Creamy Churro 

Gravatar - by MikeC, May 24. 2014, 00:40


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Flavor West has an Excellent Cinnamon Churro and adding just a small percent of CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut makes this flavor a wonderful vape. Nice smooth cinnamon like taste on inhale and on exhale the chocolate smooths out the Danish with a slight hint of chocolate dough flavour. ADV for me and you can shake and vape it without waiting, but 1 day makes the chocolate pop more.

#1 by MikeC, Nov 15. 2015, 22:05
This was just a quick whip up recipe and shake and vape I like to go to once in a while.
#2 by WhiteRaven, Mar 9. 2016, 18:48
Thanks!!!! :)))
#3 by Briggs, Mar 21. 2016, 17:20
Can I use anything g else for the sugar cookie I don't have any cookie flavors
#4 by MikeC, Mar 22. 2016, 04:24
Briggs, you could just leave it out. This flavor is pretty good, the Sugar cookie just gives it more of a bakery flavor with a little sugar to follow. I have had it both ways and it is just fine, not exactly the same, but still just as good.
#5 by BARREJUICE, Oct 10. 2016, 20:30
If i want to make 500ml of it what should how much ml of each flavor do i need?
#6 by miles, Feb 13. 2017, 19:28
Can you use cinnamon sugar cookie instead?
#7 by FerBaaL, Jul 26. 2017, 02:50
MikeC very accurate in your description, I used TPA cinnamon Sugar Cookie and I can really taste the cinnamon first and then the Chocolate Dough! Great and simple... 5 stars my friend.
#8 by MikeC, Jul 26. 2017, 04:59
Ferball, Its not bad, just bought some Capella Churro, going to have to try it with that and see if it is worth changing it to that version of Churro, have heard good things about Capella's version.
#9 by FerBaaL, Jul 26. 2017, 05:55
Mike, as soon as you try it, please let us know... Because this one (with FW) is very good! If capella makes a better Churro I will end up doing 500ml hehehe
#10 by FerBaaL, Jul 27. 2017, 03:15
Mike... I just found a little "harsh" on the recipe... maybe it's the Chocolate Doughnut, I used 2 drops of TPA Smooth per 5ml and now I think it's better! Maybe you can try it too, it smooths all the flavors making it more rounded.
#11 by MikeC, Jul 27. 2017, 12:42
FerBaal, I'm finding that the (CAP) Choco Doughnut has a harsh flavor too, that probably will help. Still have not had a chance to try with (CAP) Churro, probably this weekend I'll mix it.
#12 by Chillhouse, Sep 25. 2018, 07:08
I added cinnamon sugar in place of sugar and it was great
#13 by Thor, Nov 19. 2020, 19:48
This is a great recipe! Thanks for sharing!

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