TOC'S Creamy Dream Orange (revisited) 

Gravatar - by TOC MichelleHughes, Jan 21. 2020, 01:14


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 1 day

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Using a mixture of FA oranges brings out the flavor of our favorite citrus in this. Vanilla custard II is light enough to where it helps French Vanilla ice cream without covering up those oranges we want shining through. The sweetener can be exchanged in this as its only purpose is to sweeten this up. If it's too sweet for you, simply omit the sweetener all together. I like a sweet vape.

#1 by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 24. 2020, 19:38
I've also mixed this with FA ice cream and it works fine at the same percentage for this mix. The only reason I went with the French Vanilla Ice Cream for this one is because it has a little more richness than FA ice cream and I wanted that for this mix.
#2 by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 24. 2020, 19:41
Another note. The TPA II doesn't require much steep time, so if you decide to use another vanilla cream (or custard) you're going to want to account for a steep time not needed in this recipe. 24 hours was great for me on this.

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