Milkman Currios clone v1 

Gravatar - by facepa1mer, Nov 7. 2015, 14:17


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by ŁønɇVȺᵽɇɍ, Nov 10. 2015, 09:44
Not had the original.. but this is bloody yum, nice one :)
#2 by gilesdavis, Nov 11. 2015, 02:18
Hey OP! How close do you feel this is to the original?
#3 by facepa1mer, Nov 12. 2015, 14:16
The original also has apple pie (TPA) flavor (i believe, about 3%) and all "creamy base" should be reduced by 2-4%, I have considered this in version2
#4 by mackditty, Jan 25. 2016, 06:55
Have you ever had Tenacious Toast by Simply E-Juice? I have a feeling that they use the same recipe as the Churros people. I've been trying to clone it, this recipe is very close, especially with the TFA Cinnamon Sugar Cookie, do you think it may have a bit of Gingerbread in it as well? Just a suggestion, there are quite a few other people who have the same recipe (Hammett Bridge - Snuickerdoodle, Fog Dog - Bear Claw)
#5 by BpalfZ, Feb 20. 2016, 06:55
Is there a version two coming up?
#6 by Joseph1017, May 15. 2017, 04:37
Very good, nice milky Cherrio after taste.
#7 by luuul, Jul 2. 2019, 19:15
can i use sugar cookie instead cinnamon sugar cookie?

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