TOC'S Famous Pumpkin Pie 

Gravatar - by TOC MichelleHughes, Sep 27. 2019, 04:58


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 14 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


I have a very hard time vaping cinnamon (so I substituted eggnog for the light spice) If you can tolerate cinnamon, then I'd encourage you to try .25% Cin Ceylon (FA) to get a more authentic spice flavor. The Yam is standing in for the pumpkin on this recipe. Cheesecake Crust/sugar cookie gives a nice "cooked" pie base. The sweet cream serves as the whipped topping.

#1 by TOC MichelleHughes, Oct 5. 2019, 07:18
Steeping 10/5/2019
#2 by TOC MichelleHughes, Oct 7. 2019, 06:49
Why the heck are you releasing this without the 7 day steep? Because for the first time in 3 years I FINALLY found a flavor that works for unspiced pumpkin puree, Flavorah Yam. I'm vaping it now and I can taste the pumpkin and my heart is happy!!!!!
#3 by TOC MichelleHughes, Oct 7. 2019, 06:53
You WILL taste pumpkin with this. That's the first flavor that hits my palate. If it's too much for you (it wasn't for me) take it down a little :)

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