🥣Golden Grahams🥣 (➕Blueberry Milk) -- SessionDrummer 

Gravatar - by Rocky Toony, Sep 3. 2020, 20:31


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 30 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This recipe was adapted from: tjek.nu/r/yk80
I wanted a BB milk cereal, but with more thick / creamy milk and less cereal.
What better place to start than with @SessionDrummer’s Golden Grahams recipe.
I cut the original recipe percents in half (except for the cream),
Added the 2 BB’s, SS, and VIC
This came out Amazing!
Full credit to @SessionDrummer for the cereal “base” 👍

SessionDrummer’s Original Golden Grahams recipe can be found here:

#1 by SessionDrummer, Sep 5. 2020, 14:42
Well dammit, at first, I was like, "WTF, you got your Blueberry Milk in my Golden Grahams". Then, I looked closer, and thought, "Wait, could this BE good" ??


I'm mixing this unholy abomination up now Rocky, despite, and going against the advice of my legal counsel.
#2 by SessionDrummer, Sep 5. 2020, 14:43
#3 by Rocky Toony, Sep 5. 2020, 16:26
@SessionDrummer, you sound like that old commercial
“You got your chocolate in my peanut butter” blah blah blah 🤣

Give it 2 weeks minimum, and thank me later 😉
#4 by Grey, Dec 18. 2020, 14:07
Hows this mix working out ?
#5 by Rocky Toony, Dec 18. 2020, 21:36
Hey Grey, I’ve been mixing this one up every two weeks and between this and @SessionDrummer’s OG GG, I’ve gone thru a ton of cereal 27. The Blueberry MF is plenty potent stuff here at 0.75% but BB’s are like Strawberry’s to me always too weak in a mix. I’ve tried to get a straight answer out of SessionDrummer on his thoughts but hehe, think he may be still butthurt over what I did to his masterpiece !
#6 by SessionDrummer, Dec 19. 2020, 00:19
Oh wait Rock, I'm guessing you DIDN'T get my Cease and Desist letter yet ?? Fucking USPS !!!!


Alright, when I FIRST tried this Rock I was like WTF ?? Is this good, is it bad ?? It was literally NO reflection on your adaptation, but MORE the fact that I probably flushed $90.00-$100.00 down the drain trying to NAIL this profile. The amount of focus, failed attempts, tweaking CANNOT be understated. SO, with THAT said, when I first tried this, I was like "Wait, that's NOT the profile", BUT, remember, I had been singularly focused on the EXACT profile of my GG. I waited a week or two, then re-mixed yours up again, and I could better assess it. Remember, it's a constant struggle to NOT fall back into the GG creation mode for me, and I liked it. Even to a casual observer, they might be thinking, "Wait, GG is like a wheat/corn brown sugar, cinnamon thing, and there's BLUEBERRIES in it" ?? !!!!

This adaptation is PROOF that things can look ONE way on paper, but entirely different boots on the ground vaping. Clearly you chose well with the MF Blueberry (you remember my review, right ?), and the BB Jam added in (duh) some jammie aspects, and subtle notes not in the MF, The halving of the cereal had me guessing at first, as I had fairly low percentages in the GG, BUT, the proof is in the vaping. It worked very well, and I think better allowed the BB's to shine without being overpowered by the GG.

All in, it surprised me, and although at first glance, I thought NO WAY were Blueberries going to pair with the GG, but they did.

#7 by Rocky Toony, Dec 19. 2020, 01:20
Yeah I got the Letter @SessionDrummer, (my Lawyers working on it, hehe!) And yeah I remember your review, it was that and the push from fiddy to pick up the MF BB, and glad I did. The low percentage of your GG in the mix was intended to achieve the “Blueberry Milk in the bottom of the bowl”
While at the same time paying homage to a great / the great Golden Grahams recipe, (my Lawyer told me to say that) hehe!
Thanks for your thoughts on this Dman, much appreciated !
#8 by Grey, Dec 19. 2020, 15:49
Now after reading all that im definitely going to mix me up a Batch,
Hell Yeah.
Thanks .
#9 by Craigg2020, Mar 27. 2022, 12:51
My 90ml bottle is steeping now. I already know I’m gonna love it. (Mixed your Blueberry Monster remix) Thanks for the recipes! I just don’t have time to do all the SFT’s and everything else it takes to come up with many of my own recipes. Thanks again!!!
#10 by Rocky Toony, Mar 27. 2022, 14:46
Hey Craigg hope you enjoy it. To truly appreciate the “base” in this mix I highly recommend also mixing up this one from SessionDrummer: tjek.nu/r/yk80

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