Simple Apple Shisha (Hookah) 

Gravatar - by TBX12, Aug 12. 2020, 15:19


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

INW Bahraini can be vaped solo @ 3% and it'll be fine.
Add some PUR Country Apple and it goes into another dimension, so good!
Sweet, warm, baked apples with a hint of refreshing anise and floral notes, just like a shisha/hookah!

Shake 'n Vape!

Enjoy friends

#1 by Zany, Sep 19. 2020, 12:54
This is spot on Apple Shisha!
It was a bit daunting for me to mix up since I usually steer clear of bacco flavors/mixes(don't ask why I even have the bahraini apple).

But this was surprisingly good - Bright forward apple, and then that anise note. Then this heavy base note which I'm guessing is the bacco doing its thing.

Would recommend, even if you're not into bacco mixes.
#2 by isuamadog, Sep 27. 2020, 14:16
this recipe is so damn good that I logged into ELR just to tell you about it. THIS is the definition of 'apple shisha for me. The addition of PUR country apple is PUR fricken brilliance. If you like anise, I recommend vaping it early on. If you like a little anise, wait a few days and watch it fade; you'll miss it when it's gone in the same way that it's nice to think about vacation when you're home back in your own goddamned bed.6 stars only because tbx is one too in my book.
#3 by mixman, Oct 11. 2020, 06:01
I liked it off the shake fine, it was bold and tasty. However, I liked it much better after it sat a few days. Shisha is fine, anise is fine, but after a few days reminds me of a spiced baked apple. The kind only family makes, with some unusual spice that you can't identify but tastes delicious nonetheless. I don't really get a bacco vibe from this recipe at all, not good or bad, just noting. It's probably due to my inexperience with hookah.

Sweet, fruity, and just the right touch floral. No off notes, no throat hit.

Great job TBX12, I like it, tasty!
#4 by Sarbz, Jan 7. 2021, 11:14
I finally got my hands on Bahraini Apple to try this. It wasn't quite what I was after. So I subbed Purilum Country Apple for FLV Red Apple and also put in Fuji Apple. It's now at the taste I am looking. Still need to play around a bit to get what I exactly want but it is a really good vape. Thanks TBX for the inspiration :)
#5 by Tarax, Jan 25. 2021, 09:21
Holy crap, this is nice. This is a spot on Double Apple Shisha vape for me. The anise note is very forward off the shake but I happen to like that! After a few days it settles down but it is still delicious.
Only downside to this recipe is that it lingers in my wick and I have to rewick to get rid of the anise ;-) Better get an RDA dedicated to this mix, I guess!
#6 by Jenevxn, Sep 25. 2024, 10:25
I think it taste like soap

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