Jan 21. 2019, 12:57
i see that sweet strawberry need to be decreased to 2% and add strawberry ripe 8% & Sweetner 2.5%. what did you think about it
#830 by Bryan, Feb 18. 2019, 12:38
The butter cream and graham cracker is by flavor west not capella!!!!
#831 by SKAG187, Feb 22. 2019, 06:10
I've been mixing this recipe since my start in diy
in fact it's the 1st recipe I ever mixed I have vaped liters of this!! ADV for sure
it never occurred to me until now that I never said thank you

Thank You
#832 by Mytsly, Feb 23. 2019, 22:40
Same here. First recipe I ever made. Have made tons of things since, but keep coming back to this. It's great fresh, it's great steeped, hell it's just great. I've mixed about a zillion of the others on here that consist of strawberries and cream, and honestly none of them taste as good as this one. It just works. I love this sweet strawberry, but was wondering if anyone has tried some strawberry shisha in here some how and if so what did you do and what were the results. I really think I like this fresh better with the strawberry front and center before it is steeped and fades a little. Trying to find a strawberry mixture for this recipe that keeps the strawberry popping long after steep. If I could crack that I'd make this by the gallons instead of a few hundred MLS at a time.
#833 by gorbitzzzz, Mar 24. 2019, 15:07
Never had the OG, but I'm mixing this up with TFA custard instead, since my cap was empty!
#834 by Terra R., Jun 18. 2019, 08:29
Bravo, My Friend... Well done! 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
#835 by NubeBuster, Jul 17. 2019, 21:12
This is good
#836 by sed, Aug 2. 2019, 19:37
I love this flavor. I have been through over 1000 ml of this as is, subbed peach and blueberry. I do not care about all the controversy when it was released, it is a great ADV. I spent $27.34 for a 60 ml bottle of the original Cuttwood brand to compare and they are so close, I almost could not tell which was which. I will stick with this one at $1.60 for 60 ml and refill their bottle.
#837 by B-Rad, Aug 18. 2019, 15:17
For months UM was my ADV. Spent hundreds!
I don't care how this recipe came to be... It is spot on!
THIS has been my new ADV for close to 2 years now!
Been through thousands of ml.
Thank you!
#838 by Krimm, Nov 7. 2019, 00:12
Ok... so I tried this recipe, liked it very much, and went ahead and bought Cuttwood unicorn milk from giant vapes. It just came in the mail, I loaded it up and it tastes different. Close but different. I am not sure if at the time of this post the recipe was the same, but Cuttwood might have changed it. There seams to be a nut flavor instead of the graham cracker. Everything else seems as the same. Any thoughts?
#839 by michealb, Nov 17. 2019, 06:47
Very good! IMO, a commercial mix would not require any additional sweetener and this is really sweet right off the shake. Hoping some steep time will have good results if I can keep from vaping it all.
#840 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#841 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#842 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#843 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#844 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#845 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#846 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 20:57
Can anyone please help me with the steeping process? I’ve never done this at all, first time mixer; any help would be greatly appreciated.
#847 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:09
Can anyone please explain the steeping process to me? I’ve never done anything like this before, it’s my first time and any help would be greatly appreciated
#848 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:09
Can anyone please explain the steeping process to me? I’ve never done anything like this before, it’s my first time and any help would be greatly appreciated
#849 by LetsRock, Nov 19. 2019, 21:09
Just Mix AND leave it in a dark cool place. Give it a shake once a day o every other day. Theres no trick, it just takes time.
#850 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:09
Can anyone please explain the steeping process to me? I’ve never done anything like this before, it’s my first time and any help would be greatly appreciated
#851 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#852 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#853 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#854 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#855 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#856 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#857 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:10
Oh ok, thank you
#858 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:11
Oh ok, thank you
#859 by KrissyPenn, Nov 19. 2019, 21:13
Sorry about all the comments..
#860 by MinfordVape, Nov 19. 2019, 21:17
Just let the bottle sit in a dark cool place for a couple weeks.
#861 by MinfordVape, Nov 19. 2019, 21:17
Just let the bottle sit in a dark cool place for a couple weeks.
#862 by UtahVapes, Nov 19. 2019, 21:47
Rip to anyone like me that had email notifications on
#863 by Krimm, Nov 19. 2019, 21:48
#864 by richy101uk, Nov 19. 2019, 21:58
Krissy fuck off!
#865 by sed, Nov 19. 2019, 22:32
17 new emails. At least I learned what steeping is.
#866 by Glashammer, Nov 20. 2019, 10:24
felt 2000 news emails with the same questions. 😳Jeses - WTF ...

hopefully he will come to a clear 😂
#867 by KrissyPenn, Nov 20. 2019, 13:53
I already apologized about all the comments, no need to to be rude about it. Anyway, thanks for the help, the ones who were helpful.
#868 by Ja Mash, Nov 26. 2019, 02:18
2019 here! Cap vanilla custard v2 work okay with this?
#869 by taylord, Dec 2. 2019, 19:02
#870 by RottenRoy, Dec 16. 2019, 18:41
This was the first recipe that I mixed and I thank you because it started me on a journey 6 months ago that I am in love with. Thank you
#871 by Handymac10, Jan 23. 2020, 05:38
This is my ADV wonderful, made 2 half liters, first one by the recipe 2nd batch i went with 10% strawberry OMG its so good
#872 by nick1982, Feb 12. 2020, 13:35
OMG! i cant believe people think this is not close to the original, but like someone did say on here there are a lot of factors to consider when mixing e liquids. not everyone will get same results then leaving negative feedback about it. I mix in brown dark glass bottles. There is a technique to mixing i have found out like the order you mix to get a smother reaction to the brewing process if that makes sense. All i cant say if you mix correctly easier to make with 100ml bottle using the percentage method. The results are amazing, I dont think i will be able to tell the difference to the original so welldone hats off this is amazing recipe thankyou
#873 by Panos, Mar 10. 2020, 19:00
Probably the best strawberry flavored vape I've ever had
#874 by Mytsly, Jul 9. 2020, 22:18
So I've been through so many thousands of ml of this I've lost count. Here is my situation. I love it fresh, but after the strawberry settles I'm not quite the fan. Also I'm not the biggest fan of having to make juice all the time though. Can I make just basically like a stone but without the strawberry, even adding the PG, VG, and nicotine. Then as long as I have the amount of strawberry to add just make a 30 ml bottle at a time by adding the strawberry? So have say 1000 ml made up without strawberry and use that to make 30 ml bottles on the fly by adding strawberry. I'll make the calculations correct. Is this a good way to premake it without losing the up front in your face strawberry taste?
#875 by clouds, Oct 3. 2020, 23:03
i have made this 3 times and steeped for 6 weeks at least each time and i have to say its shit like not good at all cheese cake is a hard recipe to perfect and this is no were near good at all
#876 by vmasters, Jan 8. 2021, 14:46
Not one of my Favourites, bot its more like an personal preference. Thanks for sharing. Steeping for a few weeks work best but I'm more a fruity flavour guy.
#877 by Rob, Apr 7. 2021, 12:16
Never had any cuttwood commercial juices.

But I have tried a whole bunch of strawberry milk type recipes, and cannot taste the strawberry in a single one of them. This one somehow breaks the trend, and tastes exactly like it's supposed to taste.

Great work getting your hands on this!
#878 by J moss, May 25. 2021, 23:43
Omg bought a bottle of unicorn milk today. What a load of crap. The clones on here are way better. I prefer stronger strawberries with my creams. The clones are far superior to unincorn milk. Very dissatisfied with unicorn milk. Won’t be advising that to anyone
#879 by J moss, May 25. 2021, 23:47
Unicorn milk the real deal pahahaha it is shockingly shit. I just found that out today. I thought I was missing out on a legend of a juice. I’ve made 2 clones from this site and they both piss all over unicorn milk.
And Cutrwoods.
Both there clones are banging and in highly recommend mixing them em. Delicious 🤤
#880 by gdz, Aug 12. 2023, 19:51
Mixed it 5 days ago. The flavors are slowly developing and looking promising.
#881 by Golab420, Feb 15. 2024, 14:41
Very bland taste. Tested after a week. Did it 1:1 with the recipe. Huge disappointment as I had to buy so many flavours.
#882 by Spark777, Jun 18. 2024, 01:12
I want a chocolate strawberry cheesecake, how could i tweek this to work?

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