Milk and Honey Clone by kaptainemerica (Adapted - TC) 

Gravatar - by JoJo, Jan 22. 2016, 19:26


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Made 12/11.
12/13 - Subtle but pleasant.
12/20 - Something about this that I like a lot. Still subtle with a bit of AP, I’m guessing from the biscuit. Yummy.
12/26 - Oh yeah. I’m loving this.
1/2 - This will definitely become one that I’ll keep on hand at all times.
1/9 - Oh so good. I just don't even know how to describe this. Milky, cookie, nutty love. :P

Not sure what happened, but the AP got a bit overwhelming and it started to taste like mexican food. Gonna drop down the biscuit a bit I think.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by probywan, Jan 29. 2016, 09:37
interested in giving this a try. does it actually taste like cosmic fog's milk and honey?
#2 by JoJo, Jan 29. 2016, 12:43
No clue, I've never tried it. The original that kaptain posted is said to be pretty dang close, though. If you have all of the flavors, you might try that one first.
#3 by probywan, Jan 30. 2016, 06:08
Yeah I tried his. It tasted nothing even close to the original. Thanks though ;)
#4 by JoJo, Jan 30. 2016, 06:09
Worth a shot. ;) If you make this one, you'll have to let me know. One of these days I'll get around to trying all these awesome liquids everyone is trying to clone. LoL
#5 by Jeff and Ryan , Mar 12. 2016, 04:40
I made 2 Milk and honey clones. If you look on my page the milk and honey clone original is max vg and is very smooth. The recipe calls for 70/30 but I didn't add any pg. I think it's better than the original. Definitely need to let it steep for a week. Well worth the wait

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