Jammy Doughnuts 

Gravatar - by SimonB2008, Oct 7. 2015, 18:42


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This is a simple recipe but I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. If you like your doughnuts sugary you might want to add a drop or two of sucralose.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by carmeldl, Oct 30. 2015, 19:41
This is a great mix, even after steeping over night with the cap off. I do believe it could use some more doughiness though..not sure if something like Biscuit would work well or not. I did a variation with Blueberry Wild and it tastes pretty damn close to Bloobies by DoughBoys Vaped Goods if you have ever had that juice.
#2 by SimonB2008, Oct 31. 2015, 00:12
I reckon you could push the doughnut percentage up to 10%, or maybe the cracker up to 2% to get it a bit more doughy :)
#3 by angus1133, Dec 17. 2015, 23:00
i want to thank you..i did not have CAP doughnut so i used TFA and also added one more little thing...holy crap!!! its good..waited 3 days to test... i cant put it down!!! thanks..i have it in my recipe page under doughnuts not mine...thanks!!
#4 by BpalfZ, Jan 18. 2016, 09:01
Curious if blueberry jam would make a nice substitute for sweet strawberry.
I do plan on trying this recipe out so thanks might make a bottle of each.
#5 by SimonB2008, Jan 18. 2016, 18:42
Pretty sure you could sub the strawberry for blueberry and it would work out fine. I've subbed it for mandarin orange and it's amazing,
#6 by BpalfZ, Jan 20. 2016, 03:56
I tried thus doughnut flavor by premium labs called blue steel it was a blueberry doughnut and was hoping blueberry jam in this recipe would come close ish.
Have you tried any other strawberry flavors besides sweet strawberry?
#7 by SimonB2008, Jan 20. 2016, 18:37
Yes, have used ripe strawberry and it's very good. Not as sweet as the "sweet strawberry"
#8 by vapegrl, Apr 2. 2016, 18:18
Great recipe, got a huge amount mixed as this is a regular of mine :)
#9 by JonnyboyT, Jul 29. 2016, 22:27
I tried this with CAP raspberry instead of strawberry and it turned out well. Might need a touch more raspberry but the doughnut flavor is spot on.
#10 by SwampKittens, Aug 4. 2016, 17:05
@Bpalfz, I am going to try this with blueberry jam and sweet strawberry together.
#11 by BpalfZ, Aug 5. 2016, 05:04
Woah! Haha let me know how it was I found the blueberry jam was nice but a little florally at least a first. It was far from the recipe that I originally wanted to clone.
#12 by SwampKittens, Aug 5. 2016, 05:09
@BpalfZ You should try Blueberry Muffin from Flavorah with a little Boysenberry. I've had some good mixes combining those.
#13 by BpalfZ, Aug 5. 2016, 05:11
Ya sounds interesting the only thing is the flavor I was chasing was just a deep blueberry jelly like center of the doughnut jelly flavor that I don't even think contained any doughnut flavoring it baked goods flavoring.
#14 by FerBaaL, Mar 10. 2017, 23:52
I tried it today 70/30 added .5% to each flavor and 0.5% of Joy.... 60 minutes in the ultrasonic cleaner shaked it and tried a little and it's pretty good! Let's see how it turns in a few days... Thanks!
#15 by Gregory, Sep 6. 2017, 00:06
Can someone suggest a replace flavor instead of the Cake Batter? Thanks in advance
#16 by FerBaaL, Sep 6. 2017, 02:27
Gregory, maybe you can try with TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream or FW Yellow Cake... not sure about the second one
#17 by Parsonsnose, Sep 26. 2017, 09:37
Great little recipe here, a 3 day steep and I cant put it down
#18 by NewBieDIY, Jan 19. 2018, 08:34
Your version of this was real good but I decided to give it a twist. So i kind of redid this recipe with one of my others in mind, but I added 1.25% Biscuit and 1% Black Currant. Black Currant is what gives alot of the fruity flavors that Jam sensation. But if you do use the black currant and decide to mess with the percentage be very careful, because if you put to much in, it will over power your juice. So change in very small percentages..... Good luck
#19 by Mere, Apr 25. 2018, 21:42
I mixed up a 10ml tester of this last night and I had to make another one this morning before I left the house. This is a fantastic recipe.
#20 by Emin0, Dec 30. 2018, 09:48
Is this a good recipe? I realy want that it taste much cakey
#21 by Bigdaddi, Jan 19. 2019, 17:52
Geeat recipe! 5 stars for me!
#22 by Dylan, Sep 8. 2019, 01:39
Mixed this up with a little super sweet, pritty damn good although I’d say it has more of a strawberry frosted Krispy kreme (only at 4 days steep, max vg) might play with it to get more of a jam note!
#23 by Mizzooo, Sep 3. 2020, 16:59
after 10 days of steep, this is one of my favorites now. thank you for sharing :)
#24 by egm7691, Sep 6. 2020, 14:41
Anyone try this with either Vape Wizard or Acetyl Pyrazine at maybe .5% ?
#25 by Mizzooo, Sep 8. 2020, 15:47
@egm7691 you can try AP at .5% but you may need to try the original first ;)
#26 by jayquik03, Jan 7. 2021, 07:11
I've made this a ton of times @ 60ml only ever lasts 2-3 days shake n vape. I like my flavors more unsteeped though. Thank you!
#27 by Vapestar—812, Apr 25. 2021, 12:25
I'm not a fan of cap doughnut at all so I'm going to try n sub that for either wf glazed donut or ooo glazed donut....hopen it turns out as good as yalls did
#28 by Cosmic Crunch, Jun 24. 2022, 18:16
This was my favorite for years. I've tweaked it to perfection now. Check out my adaptation: e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/3825381/Jammy+Doughnuts+Evolved

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