Black Irish Creme 

Gravatar - by Kinnikinnick, Feb 18. 2016, 22:54


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
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This black and mild cigarillo tobacco vape has a wonderful chocolate flavor backed by a nice mellow creamy mix of Irish cream and a shot of whiskey to top it off. I'm liking the Cap Irish cream quite a lot; took me a while to find the proper Irish cream.

*Changes made 3/10/16:
Lowered IC, Whiskey, Cavendish by .5% and DNB by .25%. Added Espresso.

Last Batched 2/18/16

#1 by Jose, Jan 18. 2016, 15:25
I'm glad you like the Irish Cream :-) I will have to try this one.
#2 by Kinnikinnick, Jan 18. 2016, 18:25
It's been a long road with the Irish cream! I have FW Irish cream but haven't mixed with it yet; here's hoping I didn't waste my money......again.
#3 by Jose, Feb 9. 2016, 16:53
I finally had a taste of this today. I've got a very persistent bug so my taste is off. It's slowly getting better now. I've had it steeping for 3 weeks now and it's very good! Let me know how the FW Irish Cream is working out.
#4 by Kinnikinnick, Feb 11. 2016, 04:34
Thx! Haven't mixed with the FW IC yet..... I've been too wrapped up in tobacco on tobacco mixes lately. But, I'm glad you liked the mix. I need to make another batch myself soon. This was actually made for JoJo's brother in law! Never found out if he liked it or not! Hope he did!
#5 by Kinnikinnick, Feb 18. 2016, 23:15
Jiggered this a bit. Added Cavendish TA to soften things up a bit and lowered the Irish Cream. Perhaps the next rendition will have a bit of cappuccino; feeling the need for some cafe ole in the mix.
#6 by JoJo, Mar 17. 2016, 16:28
I still haven't heard back from my BiL either, but I love this one! It's sweet and creamy with a nice, dark, earthy kinda flavor. I'm gonna have to get these flavors so I can make a big bottle for myself! :)
#7 by Kinnikinnick, Mar 17. 2016, 17:53
No worries about the BiL; I'm just hoping he's found something he likes and not back to the stinkies. Glad you like the mix. I backed down some of the flavors in the mix since the original; found some to be a bit much for me.
#8 by Mohamed Ashraf, Feb 3. 2019, 17:49
Can I replace black and mild with another cigar flavor and what can I replace with and I want to low the cream level because I don like creamy tast with what percent should I go.

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