Vanilla Custard V5 

Gravatar - by Display Name, Nov 5. 2019, 23:17


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 28 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This is a cleaner and clearer tasting thicker and creamier vanilla custard than V3

I've taken everything i liked so much from V3, swiped straight past V4, and jumped straight into V5 heading for all things naughty and risky.

This is something which is absolutely not for the Diacetyl Shy.
It is extremely Rich, Heavy Set, "Vanilla Creamed (with extra emphasis on the creamed) Custard".

#1 by Outlaw, Nov 6. 2019, 06:12
Cream (CCW)
Devon Cream (CCW)

#2 by Display Name, Nov 6. 2019, 07:49
Thank you Outlaw
Got fed up of it predicting inaccurate values.
#4 by Display Name, Nov 8. 2019, 07:22
Thank you Outlaw.
I'm not sure I've got the time to input every flavour i own but i will make sure when i add another recipie i use the search function properly and select the correct naming according to the site.

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