Stripper juice 2 

Gravatar - by Compguy, Apr 21. 2014, 07:31


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

The original I had made used different amounts of each flavoring. this version I bumped the side flavors and cut the EM considerably.

The Water/vodka/pga could just as well be more PG for whatever thickness you like your juice.

This is a favorite juice by all my friends and it tastes just as good with or without Nicotine. All of my juice is vaped with 0mg Nic.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by h1p1n3, May 13. 2014, 20:19
This is a GREAT recipe.
#2 by Compguy, May 17. 2014, 21:10
Thank you! I enjoy this as one of my staple vapes. I'm regularly tweaking this one because I enjoy it so much.
#3 by Scott Moritz, Jan 28. 2015, 05:26
Which Raspberry are you using? The standard or Sweet?
#4 by Compguy, Feb 2. 2015, 20:13
Scott, I've actually used both along with the more candy blueberry. I myself prefer standard raspberry and extra blueberry. But it does work with the other versions.
#5 by BpalfZ, Feb 19. 2016, 21:10
Shake and vape?
#6 by Compguy, Feb 20. 2016, 06:24
Oh yes! Without a doubt it is. The fun part is the swapping of the fruit flavors. But its one of my favorites, friends of mine are often upset when I'm vaping something else.
#7 by BpalfZ, Feb 20. 2016, 06:26
I had to sub cap raspberry and did so at 4% looking forward to it though. You ever done a white chocolate and peppermint flavour? I'm looking at trying it next.
#8 by Compguy, Feb 20. 2016, 06:29
White choc. Is a fun flavor to play with. Mix some with some chai tea and you have rumchatta. An amazing shake and vape as well
#9 by BpalfZ, Feb 20. 2016, 06:31
Might try that. What about white chocolate srawberry banana?
#10 by Compguy, Feb 20. 2016, 06:41
Oh i have yet to master strawberry with but my current adv is a banana cheesecake where use the white choco to give the juice just a more creamy body.
#11 by BpalfZ, Feb 20. 2016, 06:43
Recipe for it? I'm looking forward to this juice gunna rice cooker it for 3 hours let it cool and vape away
#12 by Compguy, Feb 20. 2016, 06:57
I just made it public so check my profile... I probably should have checked what crazy selftalking notes i made in it first. But shake and vape that one too.
#13 by BpalfZ, Feb 20. 2016, 21:59
Hey so jm not sure if it's because I used cap raspberry but did you find that the white chocolate comes out more with a steep? All I'm getting is mostly raspberry and everything else is super light not bad though. Curious if you've considered adding any cream or strawberry or almond? Those are the variations I thought would suit it when I had a tester vape today.
#14 by BpalfZ, Mar 11. 2016, 04:32
Came back to give you a five star mine was a different raspberry but with a steep it got quite a bit more tasty thanks.
#15 by Compguy, Mar 20. 2016, 03:24
Awesome! Glad you liked it. I made a 30ml bottle... 2 weeks ago. I was kicking myself for only making 30ml. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a chance to make another batch.
#16 by Kimber, Mar 25. 2016, 16:41
This is great!! I did bump the white chocolate up a bit but I immediately made 30ml. Delicious!!
#17 by COPi, May 28. 2016, 16:03
This sounds amazing but coming from 18 to 10% EM still seems crazy! I use 1% normaly and it´s nice and sweet, used 2% once and tasted nothing but sweet any more. I have Cotton Candy (TPA) and Dark Burner EM 10% which taste identically, so I wonder: Isn´t this sweet like hell?
#18 by BpalfZ, May 28. 2016, 16:37
I even add em to mine and I was happy with it.
#19 by BpalfZ, May 28. 2016, 16:37
Didnt even*
#20 by COPi, May 28. 2016, 18:12
I adapted this and will try crazy 5%
#21 by Eloy, May 12. 2017, 05:49
Finally something I can do with my blueberry extra, thanks.
I halted the cotton candy and changed the raspberry to raspberry sweet

Shake and vape is very nice. Very fresh and great candy flavour thanks
#22 by RaGCaR, Sep 12. 2017, 20:04
I'm gonna try it with CAP Dbl Chocolate Clr cuz it's all I have lol. I can't imagine it'll make THAT much of a difference.
#23 by Bigdaddi, Jun 8. 2018, 22:58
Mixed this up just now, and subbed Raspberry with Raspberry Sweet, 50/50 PG/VG. Smell is like a very nice candy flavor and seems very familiar for some reason. Will let it sit for a few hours, give it a try, and report back! Thanks for the recipe :)

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