does this need steep? im getting a slight floral taste.. other than that I feel like it could really be an all day vape. wonder if that taste will settle after steeping?
I believe I left it at 7%, also hard candy is so strong it will make it taste like a flower. I believe I lowered that to .5%. I'm going to mix it up again and ill report back, I cant find my notes at moment. It is a very tasty vape!
Excellent flavour, lowered watermelon to 5% and Candy to 3% and tastes great. I left the sweetener out as I just didnt have any but still tastes fantastic. This is my everyday vape and works with a fast steep in warm water.
Subbing FW hard candy with SSA Fruit Hard Candy @0.5%. The FW flavor is unavailable anywhere near me, or even from my overseas vendors. Will report back with a review in a couple of days!