Betelgeuse (v13)
A dark red fruit recipe that leans towards realistic. Consisting of forest fruits, raspberries, strawberries and a hint of lemon it's really something you could vape all day.
FA Forest Fruits sits at the base of this mix. Its a sweet mix of fruits that blends the red fruits. It's one of my all-time favorite flavorings and definitely worth trying at least. You can adjust this +/- 0.2%, but I found 2% works the best.
INW Raspberry and Shisha Raspberry make up for one of the best raspberry combo's I've tried so far. At 0.7+0.3% it combines the best of both, giving you a bold red raspberry flavor that leans towards realistic. Not overpowering, chemical, floral or vegetal at all, unlike most other flavorings. Sitting at the front of the vape, I believe it's perfect this way, but if you want less raspberry you can take them down a point one or two percent without messing up the general profile.
CAP Sweet Currant adds a dark and deep sweetness to the mix and reinforces the FA Forest Fruits. A relatively new flavor that quickly became one of my favorites. You can lower this to 1.8% in this mix, but I wouldn't take it over 2%.
RF Strawberry. "Non-tasters" rejoice. It's a slightly over ripe strawberry that leans to realistic. It's what I always imagined TPA Strawberry Ripe to taste like, except I can actually taste/sense this one. If you don't have this in your arsenal you better add it quickly as the company went out of business. On its own its not as great as mixed with the following as it lacks bright tones and the aroma needs to be masked/layered. If you want a more upfront overripe strawberry in this mix you can take it up to 2.5%.
INW Shisha Strawberry adds bright almost candy-like strawberry notes to the layer. You can adjust this to 1.5%, but I really don't think this mix requires more than 1 as we only really need the bright notes from it.
FLV Alpine Strawberry. As a finishing touch for this layer, this strawberry component contributes as a well balanced and rounded, sweet, almost perfectly ripe strawberry. Use with caution. Anything over 0.3 will turn into a strawberry blossom garden. At 0.2% however its a completely different world. These 3 strawberry's work great as a strawberry base for "non-tasters".
CAP Italian Lemon Sicily. This is what gives this mix a brighter candy-like ice-lolly note. This flavoring fades out a little after a few days, but blends it into a lemonade-type without being too upfront about it. You can take it up to or down 0.5%, but I think 2% is perfect.
FE Lemon actually produces a tangy tingle on your tongue adding zest to the lemon layer. This flavoring also fades into a lemonade type, but the tingle remains. At more than 0.8% it becomes overpowering, but less than 0.6% it steeps out almost completely.
I like to add 0.5% CAP Super Sweet to this mix. You could do with 0.3 or 0.4% as some of the flavorings are naturally sweet.
I have been working on this recipe for months. It has been tested across many different DTL setups.
I'll be glad to know if you like it!