TGC Week 2 Mango Limeade 

Gravatar - by The Vaping Buckeye , May 11. 2019, 18:58


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Mango Limeade

Week 2 Team Goonies recipe challenge was suggested by Krissvapess.

This was a interesting mix as I have never used mango before. It turned out better than I was expecting!! I had to mix a couple versions, but this ultimately became the one I liked the most. My first version I ended up trying to add a cherry which ended up realllllly good. The only problem was, they no longer make the cherry concentrate that I used so it wouldn't be fair to keep it in the recipe.

Sweet Mango (CAP) - The main attraction of this recipe. It adds a nice sweetness and it isn't dry at all. Tastes like an authentic mango to me.

Mango Juice (VTA) - This really complimented the Sweet Mango. It added a little more boost to the overall mango flavor and gave it a "JUICE" type feel to this mix. Overall I was pleased with how it turned out. Off the hand tastes like a really nice mango juice similar to a sunny d only with mango.

CItrus Soda (FLV) - This added a really nice citrus note to the background. It also kind of simulated a fizzy feeling. Not the actually texture, but the taste of a fizzy drink. I added this in to make it feel more as if it where a "ADE".

Lime (CAP) - I didn't push this flavor too hard. I didn't want it to overpower the other flavors. It is a light lime flavor, but it isn't light as to where it wouldn't be unnoticed. I suppose you could punch this flavor up a little if you wanted the lime more in the forefront.

Golden Pineapple (CAP) - Adds a nice tartness to this mix. Not candied tasting at all. I get a authentic pineapple taste from this. More so as if the juice from canned pineapple.

If you choose to mix this, please leave your comments below and make sure to rate this recipe.


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