This is a super simple, super delicious chocolate milk. It's basically Ninjaman or Golden Ticket, except way cheaper. The sweetener can be tweaked, but removing it destroys the recipes. It's vital for the chocolate
Hi do you know if there are any decent alternatives to one on one chocolate milk? I've just had a look and it looks like it's not available in the UK...and I don't fancy spending £20 on shipping! 😮
@cdiddy316 i feel you man. Popular One on one aromas are rare in the EU, right now is the first time i have seen milky undertone and powdered sugar in stock at Chefs for months.
Yup, I think you are 100% right!! Thanks man this is delicious and satisfying! Great off of the shake, but I'm sure it will be better in a few days, Cheers
New mixer here, about a week in. Been watching many of your videos, very helpful, so I figured I'd try a couple of your recipes. This is real good right after mixing, can't wait for it to steep and settle in a couple days. Thanks for all the good info you put out!
thank you for this golden ticket is one of my all time favorites. I am on my third mix of this because I vaped the other two lol I added 1.5 super sweet because I like sweet.