MD Pepe is a FRAUD!! He's really Mr. Cherry Vanilla Diet Coke. Do not take medical advice from "MD" Pepe. He is not licensed.
I was working on this when Nevans posted his cherry cola recipe, and i looked at it, and took from it like he would want me to.
i used OOO cream soda vs vta creaming soda, its just as good if not more soda-y. cotton candy to boost the caramel soda notes without adding extra caramel and it worked out PERFECTLY splendid. Thanks Nick ;*
i brought a bit more vanilla with the ssa vanilla sugar, just sweet vanilla, smells like frosting but in this mix that isnt what it does. this mix has a very smooth cherry-esque vanilla cola vibe. maybe not coke. maybe diet coke. idk but definitely a solid soda. thanks again nick for showing me i could push it to 4 as well.
ssa purple plum and ripe cherry are friggin awesome together in this and great flavorings. loving ssa.
@EyeMsam this DOES look great. I literally JUST picked up the Purple Plum, but I can tell you the simple pairing of JUST the Cola and the Ripe Cherry has worked flawlessly, so I can't wait to see what the PP does to/for it.
No sascha thats a nevans trick to boost the soda caramalization and thanks session! PP can get a lil floral on its own but in this is worked out really well. Not quite Dr Pepper but deff a cherry vanilla soda type. I really enjoyed it. Cant wait to try yours!