This juice will hopefully appeal to fans of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII. Cloning this juice has been an obsession of mine for the majority of 2019 and I have mixed well over 100 variations before settling on the recipe posted here; version #96 of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII, and damn near spot-on.
This juice has a depth and complexity I have not found thus far in any other CLR clone. It is quite dynamic and tends to become quite spicy when chain-vaped in quick succession. An ADV, this is all I vape now and as a consequence has saved me considerable money (one 60 ml bottle of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII costs approximately AUD$50.)
NOTE: No flavour substitutions will work here so mix this exactly as stated, otherwise your results will certainly not taste like Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII and will likely be disappointing!
Anyway, I have made all the clones and remixes of Castle Long and Castle Long Reserve that I could find online and while some were nice none of them were anywhere near close to CLR VII... at least, in my opinion. The majority of Castle Long and Castle Long Reserve clones tend to have TPA Coconut Extra, TPA Kentucky Bourbon, and TPA Brown Sugar. I believe these flavours to be incorrect.
I tried many, many combinations of coconut (e.g. Purilum Fresh Coconut, Flavorah Sweet Coconut, TPA Coconut Extra, FA Coco', etc) and almond; e.g. Capella Toasted Almond, Flavor Art Almond + TPA Acetylpyrazine/TPA Popcorn Air Popped (2,3,5-Trimethylpyrazine), etc, but could not hit the complex spicy top notes of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII until I combined TPA Coconut Candy, TPA Toasted Almond, TPA Red Oak, TPA French Vanilla, and TPA Bourbon. I started to wonder if Five Pawns use only TPA flavourings in their CLR VII.
Brown sugar flavouring is not needed, nor are any sweeteners as the juice has a sweet and caramelic body thanks to high levels of vanillins and maltols from the other flavourings, in particular, TPA Coconut Candy.
TPA Kentucky Bourbon is too astringent and overpowering, even at low percentages (ditto for FLV Bourbon).
TPA Bourbon is a much better fit adding a slight but noticeable whiskey note.
TPA Coconut Extra is far too synthetic and sharp a coconut flavouring to be used here.
FA Coco' (Coconut) and FLV Sweet Coconut both had a queerness on the inhale that I found quite objectionable.
PUR Fresh Coconut was too 'coconutty' and lacked the prominent aromatic spiciness of CLR VII.
TPA Coconut Candy, to me, is the dominant aroma and flavour of Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve VII. 8.0 % may seem relatively high, however being quite a delicate flavour (and not what I'd call an obvious coconut flavouring either) the high percentage is necessary in order for it to cut through the more robust and dominant flavourings.
CAP French Vanilla is much to strong and sickly a custard flavouring.
TPA French Vanilla adds to the spiciness of TPA Coconut Candy.
FA Liquid Amber gives a slight sourness to the finish.
FLV Oak Barrel is far to thin and astringent to work here.
FA Oak Wood helps bolster the woodiness of TPA Red Oak (see below) while also serving to round off the slight sharpness of TPA Red Oak.
As stated, FLV Oak Barrel does not work here.
TPA Red Oak is the dominant oak flavouring most reminiscent of CLR VII.
A small but noticeable amount of TPA Taro is added to give the juice an earthy depth (go easy with this one - unless you really like the taste of raw potato!)
CAP Toasted Almond does not work here, neither does FA Almond.
TPA Toasted Almond is the almond most like that in Five Pawns CLR VII. It was quite difficult to get the percentage right as there is a lot of flavour synergy happening between TPA Toasted Almond, TPA Coconut Candy and TPA Red Oak.
TPA Madagascar Vanilla Bourbon was a close fit however it left a strange lingering aftertaste I wasn't quite able to put my finger on... therefore it was dropped.
FA Vanilla Bourbon (Vaniglia) is the only vanilla flavouring I could get to sit properly in this mix; all other vanillas strayed too far from the flavour of Five Pawns CLR VII.
Best mixed at 50:50 VG/PG ratio to maximise flavour. I have found 45 W at ~0.3 ohm dual-coil (22 ga Kanthal A1) build in a Geek Vape 4 ml Peerless to provide the best flavour. This juice doesn't gunk coils anywhere near as quickly as the original Five Pawns Castle Long Reserve, though I do tend to change cotton once every few days just to keep the flavour fresh and minimise the buildup and burning of excess furfuryl alcohol (from TPA Red Oak).
This has been a lot of work and very challenging to get right so mix and enjoy and please comment.
Cheers :)