Avant Limeade 

Gravatar - by Rugly , Jul 25. 2020, 20:16


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 2 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

CAP Lemon Lime is an ideal base for a limeade. It's pretty well balanced but you get a lot of the lime up front and the lemon sticks around through the exhale. It's sweet, not sour or bitter and has a good amount of body.

I've added FA Marshmallow to round out the edges and give the profile a nice creamy head.

CAP Hibiscus is sticky and sweet. It's not a main note here but it does help everything around adding to the authenticity.

VTA Persian Lime is the star of this show. It is a zesty natural lime that sticks around through the steep. Very Good.

Some sweetener is essential for this recipe. I use CAP Super Sweet at 0.5% and I think this is a minimum.

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#1 by Route 66 Fanatic, Oct 26. 2020, 00:04
This is on the list of ADVs. It is outstanding!

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