hey @az445, love this recipe. but i can't find m-type anymore, it seems that tpa has stopped producing it. do you know any similar aroma, besides western, ? i read somewhere that tpa's "bitter nut extra" is the same, have you tried it? thanks.
http://www.kidneypuncher.com/the-flavor-apprentice-tobacco-flavors/ they have a new one. If that isn't it let me know. Pay for shipping and i will give you all of those flavors. Made it for family. Not my thing.
hey @as445. thanks for the reply. i've checked kidneypuncher and it seems that the new m type they offer, it's "cowboy blend", later renamed to "western". i know the western flavor and although it has the same profile, the flavor is a downgraded version of m-type. so no go on the western. thanks for your offer, man. i'm interested in it. noob question, how do i PM you here in eLR???
Hey guys..interested on the marlboro flavor alot....if i got this correct...western (cowboy) is simply called western (tpa)...and m-type is bitter nut ?
@blakfinger of course! I’ve been searching for a good Marlboro base for some time, figured I couldn’t be the only one wondering what would replace M-Type.
@CopenGritz At TPA´s webpage y found that the relationship for M-Type is: "4oz of Bitter Nut Extra Flavor + 1.4ml Tabanon (Approximately 18 drops) = M-Type".
In other words 118ml Bitter Nut Extra + 1.4 ml Tabanon
Tabanon is expensive (4ml - 9.50 USD)
@Blakfinger thanks for the updated info, the formula I had found was an email to someone on reddit in 2017. I agree that it is expensive but if those flavor is a good as I’ve heard from different sources, then I’m not all that worried, as 4ml of Tabanon can make roighly340Ml of M-Type