Blizzard (Tiramisu Cocktail) 

Gravatar - by Shaner, Nov 2. 2015, 05:04


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

A little boozy as a Shake and Vape, which I like, but it mellows after it has aged a few days and all the flavors meld together. I suggest trying it both ways.

Yummy creamy, a little spicy, coffee cocktail.

#1 by Amy***, Nov 2. 2015, 07:38
Oh sounds Devine ! I almost got holiday spice last week. Dang it Errh next time !
#2 by Shaner, Nov 2. 2015, 08:27
Ya gotta get it, it's a great flavor to have.
#3 by Amy***, Nov 2. 2015, 11:38
Ok and gin on the list !
#4 by Amy***, Nov 2. 2015, 11:41
Does it taste like egg nog ?
#5 by Shaner, Nov 3. 2015, 10:17
Sorry, I have never had eggnog so I couldn't say, but I wouldn't think so.
#6 by Amy***, Nov 3. 2015, 12:38
It says nutmeg, so not really egg nog.
#7 by vmasters, Oct 17. 2022, 00:18
my best coffee so far and i cant even get holiday spice, worked it to 20% flavouring to the vg/pg combination, (no nic) 65 35 for the winter and 70 30 for summer PG VG combo

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