Black Ice 

Gravatar - by Spell Binding Vapes, Feb 9. 2019, 19:42


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 2 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


A blackcurrant and aniseed menthol with a hint of blueberry.

Was asked by a friend to make a blackcurrant menthol so i came up with this, of coarse i went straight to my 2 favourite blackcurrants in ccw and inw and layering gave me a nice rich blackcurrant i was looking for i added fw blueberry just to give it a slighty twist and the lemon is here just to make it pop abit more the menthol is used low and i find it at just the right level its there but not overpowering everything else, simplish mix but its tasty!

#1 by TheJuiceFairy, Feb 26. 2019, 20:48
This looks delicious 😋 I’ve been playing with Blackcurrant lately so I’ll give this a shot. I’ll share mine with you a little later.
#2 by Spell Binding Vapes, Feb 27. 2019, 07:08
Awesome let me know what you think I’m a fairly new mixer but would love some feedback and would love to try your one
#3 by Aaronmix, Apr 26. 2020, 10:00
This is GREAT you need to mix this
#4 by stevo123, May 31. 2020, 01:22
Really good, i took the menthol out, and traded it for 0.5% WS23 much better, Thanks for the recipe Nick
#5 by Spell Binding Vapes, Jul 5. 2020, 08:20
cheers guys

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